Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1579: Wuya appeared [1]

There was a table and chairs made of pear trees under the Qionghua tree. I saw the woman lying lazily in the arms of the man. The man gently peeled her crystal grapes. The plump flesh was very sweet and attractive. The red lips lightly opened, holding the grapes he had fed, and smiling at him sweetly, the picture was almost unspeakably beautiful.

As soon as Tian Meng came in, she saw such a scene, and her heart stabbed so badly that she almost suffocated!

The ten fingers under the sleeves clenched tightly and squeaked, so she hated her to rush forward and tear that hard-eyed face!

Di Yuqing's brows frowned almost unrecognizable. He stepped forward and looked at Nalanjing, who was dressed in white, "Big Brother, I haven't seen you in more than 60,000 years. You are still the same as before, nothing has changed."

Nalanjing faintly raised her eyes, glanced at him, and continued to peel the grapes for Mu Qianyue. After a while, she turned her head and glanced at Di Yuqing, "Second prince, you laughed, I'm just a commoner."

"Brother, whether you admit it or not, you are the crown prince of the Celestial Clan. This is an unchangeable fact. Moreover, after returning to the Celestial Clan, you need to be baptized with holy water and be recognized by the Heavenly Dao before you can be regarded as truly returning to the Celestial Clan. .If Heaven does not recognize you, you cannot become the prince of the Celestial Clan.” Di Yu said lightly.

"Prime Realm, I will go back, but not with you." Nalanjing looked cold.

"Big brother, the emperor father has been missing you all these years. In fact, the emperor father wanted to take you back a long time ago, but you made a mistake more than 60,000 years ago. Even the emperor cannot protect you. The order of heaven is you. You won’t be able to return to the Celestial Clan without going through the calamity, and the emperor father can’t even see you. So don’t blame the emperor father.” Di Yuqing sighed softly, his gentle eyes full of love.

Nalanjing frowned, did not speak, but his eyes eased slightly. In this life, his parents have died, and he is the only one in the family. Apart from Yue'er and Fubo, he really has no relatives anymore. He stayed with him. At first, Cang Ming and Xuan Ye were next to him.

Then there was Yue'er, Xiao Ling, and Jiujiu before he had a family...

Now suddenly someone called his eldest brother, or Qianchen's relatives, this feeling is really impossible to say.

Hearing what Di Yuqing said at the moment, there was a ripple in his cold heart.

However, he wants to go back to the Heavenly Clan. Tian Meng, the woman, must get the punishment she deserves, what happened to her and Yue'er in the previous life, and find the Heavenly Refining Stone...

Nalanjing put away the coldness in his eyes and glanced up at Tian Meng beside Di Yuqing.

Seeing Nalanjing’s purple eyes, the eyes were cold and without temperature, making Tian Meng’s heart shudder, and for a moment of panic, her fingers under her sleeves tightened, pretending to be pure and innocent. In appearance, Chao Nalanjing blessed her body slightly, with a gentle and pleasant expression.

"Tianmeng has seen His Royal Highness."

Na Lanjing ignored her directly, her purple eyes were indifferent, and she was reluctant to give it to her.

Tian Meng's face was a little embarrassed, and she froze there. She tugged at the corner of her lips and found herself a step. "His Royal Highness still has the same temper as before, arrogant and indifferent, and looks down upon the world."

"Huh? Isn't this Pan Yinyin?" Tian Meng's gaze turned and fell on Mu Qianyue next to him, pretending to be surprised, and then looking at Nalanjing with a look of confusion and shock, "His Royal Highness, Why are you with Pan Yinyin? Are you still not giving up?"

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue rolled her eyes silently, this woman really knows how to pretend!

It's awesome to pretend and act so well!

Sure enough, as her words fell, Di Yuqing looked at Mu Qianyue, "Pan Yinyin? Are you really Yinyin? No... you are Yinyin's reincarnation."

His eyes were full of shock, surprise, and surprise.

"Even if it is a reincarnation, you are the reincarnation of Yinyin." Di Yuqing's lips curled slightly, "Yinyin, I didn't expect us to meet again."

Mu Qianyue's brows were frowning tightly. For his familiarity, calling her as Yinyin, she listened very uncomfortably, "My name is Mu Qianyue, I am not Pan Yinyin, and I have nothing to do with her. "

Wasn't Pan Yinyin designated as a traitor to the Celestial Clan more than 60,000 years ago?

It stands to reason that when Di Yuqing saw her, he should be jealous when his enemies met.

This look... really puzzling.

"Hehe, your temper is exactly the same as your eldest brother." Di Yuqing smiled. When he laughed, his eyebrows were flying, like the sun in the sky.

In this tone, she seemed to be very familiar with Mu Qianyue, as if she knew her very well.

Mu Qianyue frowned displeased, and ignored him.

Nalanjing's purple eyes quickly flashed an unpleasant touch, and she reached out her arm to hold Mu Qianyue's waist, as if she was swearing sovereignty, and raised her eyes coldly to the Emperor Yuqing in front of her, "Second Prince, please don't Speak in a tone that is familiar to my lady, she is not familiar with you."

The smile on Di Yuqing's face froze there.

The corner of Mu Qianyue's mouth bends, watching Na Lanjing's cold and unhappy expression, she is amused in her heart, this guy is really a vinegar bucket.

"Big Brother, I and Yinyin are very familiar from previous lives. I used to hide in the Qionghua Forest with Yinyin to drink. It was the agarwood drunk made by Yinyin himself, and I usually don't give it to others to drink." The expression on Di Yuqing's face only froze for a second, before he returned to his original smile, with a brilliant smile, and his gentle eyes looked at Mu Qianyue with tenderness.

Nalanjing's face was still as indifferent as usual. He was not angry because of Di Yuqing's words, but showed a slight displeasure, because he knew that Di Yuqing deliberately said this to anger him. If he is angry, it will be true. Was fooled.

"Oh? Really? She is your sister-in-law. You cheekily ask her for a few jars of wine, can she not give it to you? Of course, she gives you a drunk incense, so naturally it is because of my face." Nalan Jing Yi said disapprovingly, his cold tone was full of pride and confidence.

Di Yuqing: "..."

"Miss, did you say that I was right?" Nalanjing hugged Mu Qianyue's waist, feeling affectionately in her evil purple eyes, and while talking, she kissed her cheek as if there was no one.

"Of course, you are my husband, and your family is my family. Even if they want a jar of wine, even if they want all of my belongings, I will give it. I love you, so I will love your family together. "Mu Qianyue is also very good at acting. She looked back at Na Lanjing affectionately, and stretched out her hand to clean his clothes.

Although this is acting, to show Di Yuqing to watch, but these words are from Mu Qianyue's sincerity.

Jing's relatives are her relatives, and she loves houses and Wu.

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