Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1617: Yanxin's strength [1]

"Yan Mo, you are so courageous, you dare to order the officials without your command?" Di Tian suddenly turned his eyes and stared at Yan Mo angrily, his horrible gaze seemed to eat people, Yan Mo's heart A startled, with a look of confusion and panic on his face, shouldn't it be Yan Xin that he should curse?

"Husband, Yan Xin, she insulted you like this, she should be punished if she doesn't put you in her eyes! Even if she is my sister, I can't tolerate her humiliating you like this! So she must be punished! Also, she privately gave the reincarnation flower to Fulin. All people in this world belong to your husband, and the reincarnation flower is naturally yours. Why did she give Fulin like this?" Yanmo Lihua said with rain. A vicious light flashed through the slightly drooping eyes.

"Shut up!" Di Tian whispered.

Looking at the angry Emperor Tian, ​​Yan Mo closed his mouth unwillingly, and the resentment towards Yan Xin in his heart rose a lot. Since this **** has been missing for more than 60,000 years, why didn't he keep missing? Also appear here?

It was because Yanxin had not been in Ditian's heart for a long time, and because he had replaced her a long time ago, he never thought that the most important person in Ditian's heart was Yanxin!

You can see Yanxin's eyes from Di Tian!

She is not reconciled!

Why did she stay with Ditian for more than 60,000 years, and the person he loves in his heart is Yanxin? How can she not compare to Yanxin?

The hands wrapped in the sleeves were twisted together fiercely, pulling the sleeves as if to tear Yan Xin into pieces.

Yan Xin couldn't understand Yan Mo's eyes and small movements, she just glanced at her faintly, and then returned it. For Yan Mo, she didn't care at all.

He raised his head and eyes, looking at Fulin and Tian Xingmo who were fighting fiercely in the air in the distance, frowning, it seemed that it would be difficult to kill Tian Xingmo with Uncle Fu alone.

It seems I can do it by myself!

With a movement, Yan Xin skimmed up in the air, raised her hand and blasted out, and blasted towards Tian Xingmo's back. Tian Xingmo was dealing with Fulin's attack with all her heart, and she didn't guard against Yan Xin. Suddenly, he was overwhelmed by the enemy.

Tian Xingmo took a palm on his back, his face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. He stared at Yan Xin angrily. It took a lot of effort to stabilize his figure. He suppressed the horror in his heart and his eyes were angry. Staring at her with hatred, "Yanxin, you are despicable, you even attacked!"

Unexpectedly, Yan Xin is also in the realm of God!

"Compared to your despicableness, mine is just a side dish." Yanxin looked cold, with murderous in her purple eyes like glass, her white clothes were shallow, cold and beautiful, and the beauty was thrilling.

Yan Mo stared fiercely at the floating white dress above, she turned out to be in the realm of God? ! The aura on her body is in the realm of God, yes, because Di Tian is also like this aura!

Unexpectedly, after more than 60,000 years of absence, Yan Xin, a bitch, has reached the realm of God without knowing it!

Ditian's eyes shrank fiercely, and her figure shook. Xiner turned out to be in the realm of God?

Before she knew it, Xin'er had reached the point where she was as strong as him, but what about herself? Over the past sixty thousand years, it has been stagnant, standing still...

Thinking of this, Di Tian's heart was a little bit painful. Every time he practiced before, he and Xin'er would practice together, supervise each other, practice swords together, and sit on the three-life stone and watch the colorful flowing clouds in the sky...

Looking at the beautiful figure above, his thoughts drifted away...

"Bold! Yan Xin, you traitor to the Celestial Clan, how dare you kill the Pill God of my Celestial Clan, come here, don't quickly take them down!" Yan Mo can no longer pretend, she only knows Yan Xin The existence of will bring her a lot of trouble! It must be removed as soon as possible!

It's just that after her words fell, no one listened, and no one stepped forward. Not to mention that Yanxin is a powerhouse in the realm of God. They can't help it. The most important thing is that God has not spoken. Who dares to act? Isn’t that ignoring God?

Di Tian's face is also very ugly now. He used to have only one God in the Celestial Clan, but now suddenly there are three more! He, the God, is getting more and more unstable!

"Yan Mo, it seems that I spoil you so much that you have repeatedly exceeded the rules!" Di Tian's eyes were horrible, Yan Mo's face turned pale, "Husband, I..."

"Okay, you don't need to say any more! From now on, you will hand over the Feng Yin, and think about it for three hundred years!" Di Tian's attitude is tough, no doubt.

And his gaze has been locked on the beautiful slender figure above, and he is reluctant to move a point away.

Tian dreamed that Emperor Tian had received Yan Mo’s phoenix seal and punished her to face the wall. She couldn’t help but be shocked. Di Yuqing’s face was also very ugly, and the fist under his sleeve was unwilling to clenched, “Father, you are so to the queen mother Is it too harsh? The mother and the queen are also thinking about your Tianwei! I also ask the father and the empress to look at the relationship between you and the mother for many years, so that you can take it lightly."

"Whoever intercedes, punishes them together!" Di Tian said coldly.

"Father!" Di Yuqing didn't expect that Di Tian would turn his face when he said that he turned his face, so ruthless, a few days ago, the father and mother were obviously very affectionate! How to say it changes? He didn't understand why the father became so fast!

Di Yuqing wanted to say something, but Yan Mo stopped drinking, Yan Mo made a good and obedient appearance, Chao Ditian said, "Husband, Mo Er is willing to accept punishment."

But the eyes drooping slightly were full of anger and jealousy. Yan Xin, a bitch, must come back, and Di Tian's thoughts were all over her. Now he wants to take back Feng Yin and punish her to face the wall for 300 years!

I'm afraid that after she came out three hundred years ago, Yan Xin had long since regained her identity as a heavenly mother, and she had fallen back to the end of a concubine, and there would be no hope for Qing'er as a prince...

No way!

She can't just admit defeat! Definitely not!

Yan Xin, I won't let you have the opportunity to take away everything that belongs to me! Absolutely not!

"Husband, I'm afraid that my sister is not good at coming this time. It happened more than 60,000 years ago..." Yan Mo constricted the cruel expression in his eyes, raised his head to look at Di Tian in front of him, and said quietly, but she didn't say anything afterwards. , As long as Ditian understands it.

As expected, Di Tian squinted his eyes suddenly, and a faint bird of prey flashed deep under his eyes.

"God, although there is no reincarnation flower in the world, there is a legend that there is a way to reincarnation." Tian Xingmo clutched his chest, stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from his mouth, and said quickly.

When God heard this, his eyes changed, the way of reincarnation? Why hasn't he heard of it?

Yan Xin had already launched another attack on Tian Xingmo over there. Di Tian thought for a moment. She moved in the air and swiped her palm lightly to disperse Yan Xin's attack and landed opposite her, "Xin'er , If you have enough trouble, stop."

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