Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1600: Reincarnation Flower【1】

There is a primitive chaos between the sky and the earth, and the surrounding area is white, and you can only see the scene about 100 meters from the whole body.

Mu Qianyue squinted, is this a famine in the sky?

The normal mountains are no different!

The only difference is that there is a chaotic aura that can't be transformed here. The aura here is very rich, stronger than the aura of all the places she has been to, and the aura in the connected sky is not as good as here!

Quietly all around, there were occasional bird calls.

The trees are lush, tall and lush, covering the sky and the sun.

"Mother, here is the Desolation of Heaven, Tian Xingmo and the others should have arrived, we better not run into them." Fu Bo whispered beside Mu Qianyue, with a vigilant look in her muddy eyes. .

Mu Qianyue nodded, she naturally understood.

Tian Xingmo, they all think that they are not pleasing to their eyes. After they get here, they can decide how to fix themselves! Naturally, she would not be silly and hit someone's muzzle!

"Although the Desolation of Heaven is extremely dangerous, it is a good place for cultivation. The spiritual energy here is very strong and there are many opportunities. The mistress can use these three months to cultivate here. The old slave will do it for you. Protector of the law." Fubo looked around and smiled.

"Thank Fu Bo." Mu Qianyue bends the corners of her lips lightly.

Naturally, she could not go wrong with such a good opportunity.

Then Mu Qianyue and Fu Bo wandered around. The Desolation of Heaven was huge, and it could be said that it was an independent space, equivalent to the area of ​​one hundred dream cities before.

With chaotic air blocking it, Tian Xingmo didn't want to find themselves so easily.

The time flickered, and one month passed. During this month, Mu Qianyue's strength rose by one star, and at this time it was the strength of Tier 4 Tianzun.

"Mother, you should go out and find some fierce beasts to practice your hands. Your breath is a bit vain." When Mu Qianyue opened his eyes, Uncle Fu's voice sounded above his head.

For a month, Fu Bo has been guarding her side every step of the way.

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded, now her aura is indeed a little vain, this is mainly the sequelae left when swallowing the spirits of Tianhui and their martial arts, the promotion strength was too fast at that time, and it was not very stable. Family.

Now I take this opportunity to stay firm.

There is no lack of fierce beasts in the Desolate of Heaven, and there are still some fierce beasts left over from ancient times. The combat power and defensive power are extremely strong, and it is very difficult for her to deal with the strength of the fourth-order heavenly.

When she was fighting, Fu Bo did not help, but watched from the sidelines from beginning to end, with a relieved smile on his mouth.

The strength of the mistress is really progressing very fast. I still remember that when she first met the mistress in Tianwu Continent, she was still a waste material that could not be practiced. At that time, she was coaxed into the Nether Hall by the master and saw those soul-eaters. When I was so scared, my eyes were round and I looked so cute...

Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the mistress has also changed from a small waste material to a fourth-order Tianzun...

It only took ten years!

Such a talent is absolutely evil, perverted! Like the master, they are all perverts and evildoers!

Such a master and the mistress really match! There is a heart of perseverance and perseverance!

For the next ten days, Mu Qianyue has been searching for the beast, frantically fighting, and fighting, making her aura more and more solid and stable!

The slender body contained terrifying explosive power, standing quietly and leisurely among the mountains and forests, like a peerless sword out of its sheath, making the fierce beasts around him daunted and afraid to approach it.

"En? What smell, it smells so good..." Mu Qianyue's nose moved, she couldn't help narrowing her eyes, sniffing the scent floating in the air with the wind.

Fresh and elegant, like orchid like musk, very nice smell.

Forber apparently also smelled it, and thought, "What seems to have blossomed and matured?"

"Go, go and see!" Mu Qianyue stopped staying immediately, moving towards the place where the fragrance of flowers came from when she moved.

In the wilderness, the fragrance of flowers can float so far, it proves that it is definitely a good thing!

Uncle Fu was also full of excitement and joy, and followed him up.


In another part of Tianzhihuang, a group of eight people looked a little embarrassed, with messy hair, panting, and pale faces.

"Damn! It's all the **** Pan Yinyin, if it weren't for her, we wouldn't have to come here to be punished at all!" Tianyi stomped his feet bitterly, his beautiful little face was full of anger, almost gritted his teeth.

"Yes! Pan Yinyin is really a scourge, no matter where he goes, he is a scourge!" an elder said with a look of dissatisfaction.

Tian Xingmo's face was also a bit ugly, and his face was slightly cold.

During this month and a half, they almost lived a life of fleeing everywhere, and there was almost no peace. Even when they went to bed at night, they took turns to rest and didn't dare to fall asleep at all.

Because there were fierce beasts all around here, they didn't know how many fierce beasts they had killed during this month and a half, and they escaped several times.

There were originally eight elders in their line, plus Tian Xing Mo and Tian Yi were ten people. Now two elders have died in the hands of the beast. Of the remaining six elders, one of them suffered a lot. Because of his injuries, he has no combat effectiveness, and he needs someone to protect him!

There are only six who can fight now, no, five to be exact, because the will of heaven is only a true god. In this famine, these fierce beasts are very powerful, almost all of them are in the middle and high levels of true gods. It is not something that God's will can contend.

"Grandpa, it's been almost a month and a half now, and that Pan Yinyin doesn't know where he is hiding! It's disgusting!" Thinking of that beautiful and beautiful face, God's Will was a little bit angry.

"The Desolation of Heaven is too big, and there is the barrier of chaos, it is very difficult to find the Pan Yinyin. There is no way to perform the search technique here." Tianxing Mo stopped, his brows frowned.

"Ahhhhh, it's really cheap for her!" Tianyi was so angry that he thought he would be able to solve Pan Yinyin here, but didn't expect even the other person's shadow to be touched. "She must be hiding, coward! Do not let me Find her, or I must take her skin off!"

"Hall Lord, why do we have to kill Pan Yinyin? In the past one and a half months, in order to find her, we have encountered countless dangers. We almost died several times. Two of our people have died... in order to kill one. Is Pan Yinyin worth it?" An elder looked at Tian Xingmo with dissatisfaction and asked.

The remaining five elders cast their doubts and doubts toward the sky.

Originally, they could find a place to practice in retreat. Not only would there be no danger, but they could also improve their strength.

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