Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1599: Heavenly Desolation【3】

"Yes! Don't forget that the prince did not even want his life for Pan Yinyin more than 60,000 years ago, and even pursued her the third generation. Even if a person like this becomes a prince, I am afraid that he will not regard the heavenly clan as the most important thing!"

Hearing what the people said, God's brow furrowed tightly, and was very dissatisfied. Why did these people say bad things about Brother Yuchen?

Brother Yuchen is obviously so good and so dedicated!

Tianyi was about to open his mouth to argue, received the warning gaze from Tianxing Mo Sui, and closed his mouth sadly.

"When Di Yuchen came back this time, God gave him the title of prince. It can be seen how much God attaches importance to him? No matter how important Di Yuqing is to the heavenly clan, he is only a concubine, can it be compared to Di Yuchen's son? If God really wanted to make Emperor Yuqing the crown prince, he would have been established early, so how could he wait until now? still don't put your hope on Di Yuqing, it is impossible." Tian Xingmo said coldly.

Everyone was silent.

Yeah, why did they forget this?

I almost forgot that it is impossible for God to make Emperor Yuqing the prince!

At the beginning, God didn’t like Di Yuqing. It was nearly 30,000 to 40 thousand years before he started to reuse Di Yuqing. However, after Di Yuchen returned, he immediately took most of the important power in Di Yuqing’s hands. He took it back and gave it to Di Yuchen to take care of it, which shows who God likes in his heart!

"Okay, go get ready to prepare." Tianxing Mo lightly waved his hand.

The eight elders glanced at each other, sighed helplessly, and walked out.

"Grandpa..." Providence called out weakly, and then knelt down with a soft thump in his legs, lowered his head, "I was wrong!"

"Yi'er, you are so courageous to destroy the refining of the resurrection pill. Do you know what the crime is?" Tian Xingmo looked at the head under his feet that was almost as low as the ground. Eyes full of disappointment and anger.

"Grandpa, Yi'er knew it was wrong! Yi'er... I didn't expect you to fail in alchemy." Tianyi bit his lip and looked aggrieved, "Grandpa, are you not a pill god? You have never made a mistake in alchemy, I I thought it would be successful this time, but I didn't expect it would be like this..."

"Hey, you really want to **** me off! Do you think the Pill of Sustaining Life is so easy to refine? Otherwise, it will take me and eight other elders to refine it together? Fortunately, the Lord doesn't know about this, otherwise you just wait Let's go to Zhu Xiantai!" Tian Xingmo shook his sleeve angrily.

He had guessed what Yi'er did early on today, but Yi'er is his only granddaughter. How could he give out Yier?

So he forbeared it until now when there was no one.

"Grandpa..." Thinking of Zhu Xiantai, God's Will shrank his neck in fear, with a look of fear.

"Fine, you get up, you must not repeat such things in the future, otherwise I will not be able to protect you, understand?" Tian Xingmo whispered angrily.

"I see, grandpa." Tianyi stood up from the ground, the fear and panic on her face disappeared, and she put on a bright smile, she knew that Grandpa treated her best.

"Yi'er, do you really like the prince?" After a while, Tian Xingmo frowned, looked at her, and suddenly asked.

"Grandpa, I really like Brother Yuchen. I grew up listening to Brother Yuchen's story since I was a kid! I can't hold anyone else in my heart except him!" Tianyi raised his head with a beautiful little face. Seriously, especially when I think of the shocking face, a blush on his small face.

Those purple eyes, which were as clear as colored glaze, were sometimes deep and fascinating, sometimes clear and clean, and sometimes evil and intimidating. They were deeply imprinted in her mind, and they couldn't get rid of it!

"Hey..." Tian Xing sighed heavily, "I'm afraid the prince doesn't like you..."

Otherwise, His Highness would not target her and the entire Dantang in this way.

"I know." Tianyi's voice became quieter and low, with a mist of mist on his eyes.

"You know you still..." Tian Xing Mo hated that iron was not made of steel, and was angry and angry. "The person he likes is Pan Yinyin, and he loves the kind that is extremely deep, otherwise he would not even want his life in the first place. Chased her for the third time! Yi'er, you and him will have no results, you still don't like him!"

"No!" God's will stubbornly raised his face, "What I like is Brother Yuchen's love and infatuation! If he is a man of turbulence, I don't like him!"

After a pause, he continued, "Huh, Pan Yinyin is not worthy of Brother Yuchen's love! She caused Brother Yuchen to lose his position as a prince and enter the cycle of the Third World. Such a woman is really damn! Now Yu Brother Chen finally returned to the Celestial Clan, and he must not be harmed by her again. Moreover, I believe that if there is no Pan Yinyin, Brother Yuchen will definitely fall in love with me!"

"Are you so confident?" Tian Xing squinted suspiciously.

God’s will raised a smile, "Grandpa, do you just have no confidence in me? Anyway, I am also a new generation of saints from the heavens. Not only is the strength of the real gods, but the alchemy has reached the realm of Danzun! Brother Yuchen loves so much. Pan Yinyin, that's because he didn't meet any better or more beautiful woman than Pan Yinyin!"

Tian Xingmo's eyes widened when he heard this, and his face burst out with excitement and surprise, "Your alchemy has reached the realm of Danzun? When did you become Danzun? Why don't I know?"

"Just last month, at that time, you and the elders were still collecting medicinal materials outside. Once you came back, you would study the Pill for Renewal. I didn't have time to tell you the good news." God raised his eyes with a face. She is only 30,000 years old now, and her alchemy has reached the realm of Danzun, which is unmatched by anyone in the entire Celestial Clan!

In terms of alchemy, her talent is the strongest in the entire Celestial Clan, even better than her grandfather, no one before, no one to come after!

She believes that it will not be long before her alchemy can reach the realm of the pill god!

"Good, good!" Tian Xingmo was so excited that he said three good words in a row. Yi'er is now Danzun, and he will definitely become more powerful in the future. After God knows this news, he will definitely be happier, as if thinking of something, he His face slowly sank, "But there is Pan Yinyin beside the prince, he won't like you..."

"What if there is no panyin?" A coldness flashed in Tianyi's eyes, with a trace of bloodthirsty cold light.

Tian Xingmo's face changed, and there was a shadowy bird in the depths of his eyes, "You mean to kill her..."

"She is a cumbersome living, and it will only drag Brother Yuchen." Tianyi sneered.

"Well, since you like the prince so much, being a grandfather will naturally help you. This time, Heavenly Wasteland is a very good mobile phone meeting, I will arrange it now." Tian Xingmo's face was cold and solemn.

"Thank you, grandpa." Providence was overjoyed, grandpa was just like she thought!

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