Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1578: The Celestial Clan [6]

The patriarch and most of the Yanhuang clan have seen Heavenly Dreams, but goodbye, they were still amazed.

The second prince, Yuqing, was a handsome person with a gentle smile on his face. He smiled gently at everyone and nodded, "Don’t be nervous, I’m here to take my eldest brother back. Yes, thank you Yan and Huang for taking care of him over the years."

"Dare not to be, the second prince's words are serious." The patriarch hurriedly waved his head and shook his head. Take care of us.” The patriarch hurriedly told the truth, he didn't dare to conceal the slightest bit of concealment at all, let alone greedy merits in front of Di Yuqing. If the second prince knew that he was lying, the end would be extremely miserable.

Di Yuqing nodded, the smile on his face remained unchanged. He was just saying something polite. Since he is here, he must have found out everything beforehand. The Yanhuang Patriarch is not greedy, so he is quite satisfied. of.

"By the way, where's the prince?" Di Yuchen glanced around the crowd, couldn't help but ask without seeing Nalanjing.

The patriarch was a little embarrassed, "This will... the prince shouldn't get up yet."

A few days ago, Emperor Yan was still very diligent, busy cultivating and dealing with things every day. Since Miss Mu came here, she has become ‘from now on the emperor will not reign early’.

However, Emperor Yan and Girl Mu are husband and wife, and they have a deep relationship and haven't seen each other for a long time. It is normal for them to be sticky together.

But it is impossible for the patriarch to say this.

When Di Yuqing heard the words, his eyes changed, and his face remained as usual, "My eldest brother must have suffered a lot when he was reincarnated for two consecutive lives this time before he could reach the realm of a true **** at the age of twenty-nine. Let him rest more. Yes, let's go to Yanhuang Palace first and call me when he wakes up."

The second emperor Yuqing was so considerate and gentle, which made the patriarch very surprised. The good impression of the second emperor Yuqing in his heart was a straight rise, and it could not be better.

"Okay, the second prince, the second imperial concubine comes with the younger." The patriarch respectfully led the way in front of him, and in front of the second prince Yuqing, he could only claim to be younger.

His position as the patriarch of the Yanhuang Clan is a top-notch existence in the entire Profound Heaven Realm!

Everyone respects him and fears him, but in the eyes of the heavenly race, he is nothing more than an ant-like existence.

So in the face of Di Yuqing, he didn't dare to neglect the slightest.

Di Yuqing nodded, followed behind the patriarch, and entered the city. Tian Meng walked beside him, and the two looked very good.

After entering the Yanhuang Palace, the patriarch took Di Yuqing and Tian Meng to temporarily stay in the Bliss Hall next to the Changsheng Hall in the main hall.

It's just that the whole morning has passed, and Nalanjing still doesn't appear. Di Yuqing's forehead has faint blue veins beating, but he conceals it well, and no one can see the emotion in his eyes.

The patriarch also felt this way, which was quite bad. He was secretly surprised that Emperor Yan had never been like this before. Why did it happen to wake up so late today?

In fact, Nalanjing woke up early in the morning, but did not come out in the house.

The patriarch felt that the atmosphere in the room was a bit solemn, wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, and whispered, "Second prince, second imperial concubine, I will go to see if the prince is up."

"En." Di Yu nodded faintly, his face was still light and gentle, and there was no sign of anger.

Upon hearing this, the patriarch quickly smeared the soles of his feet.

Suddenly Di Yuqing and Tian Meng were left in the Palace of Bliss.

"His Royal Highness, is the prince trying to disarm you?" Tian Meng stood beside Di Yuqing, a trace of anger surged in his beautiful eyes.

"Huh! This temper is big, it's exactly the same as before." Di Yuqing snorted displeasedly.

"His Royal Highness, the prince has been reincarnated twice. I didn't expect that God is still thinking about him. Now it has been more than 60,000 years. Now that the Lord has found him back, does he still want him to inherit the throne of God? Is it?" Tianmeng asked, her beautiful brows frowning, "God is too partial, you are also his son! Over the past sixty thousand years, you have given so much to the Celestial Clan, but he only thought about it. Di Yuchen, I can't see how good you are at all."

The color of Di Yuqing's eyes darkened a bit, and the whole body was a little cold, "Some things that should not be said should be rotted in the stomach, otherwise, if I let the father know, I can't protect you."

"Yes." Tianmeng nodded weakly, "I just... fight the injustice for your Highness!"

Di Yuqing did not speak any more, and the atmosphere in the room was a bit solemn and terrifying.

In the Hall of Longevity, Nalanjing and Mu Qianyue sit by the window and play against each other.

The warm and faint sunlight shone on both of them, and the atmosphere was harmonious and peaceful, unspeakably beautiful.

"It is said that your second brother is here, don't you go out to meet? It seems to be noon now." Mu Qianyue held the sunspot with one hand, her chin lightly raised, and she glanced at the sun in the sky, it seemed it was noon.

"I don't know him, let him wait." Na Lanjing looked careless.

In fact, early in the morning, he had already sensed that a strange aura had entered the Yanhuang Palace. There were also heavenly dreams. There were a lot of people coming and there was a lot of movement. How could he not hear it in the Palace of Longevity?

However, there is a barrier in the Hall of Longevity, and the movement outside the courtyard can be heard in the hall, but the movement inside the Hall of Longevity cannot be heard outside.

So Nalanjing and Mu Qianyue were playing chess here, eating, drinking, and having fun. Even if Di Yuqing was strong, they would not be able to detect the movement.

It wasn't until this game of chess was over that Nalanjing slowly stood up, took Mu Qianyue's hand, and walked out of the Palace of Longevity.

As soon as I left the Hall of Longevity, I saw the patriarch guarding there, sweating profusely and anxious.

When the patriarch saw that Nalanjing had finally come out, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief and hurried forward, "His Royal Highness, you are finally out!"

The patriarch's name for Nalanjing also unknowingly changed from Yandi to His Royal Highness.

Nalanjing nodded lightly, "Where are they?"

"The little one is arranged in the Palace of Bliss." The patriarch said.

"Go and tell them that you are awake." Nalanjing ordered, turned and returned to the Hall of Longevity.

The patriarch froze. He thought Nalanjing would go to the Palace of Bliss to meet them, but he didn't expect them to meet him in the Palace of Longevity...

In desperation, the patriarch had to run to spread the word. What made him relieved was that the second prince Peng Yuqing did not scold him, but let him lead the way and come to the Palace of Longevity with Tianmeng.

Under the Qionghua tree in the courtyard, there is a couple of men and women, both of whom are in the form of heaven and humans, white clothes like snow, purple clothes all complementing each other, and the match is incomparable, almost dazzling everyone's eyes...

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