Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1598: Desolation of Heaven【2】

After the three words Tianzhihuang fell, everyone in the hall was shocked, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Even Tianyi's face changed drastically, and a panic flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Mu Qianyue's brows wrinkled almost unrecognizable when he noticed the changed faces of everyone. What's wrong? Is the Desolation of Heaven a terrible place?

"Father, the crown princess is certainly at fault, but it is innocently affected. The sons and ministers think the punishment of the crown princess going to the Desolation of Heaven is too heavy." Di Yuqing's voice sounded in the hall.

Mu Qianyue gave him a surprised look.

"Father, Yue'er just went to the Dantang to report today, and even the terrain of the Dantang is not familiar, let alone Tian Xingmo and the others are doing alchemy. This is obviously the design of Yue'er." Nalanjing also said immediately, although I still don't know where the Desolation of Heaven is, and it's not a good place to come, otherwise, the ministers all over the hall would be afraid.

God's eyes were narrowed and his face was slightly calm.

"Prince, Second Highness, what do you mean? It means that the prince does not need to be punished for doing something wrong? You must know that the emperor has committed the same crime with the common people, let alone she is only the prince? You are questioning the decision of God! "Tian Xingmo said in objection immediately, his expression as cold as a poisonous snake.

"God, Yi'er respects your decision. Even if Yi'er is wronged, she will never complain. Only complaining that there is no evidence to prove Yi'er's innocence." Tianyi looked aggrieved and retreated.

The Lord's face sank, he glanced at Di Yuqing and Nalanjing coldly, and finally his gaze fell back to Mu Qianyue's body, and said expressionlessly, "Now you are ready to go."

Throwing a faint sentence, God got up and left the Chaohui Hall.

Tianyi raised his chin and cast his proud eyes on Mu Qianyue, with a hint of coldness, and the depths of his eyes were full of bad intentions. Tian Xingmo and his party also looked at Mu Qianyue with cold eyes, and then left the hall together. .

The heavenly officials turned their eyes around Mu Qianyue either sympathetically or poorly, and then left the hall.


In the Temple of Worry-Free, Fu Bo has a solemn expression, "Heavenly Desolation is a place left over by the Great God Pangu when he opened the heavens and the earth. It is still in a primitive state of chaos and is extremely dangerous, but the spiritual energy there is very strong and there are many primitive times A fierce beast, even a strong person in the true spiritual realm would not dare to enter easily! God once went there once, but he was wounded out. In the past hundreds of thousands of years, God has only been there once!"

After listening to Fu Bo's words, Nalanjing's face has completely sunk, it turns out that the Desolation of Heaven is so dangerous!

"It's really weird. Someone made mistakes before, but no one has ever sent a penalty to the famine. This is the first time." Fubo frowned tightly, as if he could not guess what God thought.

"Yue'er, don't be afraid, I will go to the Desolation of Heaven with you." Nalanjing stepped forward and took her hand.

"Master, you don't need to worry. I will accompany the mistress to the Desolation of Heaven. I will take care of the mistress. You should stay in the Celestial Clan. God will not let you go." Fu Bo said.

Nalanjing's expression became cold, "Yue'er goes to such a dangerous place, how can I not accompany her? I would rather not have the prince of the heavenly clan than let Yue'er have an accident!"

This is also his promise!

"Jing, I'm fine, don't worry, it's safe to have Uncle Fu by my side." Mu Qianyue curled her lips.

"No!" Nalanjing's tone was firm and unquestionable, "As a man, if he can't even protect his wife, what is he still alive? You don't need to say any more!"

Mu Qianyue did not speak any more.

At this moment, the air suddenly fluctuated slightly, and a Soul Eater covered in black shadow appeared in the hall, and it was the Soul Eater who was following Nalanjing.

At this time, the soul eater was weak and weak, as if it would dissipate in the air at any time.

When she saw the Soul Eater, Mu Qianyue suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Master, mistress, something happened to Feibao Tower..." After the Soul Eater said this, his figure shook, slowly dissipating in the air, turning into countless smoke...

Mu Qianyue's face changed drastically, and her face instantly turned pale.

Nalanjing's face also suddenly sank, and there were countless doubts in his heart, but the Soul Eater disappeared and died, and no one can answer his questions.

"Jing, you go to Xuantian Realm quickly, I don't worry about others going there!" Mu Qianyue stared at him nervously and scaredly.

The Soul Eater has the strength of a true god!

There is absolutely no one in the Profound Sky Realm who can hurt the Soul Eater!

Nalanjing deliberately left the Soul Eater to communicate with the Profound Sky Realm, but now the Soul Eater is dead...

The opponent must be from the ancient world!

I don’t know if it’s a heavenly dream or a demon?

Mu Qianyue's heart suddenly hung tightly!

"Master, you go to Xuantian Realm, I will accompany the mistress." Fu Bo said solemnly.

Nalanjing's face was blue, and a layer of terrible murder and coldness had appeared in his purple eyes. Now he was almost certain that someone deliberately took action against Feibaolou at this time, with the goal of turning the tiger away from the mountain!

Knowing that this was a plan to move the tiger away from the mountain, he had to go because there were him and Yue'er's children, Yue'er's parents, grandfather, her relatives, friends...

Also his relatives and friends!

No matter who it is, it will pay for it!

"Yue'er, when you go to the Desolation of Heaven, you can go in and hide in Tongtian Space and wait for me to come! I will rush to you immediately after I deal with things over there. They should not be able to find Tongtian Space!" Nalanjing stretched out his hand and stroked it. Her white and tender cheeks were distressed and guilty.

"Well, I know, I'll be very careful, and wait for you." The soft little hand was placed on the back of his hand, his head was lightly leaned against his arms, and he took a deep breath, his nose filled his nose. She just came out of his arms and raised her head, "Jing, go quickly, they can't wait, if you delay it by a minute, they will be in danger by a minute!"

"En!" Nalan's head shook, and she disappeared in place with a white light.

Looking at the disappearing figure of Nalanjing, the soft color on Mu Qianyue's face gradually disappeared, becoming cold and indifferent, "Fu Bo, let's go."


"Hall Master, His Royal Highness is too ignorant to praise! For a woman, even our Dantang's face is not given!" An Dantang elder said angrily.

"Huh! I think he was fascinated by beauty!" The other elder also had the same dissatisfaction and resentment.

"Hall Lord, why do we support the prince? With the strength of our Dantang, we can completely support the second majesty as the prince, and the second majesty is much better than the prince! At least you won't be addicted to female sex!"

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