Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1601: Reincarnated Flower【2】

Although the famine in the future is punished, it is more of a lot of benefits. As long as you don't run around, you should go back as soon as the three-month deadline is up. There should be no big problem.

But Tian Xingmo took them around, just to find the whereabouts of Pan Yinyin, and then, regardless of their lives, made them deeply question whether following Tian Xingmo was right or wrong!

Tian Xingmo frowned, knowing that if he didn't give an explanation, they would definitely not give up, but he couldn't tell the truth.

"Pan Yinyin was punished into the Desolation of Heaven because of our Dantang. Do you think she will let us go when she returns?" Tian Xingmo sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Heh... although she is a prince, she has no real power in her hands, and the Pan clan does not exist anymore. Does she still want to kill us? Just rely on her?" An elder hummed disdainfully. Full of sneer and contempt.

"Yes, she doesn't have that ability! But don't forget that Di Yuchen is behind her. He can't even live for Pan Yinyin. Do you think he will stand by Pan Yinyin, or will he stand? our side?"

Tian Xingmo's words caused everyone to fall into contemplation, yes, they almost forgot Di Yuchen!

Needless to say, Di Yuchen must be on Mu Qianyue's side.

From what happened this time, it can be seen that he doesn't care about Dantang at all!

In his eyes, there was only that woman from beginning to end!

If Di Yuchen becomes God in the future, and Pan Yinyin asks him to kill them and destroy the Dantang, they believe that Di Yuchen will listen to her without hesitation!

"Huh! What a disaster!"

"If that's the case, it's a big deal to keep her! Anyway, she must die!"

After several elders thought for a while, a flash of murderous intent flashed through their eyes.

"Okay, let's look for it again. If we can't find it anymore, we will find a place to practice well. The last month can't be wasted." Tian Xing did not persuade him.

The elders who were full of anger and dissatisfaction in their hearts were soothed by a few words from him, and even more so, they settled the heart of killing Mu Qianyue. I have to say that the method of Xingmo is really powerful.

"Huh? What smells so fragrant!" Suddenly, God's eyes widened in surprise, and the wilting spirit immediately woke up.

Tian Xingmo and the others obviously smelled it too, with excitement and surprise on their faces.

"There must be some spiritual flower and fruit ripening! This scent... is refreshing and refreshing, it must be a peerless medicinal material!" An elder was excited.

"Ah! Look, my wound is healing slowly..." The injured elder suddenly cried out in surprise. Originally, his face was pale and his breath was weak. The wound on his body was left by the ancient beast. Even after taking the pill, it is difficult to heal. At this moment, after smelling the fragrance of these flowers, the wound has a tendency to heal slowly. I originally felt painful all over, but now the wound is not so painful...

This magical scene stunned Tian Xingmo, Tian Yi and others.

"Ah! Grandpa, how do you look younger? You seem to be five years younger all of a sudden!!" Tianyi suddenly pointed to Tian Xingmo's face and shouted in shock.

Tian Xing squinted suspiciously, "Really?"

With a flick of his palm, he took out a mirror from the ring space and took a picture, and found that he was really younger than before!

He looked at the other six elders again, and found that they were also a lot younger, his brows frowned tightly, and his eyes showed thoughtfulness.

Because Tianyi was originally young, there was no change, while Tianxingmo's changes were obvious.

So when I looked at Tian Xingmo and the others, I could see it all at once.

After a while, Tian Xingmo suddenly glanced at his eyes and cried out incredible, "This is a reincarnation flower! My God! It turned out to be a reincarnation flower!"

"What?!!! Zhuan Zhuan Reincarnated Flower?" An elder was so excited that he didn't even notice his words.

Gosh! Rebirth flower!

It existed in ancient times, existed in remote legends, but no one has ever seen it!

No one has seen it for hundreds of thousands of years!

Now it is possible that a reincarnation flower appears here, can you not be excited?

"Go!" Tian Xingmo let out a low growl, and rushed forward quickly.


At the same time, Mu Qianyue and Fubo arrived in a mountain col. On the verdant green grass, a coquettish and fiery red flower was in full bloom, like snow lotus, but it was so red that it was fascinating under the golden sun. It exudes a gleaming and compelling light, gorgeous and dazzling.

The fascinating safflower is obviously blooming slowly, and the elegant and orchid-like fragrance radiates from it, permeating the entire col, especially here.

"Fu Bo, you..." Mu Qianyue turned her head, her eyes fell on Fu Bo's white hair that gradually became black, and her eyes widened in surprise.

"What's wrong with me? Why are you looking at me like that? Is it possible that there are flowers on my face?" Fu Bo asked with a puzzled smile.

"You'd better watch it yourself." Mu Qianyue twitched her mouth, shaking her palms, and handed a mirror to Uncle Fu's hand. Uncle Fu took the hand, took a picture, and was stunned.

His head was covered with silver threads, slowly turning black.

The wrinkled face was also slowly stretching, becoming gentle and tender, and the rickety waist couldn't help but straighten a bit...

The whole person instantly seemed to have returned from the twilight old man back to about fifty years old.

This change made Forber's eyes widened in horror.

"Fu Bo, I have always been curious why my Gusheng Meiyan Pill has no effect on you?" Mu Qianyue looked at him suspiciously.

"Haha... I didn't expect that there would be such an opportunity in my life." Fu Bo smiled and returned the mirror to Mu Qianyue. When he looked at the fascinating red flower in front of him, he was surprised and sighed. , And then slowly said, "I was the end of the day, so your Gusheng Beauty Pill has no effect on me."

"The end is coming?" Mu Qianyue frowned.

"Not bad!" Fubo nodded, "I'm 90,000 years old, and in a few years it will be my end."

He sighed slightly, and continued under Mu Qianyue's confused and stunned eyes, "The world will think that when the strength reaches the realm of the **** king, it will always maintain a young appearance, but it is not always true. They just have not reached the **** , True spirit, true **** and other realms, so I don’t know that human beings don’t have eternal life! Even God does not!”

"After strength becomes true spirit, true god, or heavenly deity, there is a time limit. 90,000 years is a time limit, that is, their lifespan is only 90,000 years. 90,000 years old is a lot of time, relatively For ordinary humans, I don’t know how many years... it’s a time they can’t live for in their entire lives, so they think they can live forever by becoming a **** king!"

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