Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1644: Pan Yinyin【13】

Sheng'er was also overjoyed and followed closely, no matter if she was Pan Yinyin or whoever, as long as the body was still the master, she would desperately protect her!


The breeze is blowing, and the green bamboo is swaying like a sea wave.

The surrounding area was quiet, and occasionally a few cicadas rang.

On the soft ground, small flowers are in full bloom, colorful, very beautiful and charming.

Pan Yinyin, Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er walked in the Ziyan Forest.

"It's so quiet here, it's a bit weird." Xiao Xuan'er guarded Pan Yinyin's left, a pair of clever eyes full of vigilance, watching around.

"En, let's be careful." Sheng'er was guarding Pan Yinyin's right, his eyes were also full of vigilance.

After the three of them walked for a long time, Pan Yinyin frowned, and Xiao Xuan'er said with a puzzled look, "Master, what's wrong?"

"There should be a deep formation here." Pan Yinyin did not answer her question, but stroked her chin with her fingers, with a contemplative expression between her eyebrows. The palm of her hand shook, and the Extinction Sword was condensed in the palm of her hand, a sharp and unparalleled sword. Mang cleaved straight ahead, only to see a path paved with bluestone slowly appearing in front of him.

"Master, what are you looking for?" Shenger asked curiously.

Pan Yinyin ignored Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er's curiosity, and lifted his long legs directly towards the bluestone road.

Just as soon as her feet stepped on, a fierce murderous intent came from the depths of the bamboo forest in front of her. It was as mighty as the sea and terrifying!

"Who is breaking into my Ziyan Forest! Get out!"

Sounds full of murderous aura sounded over the bamboo forest, like rolling thunder blasting over the heads of Pan Yinyin, Xiao Xuan'er, and Sheng'er. Suddenly the three of them felt a burst of blood surging in their bodies, and the five organs and six organs seemed to be shattered by the roar. It seems.

A flash of surprise flashed across Pan Yinyin's cold and beautiful face. She is now in the realm of God, and almost no one can hurt her! Even the Emperor Tian or the Demon Lord can't do it!

The owner of this voice can make her qi and blood turbulent with just the voice, which shows that the strength is far above her!

Is there anyone in this world who is stronger than God?

Before the murderous aura came, both Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er flashed out in front of Pan Yinyin without hesitation. A terrifying and fierce aura radiated from them, resisting the murderous aura. .

The fierce murderous intent formed a terrible vortex in the air, and for a time green leaves flew over the bamboo forest, forming a green dragon.


The green dragon roared, let out a thunderous roar, and rushed towards Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er!

Suddenly, Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er realized that they couldn't move. They seemed to be put under an invisible huge pressure in an instant, like a hundred thousand mountains pressing on their hearts, making them panic and fear!


Behind him came a clear and cold voice, and the sharp sword light was like a meteor roaring across the sky. The green dragon was shattered under this terrifying sword aura and turned into a green drizzle that floated in the sky. , Fell all over the ground.

"Huh! You are so bold!" A cold snort of contempt and anger suddenly sounded before his eyes, and then a cyan figure slowly appeared in front of his eyes.

"Dare to ask Senior, is he a ghost?" Pan Yinyin's eyes raised slightly, falling on the person in front of her.

The woman was dressed in an ordinary cyan robe, with her long hair pulled into a simple bun. One half of her face was smooth and jade-like, with a delicate outline, while the other half of her face was covered with scars, like dried orange peel, from her forehead to her chin. The ghost is terrible.

"I don't know how long no one has set foot here. Everyone who has stepped into this Ziyan Forest is dead. I'm at a breakthrough recently, so I don't want to kill." Gui Lingzi did not answer her question, but disdain it. He let out a cold snort, and the aura on his body was even colder and terrifying, "You guys had better retreat quickly, otherwise, kill me!"

"Guilingzi, in the next Pan Yinyin, here is here to ask about how to heal the soul." Pan Yinyin stood still and asked politely with his hands moaning.

Guilingzi’s face was filled with anger, making the half of her face even more terrifying, “Did I let you go without hearing it? If you insist on seeking death, I don’t mind fulfilling you!”

"Senior Guilingzi, if you can tell me how to treat the soul, I can heal the wound on your face." When she came, she noticed the injury on Guilingzi's face. This is not an ordinary burn. , But burned by real fire!

"Cure the wound on my face?" Gui Lingzi seemed to have heard some joke, with a thick sneer at the corner of his lips.

"Not bad." Pan Yinyin nodded.

"Little girl, I advise you to stop talking big." Guilingzi sneered.

She doesn't know how many pill masters have been found, she is helpless, can she cure it? What a joke!

"Why don't you block it? If you lose, your face is still the same, and you won't lose anything. If your face is cured, wouldn't it be better?" Pan Yin said, dark and bright eyes flashing slyly Light.

"Talk about terms with me Guilingzi? I'm not so foolish! What if you didn't heal my face?" Guilingzi said.

"Leave it alone!"

"Good! If you can't heal my face, then I will kill you three!" Guilingzi said.

"No, the two of them have nothing to do with this matter. They just came with me. If I don't heal your face, you can kill you! But you must let them go!" Pan Yinyin glanced at Xiao Xuan beside him Er and Sheng Er, said to Gui Lingzi.

"Unexpectedly, you are still a loving and righteous person! Okay, I promise you!" Gui Lingzi nodded, her eyes rolled, and the sarcasm in her eyes became more intense, "Just why should I believe you? In case you take mine. What should I do if my face hasn't been cured, but is even uglier?"

Both Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er did not speak, but contemplated with their eyebrows. They can definitely do it with the master's medical skills, but they don't know whether Panyinyin is good or not. It is said that Panyinyin is the **** of pill, so it should be no worse than the master!

"How about the identity of my Pill God?" Pan Yinyin's lips raised lightly, her eyes were as clear as lake water, and her palms flickered, and a medicine cauldron appeared in front of her eyes.

"Pill God?" Gui Lingzi squinted his eyes, and a flash of surprise quickly flashed deep in his eyes. There is a Pill God in the Primordial Realm? I didn't expect it, but, didn't it mean that the only Pill God died more than 60,000 years ago?

She hadn't heard of a pill **** on the mainland in recent years!

"Isn't it? I won't know when I refine the pill for you." Seeing the suspicious look under her eyes, Pan Yinyin bends the corners of her lips lightly.

"Okay! Then I'll watch you refining alchemy, just because I haven't observed the situation of alchemy alchemy." Guilingzi flicked his sleeve robe, and a red sandalwood chair appeared behind him, turned and sat on it leisurely.

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