Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1615: Huitian [3]

He clearly saw her torn to pieces with his own eyes, and he didn't even leave a whole piece of flesh!

And he didn't find her soul around, but he did it right away at the time. Her soul could never escape his ears!

Under such circumstances, she would never be alive!

Mu Qianyue lifted her head from Nalanjing’s arms, her eyes faintly swept towards Tian Xingmo, her lips curled up with mockery, “Nothing is impossible! You want to kill me, but I didn't expect me to come back alive, right?"

The woman’s eyes were as clear as the stars in the sky, and Tian Xingmo felt a little flustered when she saw Tian Xingmo, “I’ve got something to kill, it’s clear that you killed my granddaughter Yi'er and the elder of Dantang! Now you are alive just right, then I Just kill you again and avenge them!"

When the words fell, Tian Xingmo raised his palm and blasted towards Mu Qianyue, the majestic force made the air slightly twisted.

A figure rushed over, faster, and blasted out with one palm. The two majestic forces collided in mid-air, melted and gradually disappeared.

Tian Xingmo's punch was like hitting cotton, soft and without any effect.

Tian Xing Mo was stunned, besides God, there is actually someone in this world who caught his punch?

This is impossible!

But just now, the Lord obviously sat in the upper position and didn't move.

The next moment, a figure fell down, it was Fulin, his body was full of vitality and explosive power when he became younger, and he was extremely powerful. He guarded Mu Qianyue's side like a sculpture, and looked at Tian Xingmo who was opposite.

Tian Xingmo's eyes stared incredibly, he was Fulin? Didn't he look like he was dying before? how come……

After feeling the aura on Fulin's body comparable to his own, he screamed incredibly, "When did you rise to God?"

"Ha ha... Could it be that you can only be promoted to God, so I can't be promoted?" Fulin sneered and gave him a mocking look.

Di Tian's gaze changed and he couldn't help but stand up from Dan Ma, his gaze fixed on Fulin's body, "Fulin, are you also the God who entered the wilderness of heaven this time?"


"Okay, not bad! Now this monarch has officially designated you as the **** of blessing and is ranked first." Di Tian said immediately. In this way, the Celestial Clan has two gods besides himself, and Tian Xingmo and Tian Xingmo are mutually restricted. .

Fulin was Chen'er's person, and Tian Xingmo had contradictions with Pan Yinyin, so he wouldn't have to worry that Tian Xingmo would betray.

Yan Mo sitting on the phoenix chair's face turned ugly for a while, and Fulin has become God. Isn't Qinger's chance even slimmer? Fulin has been promoted to God? ! !

Di Yuqing, who was standing in the hall of the Chao Hui, was also dumbfounded at this meeting. His face was slightly blue, and his fists under his sleeves were clenched tightly. The emperor's father immediately sealed Fu Lin as a **** of blessing, and he was still a first-class god. He wanted to defeat the emperor. Yuchen has no chance...

Tian Xingmo's face became very ugly at this moment, he never thought that Fulin would be promoted to God! It stands to reason that this guy will not experience the calamity for at least a few years, and he is unlikely to succeed in the event...

Suddenly Tian Xingmo glanced at the reincarnation flower!

Fulin must have taken the reincarnation flower!

A sneered sneered at the corner of his lips, "God, Fulin, and the princess got the reincarnation flower, but Fulin took it privately instead of giving it to you. That's why Fulin can successfully ascend to the realm of God. This shows that the princess and the princess and Fulin and the others did not put you in their eyes at all! Traitors who do not put you in their eyes like this should be put to death immediately, so that their souls will be scattered, so as to respect you!"

God has a calm face, they found the reincarnation flower?

"Tian Xingmo, do you really think the whole Celestial Clan respects you? If you want to kill my daughter-in-law, you have to ask me if I agree!"

A white figure slowly walked from the entrance of the hall, a white robe was blown up by the wind, and the skirt was flying, intertwined with the blue silk like a waterfall.

The beautiful face is reflected in the morning light, faintly like an illusion.

The purple eyes, like glaze, are clear and bright, like the most noble amethyst in the world, fascinating.

When Ditian and Yan Mo saw the figure, they were all stiff, especially Yan Mo. Her eyes were sternly open, her face was pale, and her eyes were full of horror. She... Yan Xin Still alive? She hasn't died all these years? But hiding?

"Xin'er, is it really you?" Ditian stared at the woman walking outside the hall, with agitated expression and slightly hot eyes. He quickly walked down from above and walked straight to Yan Xin.

"It's me." Yan Xin's eyes were faint, and she swept across Ditian's face, with no other expression, her expression was as calm as a lake, no matter how strong the wind was, she couldn't make a splash.

"Xin'er, you are still alive, great. Where have you been these years? Why can't I find you in the Three Realms?" Ditian's eyes were still locked firmly on Yan Xin's body, unwilling to move For a minute, he wanted to reach out and hold Yan Xin's hand, but she avoided him without a trace.

But Di Tian didn't care at all, his face was filled with joy and excitement.

Yan Mo stood behind her with a gloomy expression. Her fingers under her sleeves were tightly clasped together. Unexpectedly, Di Tian could not forget Yan Xin after more than 60,000 years! As soon as I saw that **** Yanxin, I completely left myself behind! She thought that Yan Xin had been missing for more than 60,000 years and was dead long ago. She never thought she was still alive!

"Sister Xin, is it really you? You are finally back!" With tears in Yan Mo's eyes, he stepped forward, Chu Chu looked at Yan Xin pitifully, with a look of weeping, "When you left the Celestial Clan, I My husband and I were very worried. Now that I see you come back, I am finally relieved. Since you left, I feel very guilty in my heart. I was very helpless about Chen'er back then. I also persuaded my husband. The husband said that the destiny cannot be violated..."

"I don't have an ungrateful sister like you, so you should call me Missy." Yan Xin's eyes were cold, her sleeves flicked, and an invisible force radiated from her, hitting Yan Mo who wanted to approach. After a few steps, Yan Mo looked embarrassed and embarrassed, but because of everyone, and because of Di Tian, ​​she had to be gentle and virtuous, so she had to bear it.

"Bold! You are no longer the Heavenly Mother, but an unrelated outsider, and my mother and queen are the Heavenly Mother of the Heavenly Clan, how honorable is your status, can you be presumptuous?" Tian Meng said softly.

"Hehe, Tianmeng, I didn't expect that you and Yan Mo would become so affectionate if you haven't seen each other for more than 60,000 years." A cold sneer evoked from the corner of Yan Xin's mouth.

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