Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1587: Affectionate as the sea [3]

"Okay, I really lost to you!" Mu Qianyue murmured depressedly, holding his handsome face in both hands, and kissing his face, "I only love Nalanjing in this life! Okay?"

"Well, this is almost the same." Nalanjing grinned triumphantly.

"Master, are you having trouble with yourself?" Fu Bo couldn't help but interject.

"It seems that Di Yuchen really loves Pan Yinyin. I don't believe him when Pan Zhijun said that he killed Pan Yinyin." Mu Qianyue stroked her chin with her fingers, her eyes on the clothes in front of her, beautiful. Thoughtfulness appeared on his little face.

These clothes all represented Di Yuchen's love for Pan Yinyin. How could he be willing to kill her personally if he loved Pan Yinyin so deeply?

Turning around, he looked at Uncle Fu next to him, "Uncle Fu, have you been with Di Yuchen's side more than 60,000 years ago?"

Fuber nodded.

"Then you should know what happened that year?"

Uncle Fu shook his head, "I watched the master grow up and saw him get married with my own eyes. But when you and the master had an accident, I happened not to be in the Celestial Clan and I was sent to Xunze Mountain. When I came back, you were already dead, and the master of these clothes was too late to give you. The master wanted to give you a surprise on your birthday, but it failed and never had the chance to be delivered to you."

Fu Bo sighed deeply, his eyes swept over those clothes, his eyes filled with regret.

Mu Qianyue's eyes were filled with a sense of sorrow. No wonder these clothes are new and haven't been worn yet, so they haven't been given to Pan Yinyin...

If Pan Yinyin knew that Di Yuchen's love for her was so deep, would he end up with hatred?

"Although I was not present at the time, but then I worked hard to investigate and knew what was going on." Fubo sighed and continued. If he was there, he would never let the master and mother die. .

When Mu Qianyue heard that he knew something, she immediately became energetic and pricked her ears to listen.

Nalanjing's gaze was also locked on Fubo, waiting for him to follow.

"Master, mistress, the banquet is about to begin, you go to the banquet first, when you come back, I will tell you slowly." Fu Bo said.

Nalanjing looked at the sky, and it was indeed late. The banquet was about to begin, so he nodded, "Okay."

"Lady, you wear this one." Nalanjing picked up a big red dress among the ten clothes, embroidered with golden silk flowers on it, lifelike, elegant and noble, gorgeous and compelling.

The collar and cuffs of the dress are embroidered with small dense viburnum, which is very beautiful and delicate.

Mu Qianyue looked at Nalanjing's dark purple-red robe, and wondered if he was going to wear a couple outfit?

Taking the dress from Nalanjing's hand, Mu Qianyue entered the inner hall, and several court ladies carefully followed behind to wait for her to dress. The princess was the treasure that the prince held in her palm, and she had to wait for it.

The ladies’ hands were very clever, and they soon helped Mu Qianyue comb a beautiful and exquisite fairy cloud bun, with a gilt hairpin inserted between her hair, and delicate makeup on her small face with that big red embroidery. Wearing Qionghua's dress, the whole person is so beautiful that it is almost impossible to look away!

In the past, Mu Qianyue always wore a light purple dress, lightly out of dust, like a fairy who can't eat fireworks.

And in a red dress, she is allure, glamorous and glamorous, and like a fire, lighting up these thousands of miles of rivers and mountains!

Nalanjing stared blankly, her purple eyes filled with obsessive love, she couldn't remove her eyes anyhow, and she wished to hide her and watch her slowly...

"What's the matter? Dumbfounded?" Mu Qianyue's mouth curled slightly and looked at him amusedly.

"Madam, I will never get tired of you, let alone not tired of it. I wish I could watch you all the time." Na Lanjing held her hand, and the soft lips drew lightly across the back of her hand. Mu Qianyue only felt hot on the back of her hands and hot at the base of her ears.

This guy is really sensational.

Affectionate words, coupled with his affectionate eyes, coupled with this kiss, it is really so sweet!

It's so good!

Mu Qianyue only felt that he had been tempted by him.

"Let's go, we should be able to pass by now." Mu Qianyue said quickly to prevent him from being sultry.

It seems that this guy has become more sultry than before...

The two walked hand in hand on the Liuli Road in Tiangong, and a group of court ladies respectfully followed behind them.

Mu Qianyue raised her head to look at Nalanjing next to her, frowning slightly, "Jing, Tianmu is your empress, if you say that today, she will definitely hate you with you in her heart, you..."

"Lady, she is not my biological queen." Nalanjing said lightly, a deep darkness in her purple eyes.

Mu Qianyue paused when she heard the words, "Not your biological mother? How do you know? Fubo said?"

Nalanjing shook his head, "I haven't had time to ask Fu Bo, I will ask after the banquet is over."

"Then how do you know that she is not your biological queen?" Mu Qianyue blinked in surprise.

"Intuition. A man's seventh sense." Nalanjing showed her a mysterious smile, and Mu Qianyue curled her lips speechlessly. Is this OK?

"Well, to tell you the truth, I don't think she has the slightest joy, no feelings, or even a little disgust. And she is not good to you. Even if she is really my biological queen, but if she doesn't treat you Okay, then I won't recognize her either." Nalanjing's light tone was full of determination. He stopped and looked into Mu Qianyue's eyes, "Yue'er, she and you, I will always choose you. You. For me, I am the most important person in this world!"

Mu Qianyue's heart warmed and she squeezed his hand tightly, "You are also the most important person to me! And Xiaoling, Jiujiu, you are the most important person in my heart!"

He was pretending to be her wholeheartedly in his heart, but there seemed to be too many people pretending to be in her heart...

There are their children, her parents, and her good friends...

And in his heart, she is always the first!

At the Temple of Heavenly Luan, the heavenly officials and war gods have already arrived, all occupying important positions, with an arrogant expression. Above the first seat, the **** and the heavenly mother have already arrived, but the heavenly mother's face is not very good, and his face is sad.

"Madam, what's the matter? You seem to have something on your mind?" God asked, looking at the mother.

"Hey..." Tianmu sighed heavily, "Husband, I went to Wuyou Temple to see Chen'er and Yinyin just now... I originally wanted to test Chen'er's feelings for Pan Yinyin, but found that he has a better understanding of Pan Yinyin. I cared more before, and kissed in front of everyone, not at all. Chen'er would never do these things before..."

Tianmu gave a rough talk about the things in the Temple of Worry-free, of course, the truth of the facts was covered up, and then added more energy.

Sure enough, God's face turned black immediately.

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