Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1588: Banquet [1]

"Hey, I think Pan Yinyin is Chen'er's robbery! Even in reincarnation, you still can't escape." Tianmu's face showed a deep worry.

The Lord's face was dark, his eyes narrowed lightly, covering the sharpness of his eyes, making it hard to see the light.

"I'll take care of Chen'er's matter. You just need to take care of the harem." After a long while, God spoke slowly, and his sharp eyes glanced at Tianmu lightly. Tianmu's body trembled, and she quickly bowed her head, respectfully. Nodded, "Yes."

God then looked up at the people in the hall, "Everyone is here, just sit down."

"Thank God." The crowd thanked their hands and retreated to the sides and sat down in an orderly manner.

There are jade platforms on both sides of the luxurious and magnificent hall, and a variety of rare dishes and fine wines are placed on the jade platforms. The officials found their seats one by one.

Di Yuqing and Tian Meng came hand in hand and sat down in the second position on the left.

Seeing that Di Yuqing was coming, everyone nodded to indicate their friendship, all with flattery and flattery.

The chattering and laughter above the hall are very harmonious.

After everyone chatted for a while, Di Yuqing suddenly said softly, with doubts in his eyes, "Huh? Brother He Yinyin hasn't come yet?"

"Yeah, when is this, why haven't they come?" a heavenly official mumbled dissatisfied.

"His Royal Highness has just returned, and he is not familiar with Tiangong, and it is normal to come late, which is excusable." Another Tianguan said roundly.

"Huh! If there is a maid leading the way, will he get lost? It is obvious that he is so big, and he has let God and Tianmu wait for him!" The man continued, his tone full of dissatisfaction.

"Yes! I think he was deliberately asking everyone to wait for him! It doesn't matter if we wait, but his actions clearly don't even look at God!"

"Everyone has misunderstood His Royal Highness." Tianmeng Shi Shiran got up, with a gentle and generous smile on his face with delicate makeup, "Because Tianmu didn't expect Pan Yinyin to come to the Celestial Clan with him this time, so he didn't make a difference. Yinyin prepares her new clothes, and now Pan Yinyin is making her temper. His Royal Highness should be coaxing her."

When everyone heard this, their eyes were full of anger. It turned out that His Royal Highness did not arrive on time because of the woman Pan Yinyin!

"The traitor Pan Yinyin dared to come to the Celestial Clan? More than 60,000 years ago, did she think she had done enough harm to the Celestial Clan?" A Celestial official was furious.

"A traitor like this should be driven out of the Celestial Clan, and never step into the Heavenly Palace!"

"That's all the previous things. They are all over. Don't mention it anymore. Besides, now she has reincarnation, and has suffered from the sufferings of the world, and experienced the ups and downs. I believe she will wake up, and she won't be called now. Pan Yinyin, her current name is Mu Qianyue, and everyone won't continue to worry about what happened before." Tianmeng frowned slightly, her expression unbearable, and her kind and tolerant appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention. Favor and appreciation.

"The second emperor is really too kind!"

"Yeah! The second imperial concubine is kind-hearted, tolerant and generous. If Pan Yinyin is half of hers, His Royal Highness will not suffer from reincarnation..."

"Huh! This woman clearly doesn't know what's good or bad! Now she's back to the Celestial Clan and she is still tossing like this! This woman is definitely not suitable for the crown princess! With her, the crown prince will not be at peace all his life, the minister begged God to choose another prince for the prince Concubine!" The heavenly official said as he walked directly to the center of the hall and knelt down, begging to look at the **** above Dan Majesty sincerely.

"This matter will be discussed later." God said with a deep face.

"Yes." The heavenly official returned to his position.

There was a glimmer of appreciation for the heavenly dream in Tianmu's heart, and a few words aroused the dissatisfaction of God and everyone with Pan Yinyin, but her face did not show it, but she lowered her eyes slightly and looked into God's gaze Full of self-blame and guilt, "God, it's all my fault, but I didn't expect it... if you blame it, blame me, don't blame Chener..."

God's eyes sank, and it seems that this panyin sound is really a scourge! Just because how many clothes can pick things up?

"Madam, I don't blame you for this. Originally, I planned to only return Chen'er. I only took into account that Pan Yinyin was the last blood of the Pan clan, so I took her back together. I didn't tell you in advance." God held Tianmu’s hand, his eyes were soft, he paused, and he continued, “If Pan Yin Yin is interesting, I will not embarrass her, otherwise, even if she is the last blood of the Pan clan, I will not Tolerate her nonsense."

Although the following words were not said, the meaning is clear.

Tianmu heard this, a flash of joy quickly flashed through her eyes, but her face was filled with worry and comfort, "God, the sound is still small, don't care about her, besides, Chen'er likes her so much and does not hesitate to reincarnate for her. Reincarnated and chased her for the third life, we can see Chen'er's infatuation with her! And this time she also gave birth to a son and a daughter for Chen'er, which can be regarded as making up for it."

"Madam, you are soft-hearted." A touch of relief flashed in God's eyes.

"Looking at Chen'er being happy, I feel at ease." Tianmu smiled softly and said, she raised her head to look at the officials in the temple, "You really have the courage to eat the heart and the leopard, how can you decide about the princess Chen'er finally came back this time, so don't say any more unpleasant things, otherwise don't blame this palace for being polite."

"Yes." The officials nodded in response.

Although Tianmu is only the lord of the harem, her prestige in the heavenly clan is still very high.

"His Royal Highness is here." The shout of the attendant sounded outside the hall.

When everyone looked back, they saw two red figures coming into view, with their fingers intertwined, coming together.

The handsome men and women are beautiful, very seductive, alluring, and very deceptive, like a magnificent picture.

Nalanjing wears a dark purple-red dragon robe, which sets off his handsome and exquisite facial features even more exquisitely exquisitely exquisite, cold brows and glaze-like clear and intimidating purple eyes, with a trace of evil in the coldness. It's so beautiful that you can hardly look away! Dazzling Wushuang, it is even more dazzling than the sun in the sky!

Everyone feels in a daze that the prince who was so cruel and stunning the Three Realms more than 60,000 years ago is back!

The woman standing next to him wore a fiery red dress with exquisite viburnum embroidered with gold silk, and her ink hair combed into a generous and delicate fairy cloud bun. She came side by side with Nalanjing, a beautiful little girl. There was not a trace of timidity or weakness on his face, but an elegant and indifferent breath exuded all over his body, like the quiet and distant Qionghua blooming in the mountains.

Nalanjing's aura did not conceal her light!

The two of them walked side by side just like that, they looked like a match, as if they were a match made in heaven.

Suddenly, there seemed to be only two of them left in the whole world. There was silence on Thursday, so quiet that even the sound of breathing could be heard clearly.

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