Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1618: Yanxin's strength [2]

Yan Xin's eyes were slightly cold, and the corners of her mouth pursed with a sarcastic arc, "Noisy?"

Is this man a bit brain-dead, still think she is angering him?

It's so funny!

"Xin'er, Tian Xing Mo is the pill **** of the Celestial Clan. Even if he makes any mistakes, I will punish him, not you. It is very inappropriate for you to do it. For today's matter, forget it. You care about it." Di Tian said with a generous expression.

Yan Xin was almost amused by the man in front of her, she really almost laughed at her, okay?

"Di Tian, ​​I think you made a mistake? I'm not a member of your Celestial Clan, even if you want to kill a Celestial Clan's Pill God, what can you do to me?" The white robe slid, and endless aura emanated from her. , Strong and biting, lonely and arrogant, and king over the world!

She came today to avenge Yue'er, so Tian Xing must die!

It is ridiculous that Ditian is so self-righteous! She is no longer the Yanxin of the year!

"Xin'er, what do you think of me?" Ditian looked at him helplessly, "As long as you promise not to kill Tian Xingmo, I will listen to you everything."

Yan Xin's mouth turned into a mocking smile, "Really? Then you kill her."

The slender white fingers pointed at Yan Mo next to Di Tian.

Yan Mo's complexion changed and he screamed, his beautiful eyes filled with incredible color, "What did you say? Kill me?"

Yan Xin, a bitch, wanted Di Tian to kill herself! ! Ahhh! What a shame!

The sharp nails squeezed into the flesh, she could not feel any pain, only anger was stirring in her heart.

Her gaze couldn't help but look at Ditian. She was really afraid that Ditian would agree to Yanxin's request. After all, Ditian used to love Yanxin so much... Now when Yanxin came back, he took his own. Feng Yin, can't she worry?

Facing Yan Mo's screams and anger, Yan Xin ignored it, as if she hadn't seen her. With a faint smile on her beautiful face, she stared at Di Tian without blinking, "Why don't you bear it? "

"Change some one." Di Tian said.

Hearing Di Tian's answer, Yan Mo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and his hatred for Yan Xin deepened.

Yanxin, you'd better not fall into my hands, or you will definitely make life worse than death!

"Heh..." Yanxin gave a sneer between her lips, "Did you just say that except for killing Tian Xingmo, everything else agreed to me? Why don't you agree now? Or what you said didn't make any promise at all. The effect is just farting?"

"Xin'er!" Di Tian let out a beating, a shock flashed across his deep eyes, "When did you become so vulgar?"

"I have always been like this, did you know me the first day?" Yan Xin sneered.

"You!" Di Tian looked at her disappointedly, as if she didn't understand why this woman had become so unreasonable after tens of thousands of years after seeing her! Is this still the gentle, kind, and innocent Xiner?

"Since you can't do anything, don't talk nonsense here!" Yan Xin's eyebrows were full of coldness, and her murderous eyes fell on Tian Xingmo again.

Tian Xing couldn't help but swallowed with some fear. Originally, he and Fulin were equal in strength, and neither of them could kill each other, but Yan Xin's joining was different, and Yan Xin had obviously entered the realm of God for many years! The breath is strong, majestic like the sea, deep and terrifying, obviously much stronger than him!

If Yanxin and Fulin joined forces, he would not be their opponent at all! That's why he just said anxiously about the road to reincarnation! Originally, he would not tell Ditian this news! In order for Di Tian to keep himself, he had to tell the news!

When Di Yuqing heard about the road to reincarnation, he couldn't help being stunned. Isn't his father looking for a road to reincarnation? Thinking of letting the pill hall refine the continuation pill before, Di Yuqing's eyes changed. Could it be that what happened to the father's body?

Looking at Yan Xin's domineering appearance, Mu Qianyue's heart is warm. For more than 60,000 years, she has not forgotten herself, but still treats herself as a daughter. Such a mother-in-law is really heartwarming!

"My mother is so kind to me." Mu Qianyue shook Nalanjing's hand.

"You are not only my wife, but also my mother's dear daughter. My mother loves you more than me!" Nalanjing hugged her shoulders, her face was soft and pampered.

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded, she felt Yanxin's love for her deeply!


"Get out of the way!" Yan Xin looked at Di Tian who stood in front of her with cold eyes.

"You can't kill him." At least not now, Di Tian said in his heart.

Yan Xin stopped talking, her palms swayed, a long sword was already in her hand, and he stabbed the opposite Tian Xingmo mercilessly. Di Tian had to deal with it while saying, "Xin'er, I don't want to do it with you. ."

Yan Xin didn't speak, and continued to attack fiercely. Di Tian grabbed her pierced sword, "Xin'er, can you calm down?"

"Di Tian, ​​don't talk nonsense! Unless you kill Tian Xingmo!" Yan Xin exudes a terrifying breath.

"For another request, I can agree to anything else."

"Fuck!" Yan Xin's movements became fiercer, but when Di Tian blocked her, she couldn't kill Tian Xingmo at all.

"Xin'er, believe it or not, these years, you have always been the most important person in my heart." Di Tiandao.

"Do you think I would still believe your false sweet words?" Yan Xin sneered. Once a woman gave up her heart, she would give up her heart completely, and she would not have the slightest heartbeat. No matter what he said, she would no longer have a trace of heartbeat!

"Don't you understand my heart?" Ditian looked at her sadly.

"Your heart? What heart? Ha ha..." Yan Xin sneered, "For more than sixty thousand years, you have listened to the rumors of the villain, suspecting Yinyin is a traitor to the heavenly race, and punished her with ninety-nine eighty-one thunders. Punishment, drove her out of the Celestial Clan, and then forced her to die, causing Chen'er to explode. Is that what you said? Di Tian, ​​you really disappointed me!"

When Ditian heard this, he frowned and frowned, "At that time, the evidence was solid. Even if I was Chen'er's father, I couldn't be partial! Otherwise, how would I control the Celestial Clan?"

"Heh, what a righteous speech?" Yan Xin couldn't help but smile, as he said the same back then, making her cold heart cold again.

Yes, what hope is she still pinning on?

He is no longer what he used to be!

"Ditian, you and I have already been suffocated. Today I am here to kill people, not you and chatting to renew the past." Yan Xin said coldly.

Yan Mo below saw that the relationship between Yanxin and Ditian became stiff again, and he was very happy. The woman Yanxin really did her own death! Thinking that you have become a powerhouse in the realm of God, can you compete with Di Tian? Didn’t she know that what Ditian disliked the most was women rebutting him?

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