Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1614: Huitian [2]

"Really?" God slowly narrowed his eyes.

It's really hateful this day! She actually killed Pan Yinyin at this time, don't you want her to do alchemy for herself? So that he can't get through the catastrophe smoothly, can he become the next God in a logical way?

Unexpectedly, Tian Xingmo went to the Desolation of Heaven and broke through the realm of God! What an accident!

God lifted his chin slightly, and his eyes were cool to sweep Tian Xingmo standing in the middle of the hall, his mind was slightly sinking, it seems that he really wants to replace it!

"The old minister's sentence is true." Tian Xing did not bow his hands, but there was not much respect in his face and words.

It's just an old guy who is going to die under the thunder at any time, so why be afraid?

"God, Tian Xing Mo is a veteran of the Celestial Clan, who has worked diligently to refine alchemy for the Celestial Clan for tens of thousands of years. His behavior is still trustworthy, but it is the sound of that. She was a traitor to the Celestial Clan! It’s quite possible to do anything unfavorable to the Celestial Clan!” Tianmu Yanmo, who was sitting next to Di Tian, ​​said in a timely manner. Her meaning was obvious, obviously favoring Tian Xingmo, saying that Mu Qianyue’s It's not.

The emperor glanced at Yan Mo coldly, Yan Mo was shocked, and immediately closed his mouth obediently.

"God, I also believe in the Pill God, Pan Yinyin is narrow-minded, because the punishment is a grudge, it is not impossible to kill the elders of God's Will and Pill Hall to relieve his breath!" Wing God said, he is also a Heavenly Dream Father, Tianyi.

"Nonsense! It is clear that you deliberately killed the prince, and you are looking for a reason! Tian Xingmo, don't think you can do whatever you want when you are promoted to God, the true God is not you!"

"Yes! You dare to kill the prince now, will you dare to kill the prince in a few days? You still dare to kill the lord?" Nalanjing's people angered.

When Di Tian heard this, his eyes grew a little deeper.

Undoubtedly, their words came to Di Tian's heart. He was afraid of Tian Xingmo becoming God. Now that he heard them say this, his doubts about Tian Xingmo naturally rose to a new height.

"Emperor father, no matter what mistakes Yue'er has made, it should be the father's own order to punish her, not Tian Xingmo's presumptive claim to kill at any disagreement! I beg Father to seek justice for Yue'er, otherwise the son will not accept it. !" Nalan's purple eyes were filled with hatred anger, and he swept towards Tian Xingmo coldly.

After solving the problem of the Profound Sky Realm, he immediately returned to the Heavenly Clan to find a way to go to the Desolate of Heaven.

Later, he discovered that it was the Xuantian Realm sent by Tianmeng who deliberately harassed Mu Yan and the others, and took them away. It took him a lot of effort to rescue them, only to realize that they had been in the tactic of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain. Deliberately delaying time!

Although Mu Yan and the others were caught, they did not suffer any harm.

After thinking about this, he immediately returned to the Celestial Clan and went to the Desolation of Heaven, but he was still a step too late. What he got was the news that Yue'er's soul was destroyed!

Tian Xingmo was promoted to God and returned to the Celestial Clan. There was news that Yue'er had killed God and them, and he had now condemned them.

Nalanjing wanted to kill Tian Xingmo, but he was not an opponent of Tian Xingmo, so he could only find a way to kill Tian Xingmo through Di Tian, ​​but he could feel that Yue'er was not dead, he and Yue But there is a soul contract in Er, and if Yue Er really died, he would not be able to live.

However, at the time when Yue'er was seriously injured, he also suffered a great backlash, and only took care of the injury these days.

Although Yue'er did not die, she must have suffered a great deal of damage, otherwise it would not have been so long without appearing! He had been to the Desolation of Heaven to find it, but the Desolation of Heaven was too big and was shielded by the aura of chaos. Finding someone was like finding a needle in a haystack, unless he had the same strength as Tian Xingmo.

Furthermore, he was afraid that his search for Yue'er's whereabouts in the Wilderness of Heaven would arouse Tian Xingmo's suspicion, so he had to return to the Celestial Clan, hoping that Cang Ming and Xuan Ye could find Yue'er for him.

"Brother, you are too partial to the princess, is it because she is the princess, so she doesn't have to be punished if she kills? You can do whatever you want? The nine elders of Dantang have all made great contributions to the heavenly race. A man of meritorious service, God’s Will is even the granddaughter of Modan God. It is said that he has reached the realm of Danzun, and will soon become the next Pill God. Isn’t it a pity that such a genius is so damaged?” Di Yu Qing Leng Her lips were cold, and there was mockery in her eyes.

Pan Yinyin is so dead?

What a pity indeed!

Whether it was her previous life or this life, her beauty was indeed impeccable, but it was a pity that she was too fateful.

Although he loves beautiful people, he still prefers the latter to the imperial hegemony.

Two groups of people headed by the prince Nalanjing and the second emperor Yuqing in the hall of the Chaohui began a fierce struggle, and they were quarrelsome for a while.

God's face has been gloomy, and there is a terrible storm in his eyes, which makes people unable to see clearly.

"God, now Tianxingmo is the only pill **** of the Celestial Clan. If he dies, no one can refine the pill for you. Although there are still many pill masters in the pill hall, their pill skills are too great. It's not's estimated that it will take tens of thousands of years to cultivate the next generation of Pill God. I'm afraid of you..." Yan Mo looked at the noisy hall, turned to look at Di Tian beside him, and said softly.

Ditian's face changed slightly, and if there is no way to go, there is still hope to refine the Pill of Sustaining Life...

But looking at Tian Xingmo like this, he might not refining the life-saving pills for himself! His strength becomes God, I am afraid it is difficult to control...

At this moment, a woman's clear voice slowly sounded in the hall.

"Tian Xingmo, you are really mean! Why don't you dare to tell the truth to God?"

Hearing this sound, Tian Xingmo's eyes stared incredibly, and when he turned his head, he saw the fluttering purple dress with ink hair flying in the wind. The woman's face was delicate and beautiful, beautiful and beautiful, like a picture. Woman walking out in the middle.

The corners of the graceful lips are gently raised, quietly and leisurely, slowly coming under the eyes of everyone, and the beauty is breathtaking.

"Lady!" Nalanjing showed surprise on her face, and quickly stepped forward. Regardless of whether this was the Chaohui Hall, she embraced Mu Qianyue severely in her arms regardless of everyone's gaze, rubbing her soft with her big hand. Xiufa, "Miss, you are finally back."

He knew she would be fine.

"En. I'm back and worry you." Mu Qianyue hugged his waist and buried his face on his chest, feeling his heartbeat, his breath, and an unprecedented sense of satisfaction and security in his heart. .

With him, there seems to be the whole world.

"No, it's impossible! How could you still be alive!!" Tian Xingmo screamed in incredible surprise, his face full of shock and horror.

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