Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1566: God Punishment【4】

"Don't worry, the ancestors won't let us die in vain." Tianhui showed a look on his face before holding the winning ticket, and his face was unpredictable. "This time Mu Qianyue came to the realm of our sacred mountain, and this time She didn’t bring so many people with her, only two pet beasts, and a fifth-order **** king, haha...that is to say, she was also the three true gods beside her, as for the first-order **** emperor, Don’t bother. You will go back to retreat separately. After ten days, we will go back to the mountain to find Mu Qianyue’s whereabouts. We must kill her with one blow! This woman is very cunning, and you must not let her escape, otherwise The troubles are endless!"

When it comes to the latter, Tianhui's face rarely becomes serious again.

Hearing that, the great elder's expression became visibly loose. Fortunately, this time Mu Qianyue only brought two pets by her side, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with!

"But you can't take it lightly. The two pet beasts next to her are not small. One is the ancient beast White Tiger, and the other is the Kunpeng known for speed! But our goal is Mu Qianyue, as long as we kill Mu Qianyue Good." Tianhui frowned slightly.


The ancient beast white tiger? And Kunpeng?

The big elder and the others stared incredibly, and couldn't help taking a few breaths of air-conditioning, "How can this Mu Qianyue be able to subdue the ancient sacred beast, the White Tiger, and even put Kunpeng in his pocket ..."

That's Kunpeng!

It is said that there is only this end in the whole world!

But it was under Mu Qianyue's command!

Can you not be shocked? It is almost shocked!

So jealous! ! !

Tianhui carried his hands behind his back, walked slowly in the hall, and muttered, "This Mu Qianyue does have some tricks. It is said that the pet beasts around her are not simple. In addition to the white tiger and Kunpeng, there are also ancient dragons and nine-tailed snakes. The sky fox, the ancient ice snake, the ancient fierce beast Qiongqi, the ancient fierce beast Scorpion Emperor... Originally there were two beasts, the blue dragon and the black beast, but these two beasts were soul bodies, and their strength was far weaker than before. fear."

His words shocked the nine great elders like a thunderstorm. They thought it was shocking enough that she had Baihu and Kunpeng, but they didn't expect that as the palace owner said the names of these monsters, they were already shocked. There was nothing to say, so I could only look at each other and stare!


Is that human being?

How can you still take so many ancient sacred beasts and fierce beasts by your side!

This is still the state of Qinglong and Xuanwu as soul bodies. If these two goods also have physical bodies, wouldn't it be...

There is not even a pet beast around them!

She has so many by herself! so much! so much! ! !

And they are still awesome characters! It's so popular!

In fact, they had also contracted Warcraft before, but the varieties of those Warcraft were weaker than ancient divine beasts and fierce beasts.

And as their strength increased, the strength of those monsters did not get much improvement, so that the gap was getting bigger and bigger, the cultivation of monsters was much more difficult than human beings.

So when their strength becomes higher, the pet beasts are given up by them. Even if they are not as fast as mounts, they usually break the contract with these pet beasts, and then give them to their proud disciples or children and grandchildren. People.

However, Mu Qianyue has such a perverted method in his hands to keep the strength of the pet beast synchronized with the master. What does this mean? It represents strength!

If they have one or a few such pet beasts around them, their combat effectiveness will be greatly improved!

So all of them looked very excited, and they couldn't wait to get this method into the bag immediately.

"Hall Master, what are you going to do with that white tiger and Kunpeng?" The Great Elder came back to his senses, gathered the gleaming light in his eyes, and looked at Tianhui and asked.

"Of course I subdued them. After all, this is a sacred beast. Since Mu Qianyue is a traitor to the Celestial Clan, she is not worthy of having these. She must have used some method to force these sacred beasts to submit. We killed Mu Qianyue. If they can rescue them, they will be grateful to us, and then recognize us as Lord." Tianhui's face was triumphant and arrogant, and his face was awe-inspiring, as if Baihu and Kunpeng had to be grateful to him.

The Great Elder and others nodded in agreement, "Yes! It is true, Mu Qianyue must have used some despicable method to force the beasts to stay by her side, it is really despicable!"

"I wanted to destroy her dantian and save her life. It seems that such a person is a scourge to live and must be eradicated!"

"We God's punishment exists in the world just to walk the way for the heavens?"

Everyone said it was righteous, as if Mu Qianyue was so evil...

"Well, you should go back and take the True God Pill first. I will give you ten days to digest the medicine completely and consolidate the strength within ten days, and gather after ten days!" Tianhui's eyes sank and he issued an order in a cold voice.

"Yes, Hall Master." The Great Elder and others nodded excitedly, and turned and left.


The sacred mountain stretches for tens of thousands of miles, majestic, majestic and steep, with lush trees, covering the sky.

The dense forest was quiet, with only occasional bird calls.

The four figures are walking among the lush jungle, like walking in the garden, but the momentum of that body cannot be ignored.

Especially the purple-clothed woman headed, the slender figure reveals a cold and severe aura, and the cold eyes are raised lightly, and the real light and shadow shoot out, it is Mu Qianyue.

After these ten days of non-stop fighting, cultivation, and the aid of the medicine, Mu Qianyue's strength has been smoothly promoted to the second-order True God Realm, and his aura is very stable, not at all like someone who has just been promoted.

The strength of Bai Xue and Kunpeng also entered the second-order true gods as they wished.

The two of them had hardly practiced and did not fight. The only person who had been madly fighting and cultivating was Mu Qianyue, because they didn't want to grab resources with Mu Qianyue, and Mu Qianyue's strength increased, the two of them would follow suit.

Just looking at Mu Qianyue’s thinner face and figure, Bai Xue’s eyes revealed a touch of distress. To be honest, sometimes she really hopes that she can carry and practice for the master...

Yuan Han’s eyes were no less worried than Bai Xue. Although at the beginning he contracted with Mu Qianyue because of Xue’er, but as he got in touch with Mu Qianyue, he also understood her more and knew her. She knows her firmness and tolerance, knows the anger and hatred in her heart, and also knows her love and righteousness. I didn’t expect her endurance to be so strong...

Huo Xi's strength has also been promoted very quickly in these ten days, and he has been promoted to the first rank in almost two days, from the original first-order **** emperor to the sixth-order **** emperor realm.

His speed can be said to be like riding a rocket, very fast, but he is still dissatisfied, very dissatisfied, because this strength differs too much from the master, too much...

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