Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1597: Desolation of Heaven【1】

God's face became darker involuntarily, like a dark cloud, looking very scary.

"God, it's strange that Yi'er is not good. It is because Yi'er didn't stop the princess. The princess said that she wanted to go to the alchemy room. I have told her that someone is doing alchemy in the alchemy room. It is not suitable to bother at this time, but the princess doesn't listen... …It's all Yi'er's fault. If Yi'er desperately stopped the princess at that time, the Pill of Suspension would not be destroyed!

The light in Mu Qianyue's eyes became cold, and it was indeed her. She knew that she was so kind and purposeful, but the tail was too fast, or was she confident that she could kill herself in this way?

"Huh? Didn't you take me there?" Who can talk about acting?

She is not a soft-cutter, she can be kneaded.

"Princess, my grandfather and the elders were at the critical moment of alchemy. How could I take you to the Spirit Hall?" Tianyi looked at Mu Qianyue with surprise, her innocent eyes and poor expression, really It's a special acting.

Mu Qianyue is not a vegetarian either, she immediately made a dazed and innocent look, "I just went to Dantang, and I don’t even know anyone, let alone where the spiritual hall is, if not you tell me The spirit hall is alchemy, and I didn’t know that it was the alchemy room. But I’m very curious, you know that they are making alchemy in the spirit hall, or at a critical moment, why take me to the spirit hall?"

Looking at her with indifferent and solemn eyes.

"I didn't!" Tianyi denied it, his eyes drooping, and quickly concealed the panic that flashed under his eyes, "How important is the continuation of life pill, how could I take you to the spirit hall at such a critical time! Crown Princess, Yesterday, I just said a few more words with His Royal Highness, but there is no need for you to slander me like this!"

"Prince Concubine, it would be too much for you to do this! Yi'er and His Royal Highness said a few more words, are you going to deal with her like this? Don't even care about God's resurrection pills?" Tian Xingmo looked angry. .

Nalanjing's purple eyes were full of anger, and he stepped forward, just about to speak, and suddenly received Mu Qianyue's gaze. Her beautiful little face was calm and peaceful, without the slightest panic. He curled his lips. Stand back to the original position.

Since Yue'er wanted to solve it by herself, she didn't interfere.

With him, these people would never want to hurt Yue'er's hair!

Mu Qianyue raised her head and glanced calmly at Tian Xingmo and the others. Facing Tian Xingmo's questioning, her face did not show a look of fear and jealousy, but the same as before. "You keep saying that you have prepared 20,000 years for the resurrection pill. Why is there no one guarding the door of the spirit hall? Is this someone negligent? You keep saying that you have worked hard for the resurrection pill for 20,000 years, and you must be right Pill has already been thoroughly researched. With your strength, it should not be difficult to refine the life-saving pill, but at this time, you fry the furnace... Or you just destroyed the pill and wanted to find a scapegoat. So deliberately let God's will lure me to go and shirk this charge on me?"

The voice is crisp, the tone is sonorous, and the words are pearly.

Mu Qianyue poured the dirty water back on Tian Xingmo and the others without making a sound. Suddenly, Tian Xingmo and his party blushed with a thick neck and angrily pointed out that Qianyue was not the one who admired Qianyue. They looked impassioned and righteous. Serious words.

But Mu Qianyue stopped talking, she said everything she should have said. If God is not stupid, she will naturally know what is going on.

"Heh..." Suddenly there was a scornful laugh in the hall, and Nalanjing stepped forward. "I heard that the Celestial Clan has a time mirror, you can see what happened in the past, whether God's will lie, take the time mirror It will be clear when you take a photo."

Suddenly, there was silence in the hall, and all the voices were collected cleanly. The righteous elders of Dantang suddenly fell silent, and Tian Xingmo's expression was a little hard to look at. He called out, "His Royal Highness, you a few days ago. We know that our Dantang is preparing for the resurrection pill, which shows that we attach importance to this."

Tian Xingmo's eyes were a bit gloomy, as if secretly warning Nalan Jing that their Dantang was on his side, hoping that he would not make the wrong choice at this critical time.

In the face of Tian Xingmo’s secret threat, Nalanjing turned a blind eye, “I heard you talk about it, but since you practice this important medicine, why don’t you send someone to guard it? Why can anyone enter and leave the temple at will? Did you take Yue'er to the Spirit Hall at that time?"

"His Royal Highness, are you suspicious of Yi'er lying?" Tian Xingmo's face became cold.

A narrow smile flashed across Di Yuqing's eyes, who was standing by and watching the play. Hehe, it's interesting. Without him, I'm afraid Dantang won't be on Nalanjing's side in the future.

"Is it a lie? Just take out the time mirror." Nalanjing snorted and turned to look at God above. "Father, I beg you to take out the time mirror to prove Yue'er's innocence."

The Lord nodded to a waiter next to him, and the waiter turned and retreated.

God's opinion God agreed to take the time mirror, her face turned pale, her body on the ground couldn't help but tremble slightly, her fingers under her sleeves were tightly twisted together, she lowered her head and didn't dare look up.

She never thought that His Royal Highness would ignore Dantang and still stand on Mu Qianyue's side!

Doesn't he want Grandpa to crowd him?

Mu Qianyue noticed her expression, and the sarcasm deepened in her eyes.

After a while, I saw the waiter go back and forth, walking in with an extremely delicate golden tray in his hand, on which was placed an ancient bronze mirror.

"God, the time mirror has been invited, but the mother said that the time mirror was broken some time ago and cannot be traced back."

He respectfully handed the tray in his hand to God.

The Lord's brows were almost unrecognizable, and he took the time mirror and looked at it carefully for a few minutes, then let it go, his voice was a little heavy, "The time mirror is indeed broken."

Hearing God's words, God's will suddenly loosened, only to realize that it was a cold sweat unconsciously.

"You are all wrong about this matter." God raised his head, his majestic and cruel gaze fell on Mu Qianyue, Tian Xingmo and others again, "Tian Xingmo, you are the hall master of the Dantang, a Dan God, dereliction of duty, even a pill is not good enough, it seems that you are really old!"

Tian Xingmo's face changed drastically, his legs softened, and the center of the hall knelt down in a panic. Not only him, but the other elders in Dantang were also pale with fright. They knelt down in the center of the hall, "please God to punish!"

"Yin'er, Yi'er, you are also at fault!" God looked at Mu Qianyue again and said, "From now on, you will go to the Desolation of Heaven to retreat for three months."

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