Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1580: Wuya appeared [2]

Of course, this relative has meaning. He really loves Jing and treats him as a relative, not a false relative.

"Lady, you have you in this life, what can your husband do?" Nalan Jingxin softened suddenly, and he squeezed her hand. The whole world seemed to be left with each other, so what the second prince, the second imperial concubine, etc. All people have become air.

The deep affection flowed in this longevity palace.

"I have you in this life, I have nothing to ask for." Mu Qianyue looked back at him with a smile, hugged his neck, and couldn't help snuggling in his arms.

Di Yuqing, Tian Meng, and the patriarch were caught off guard by being stuffed with dog food, and they were all depressed. They knew they would be stuffed with dog food here, and they said nothing would come here at this time!

Di Yuqing's face didn't change much except for a bit of coldness, but his heart was ups and downs, and he was secretly surprised that his eldest brother had been reincarnated twice and his personality had changed a little, and he became so sweethearted!

You must know that although the eldest brother was very talented and strong, he was cold and unspoken, and would not say these coaxing love words at all, otherwise the misunderstanding between Yinyin and him would not be so deep...

After reincarnation twice, although his character is still indifferent as always, but in terms of love, it has changed...

Tian Meng was so jealous that his eyes were almost red, and the ten fingers under his sleeves were tightly twisted together, wishing to rush forward and tore away the lover who was holding him together!

Pan Yinyin! ! You vixen, it's not enough to seduce His Royal Highness, even Di Yuqing has been thinking about her...

Pan Yinyin, I won't let you go! !

The anger and hatred in Tian Meng's heart is like the fire on the dry land, out of control.

"Cough cough..." Di Yu coughed lightly and interrupted the two people in the hug before speaking slowly, "Brother, are you really not going back with us?"

"I said I would return to the Primordial Realm, but not to the Celestial Clan." Nalanjing's purple eyes were indifferent.

Seeing his resolute attitude, Di Yuqing sighed softly, "We will stay here for three days. After three days, if you think carefully, let's go with us. Don't worry, the father will not be embarrassed anymore, although In the past Yinyin did something sorry for the heavenly clan, but it has been more than 60,000 years, and Yinyin has also been punished for it, so the father is no longer pursuing this matter. You will return to the heavenly clan together, and then the father The wedding will be held again for you."

"I and Yue'er are husband and wife, why do we need to get married again?" Nalan Jing's eyes were cold.

"You and Yinyin return to the heavenly clan, when the gods and immortal officials will gather, don't you want them to recognize Yinyin?" Di Yuqing asked.

Nalanjing's brows almost wrinkled.

"What does it matter to me whether those people's orders are available? As long as Jing approves of me, it is enough." Mu Qianyue lightly raised her eyes in disdain.

"Forget it, I won't tell you, you should make a decision in the next three days." Di Yuqing shook his head and turned around to leave the Palace of Longevity.

Tian Meng glanced at Na Lanjing with a bitter look, and then left behind Di Yuqing.

The patriarch and the elders also found a reason to leave the Palace of Longevity.

Suddenly Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing were left in the huge yard.

"Jing, do you really want to return to the Celestial Clan?" Mu Qianyue raised her head to look at the person in front of her and asked after the crowd disappeared completely.

Nalan Jingjun's brows frowned, "Heavenly Clan is going to go back, I will not let go of Tianmeng! Ten thousand years ago, our life and death, our pain was caused by Tianmeng alone, in this life she She intervened again, so I don’t know if she also intervened in the affairs between us in the Celestial Clan for more than 60,000 years!"

"Besides, the refining stone must be in the hands of the Celestial Clan..." Nalanjing's voice paused, and the purple eyes looked directly at Mu Qianyue, "Yue'er, don't you want me to return to the Celestial Clan?"

Mu Qianyue looked at him silently, thinking about it and shaking her head, "No. You are the prince of the Celestial Clan, so everything is your glory, and it is normal for you to return."

"Yue'er, you have to believe me, I won't let you be wronged, and won't let others hurt you again! You don't want me to return to the Celestial Clan and I won't go back. I said that after we went to the Primordial Realm You can create your own power! Do you believe in my ability?" He held her small face and looked at her intently and seriously.

"Fool, of course I believe you." Mu Qianyue smiled, her eyes full of trust and affection.

He is her husband, why doesn't she believe it? Besides, he never let her down!

"Yue'er, your trust in me is my biggest motivation! I will not let those who bully you still live well!" A murderous aura burst out from the purple eyes like colored glaze.



The moonlight came, and the cold moonlight shone lightly on this land.

After Mu Qianyue finished her practice, she wandered in the courtyard near the Hall of Longevity.

Suddenly, the air fluctuated, Mu Qianyue frowned, before he had time to react, she stretched out a hand from the air, and then dragged Mu Qianyue into the air and disappeared into the dark night. All this happened in the blink of an eye, almost a second!

When Mu Qianyue reacted, she had already placed her body in a mountain range outside Yanhuang City. Standing in front of her was a familiar and unfamiliar tall figure, Wuya, or perhaps Nalanye...

"Wuya?" Mu Qianyue frowned and looked at him coldly and sternly, "I originally wanted to go to the Primordial Realm to find you, but I didn't expect you to come back! So I don't need to try my best to find you. "

Wuya slowly shook his head, "Qingqing, I don't want to be an enemy of you, and I'm not here to fight with you this time."

"If you hand over Nalanye's soul, I won't pursue the past."

"It's impossible, because I and his soul are inseparable." Wu Ya said lightly.

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's heart slammed, and her eyes were red instantly, "Wuya!!! You **** it!!!"

She almost yelled out these five words, her voice no longer the coldness of the past, but full of anger and hatred.

The palm of the hand flickered, and the Sword of Extinction was already held in the palm of the hand, and the whole body was unparalleled and shocking, as if death had descended.

"Qingqing, why can't you understand me? Nalanye is who I am. What's wrong with his return to me?" Wu Ya frowned, his eyes full of pain, "Qingqing, if you want to kill me, I Never fight back, but can you listen to me to finish? I have something very important to tell you when I came to you this time!"

"If you have any last words, please explain it quickly." Mu Qianyue's voice was as cold as a knife.

Wu Ya saw that she didn't act immediately, he couldn't help but breathe a long sigh of relief, "Qingqing, don't go back to the Primordial Realm, let alone go to the Celestial Clan, they are not good people!"

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