Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1643: Pan Yinyin【12】

There was a trace of sadness and loneliness in Yan Xin's voice. Chen'er's heart must be resenting her, resenting that she was not in the Celestial clan at the time, and did not protect Yue'er and the entire Pan clan...

"I will definitely find a way to find the obsession that Di Yuchen left behind." Nalanjing fisted, since that was the only way to wake Yue'er, then he would find the obsession of Di Yuchen no matter what. !

But where is Di Yuchen's obsession?

Is it the worry-free hall on the Jiutian Palace, or the previous Pan clan?

I had lived in the Worship-Free Hall for a while, and there were memories from my previous life, but I didn't feel Di Yuchen's obsession.

Since he loves Pan Yinyin so deeply, he should belong to the Pan clan who first met Pan Yinyin...

It's just that after the Pan clan was destroyed that year, the fairy realm gradually became barren, and the aura gradually withered, and it disappeared after a short time. It never appeared again, and it seemed to disappear forever on this continent.

Is Di Yuchen's obsession really in the realm of fairy spirits?

He wanted to protect the holy land, where he and Pan Yinyin first met...

Thinking of this, Nalanjing couldn't help becoming excited.

"Lord, did you think of something?" Sheng'er had been paying attention to the changes in Nalanjing's expression. Seeing that his breathing had become a bit heavier, the purple eyes flashed with shining light, and she couldn't help but ask.

"Now I am not sure whether Di Yuchen's obsession is in the realm of fairy spirits, whether it is or not, I have to go there and see." Nalan Jing said.

"Lord, we will be with you." Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er said together.

"No, you go and follow Yue'er. Pan Yinyin occupies her body, and her heart is full of hatred. I don't know what she wants to do." Nalanjing frowned, "You two have nothing to do with her. No acquaintance, no resentment, she probably won't deal with you."

"Good." Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er nodded together.


Pan Yinyin had just walked to the door of Wanhua Pavilion and saw two slender figures, fresh light green and eye-catching red dress flying in the afterglow of the setting sun, like the most beautiful scenery in the world.

"What are you two doing here?" Pan Yinyin's expression fell cold, she didn't forget that these two people were Di Yuchen's reincarnation followers, hum, there must be no good things coming here now.

Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er looked at each other, the corners of their lips were raised, and they stepped forward quickly, holding Pan Yinyin's hand left and right, "Girl Pan, can we follow you?"

Pan Yinyin frowned unpleasantly at the touch of the two of them, stretched out his hand to push them away, and their beautiful faces were cold and detached. "I advise you not to hit me with ideas you shouldn't have, otherwise I will kill you!"

"Master, do you really want us?" Xiao Xuan'er bit her lower lip lightly, and looked at her grievously with tears in her eyes, like an abandoned kitten.

"Master, don't abandon us, okay... We said that we will follow you to the death." Sheng'er's clear and black eyes were also full of mist, looking aggrieved and pitiful.

Pan Yinyin frowned deeper, and his whole body exuded a cold air, "I said I don't know you, so it's best for you two to stop pestering me!"

If it wasn't for the reason that they were all women, she would have killed them both!

She didn't like killing before, but later when she watched her people fall down one by one, she knew that what she wanted to do was not a god, but a demon!

"You are our master! If you don't believe it, you can summon a contract. Both of us are your contract beasts!" Xiao Xuan'er said anxiously.

"Yes, master, we didn't lie to you." Shenger said.

Pan Yinyin frowned in confusion, Contract Beast? But she had never contracted any Warcraft before!

Although she was very suspicious, seeing the hope and light in the eyes of the two of them, she couldn't help but search for the idea of ​​contract with them in her body. Sure enough, she saw a light shining from her body, and at the same time Xiao Xuan There was also a soft white light flashing on the bodies of Er and Sheng Er.

At the same time, the aura on Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er suddenly rose, and instantly reached the realm of God from the realm of heavenly sovereign!

This change caused Pan Yinyin to frown, her black eyes full of fierce murderous intent, "Are you using me?"

"Master, we don't..." Xiao Xuan'er hadn't finished her words, and a cold and sharp long sword had already been put on her neck.

Panyin and Yinmei are all cold and unfeeling, "Say! What method did you use to instantly elevate your strength to the realm of God?"

Before these two people were obviously high-ranking Heavenly Venerates.

"Master, do you really remember us? This is the highest blood contract of the gods in contract art. What kind of strength you are, even if we don't need to practice, we will become the same strength as you! You fell into the void before. , I broke contact with us, you disappeared for a long time before coming back, so when you reach the realm of God, and then open the contract between us, the strength of Shenger and I will suddenly become God!" A drop of crystal tears Slashing from Xiao Xuan'er's face slightly stung Pan Yinyin's heart.

She still wrinkled her brows, "Don't think that if you shed a few tears in front of me, I will let you two off!"

"Master, kill me if you want to kill, please let Xuan'er go! Xuan'er's loyalty to you has never changed!" Sheng'er said anxiously.

The sword in the hand was slightly hardened, and blood flowed from Xiao Xuan'er's neck. Looking at Xiao Xuan'er's sad face and reluctant eyes full of pain, Pan Yinyin's heart could not help but twitch, making her It was very uncomfortable. At this moment, the sword in her hand was a little unwilling to do so, and she couldn't pierce it!

How is this going?

Why does her heart hurt?

There seems to be a sense of deja vu for her...

"Let's go!" For a long time, Pan Yinyin withdrew the Extinction Sword in his hand, and the murderous aura on his body had disappeared, but the cold and unfeelingness of that body was still very strong.

"We won't go! We won't go to die! Master, wherever you go, we will go! Whoever you want to kill, we will kill whoever you want!" Xiao Xuaner's face was determined, and she regarded death as home. She will never leave again. The master stepped forward.

Although the person occupying the body of the master is Pan Yinyin, it is also the master’s past life. She believes that as long as she persists, she can definitely arouse the master’s consciousness...

And Pan Yinyin is also the master, isn't it?

"I'm not leaving either! I also want to guard my master forever!" Shenger clenched a fist.

"Whatever you want." Pan Yinyin could not help but frown slightly, seeing that the two of them couldn't drive away, and dropped a sentence coldly, and moved towards the remote control.

"Quickly keep up!" Xiao Xuan'er was overjoyed, and quickly unfolded his figure, and followed closely. Pan Yinyin did not refuse, proving that this was a play!

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