Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1645: Pan Yinyin【14】

Pan Yinyin was not annoyed, she had this ability, and as long as she took out the divine pill, Gui Lingzi would naturally believe her words.

No matter how good the mouth is, it is better to make a pill that can solve the appearance of the ghost.

As soon as his mind moved, he took out a bunch of rare medicinal materials from the space of the ring, and began to refine.

Guilingzi's eyes fell on the medicinal plants on the jade case, and a flash of surprise quickly flashed through her agile and deep eyes. She did not expect that she had such a rich collection of medicinal materials in her hands!

Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er stood on the sidelines and watched. They couldn't help the two of them in alchemy, but they were very moved by what Pan Yinyin said just now.

Pan Yinyin said not to let them follow, and kept saying to kill them, but when Gui Lingzi suggested that she would kill the three of them if she didn't cure her face, Pan Yinyin told Gui Lingzi This matter has nothing to do with them...

Pan Yinyin is indifferent on the surface, but is as kind as the master...

Hey, it's really silly. Isn't Pan Yinyin the master's past life? The master is so empathetic and righteous, I believe the master's past life will not be bad! Otherwise, the lord will not be willing to chase her for three lives and three lives, and will never leave...

It's a pity, more than 60,000 years ago, when the master died, there was still a trace of obsession...

"Isn't it said that the pill gods don't need a cauldron, they can directly refine the pill?" Gui Lingzi sat on the chair with Erlang's legs tilted, looking casual.

"It's true, it's just not long after I wake up. This is the first time I woke up to make alchemy. Just to be on the safe side, I took out the cauldron." Pan Yinyin didn't hide it, otherwise she wouldn't be ignorant of Guilingzi. Who is it?

Guilingzi is a character who only appeared in the tens of thousands of years after her death. No one knows her origin. It is said that she occupied Ziyanlin after she appeared. She has always lived here without asking the world, but she knows the world. thing.

It is also very costly to get the news you want from Guilingzi's mouth. If she can't come up with something that makes Guilingzi's heart, she will never speak. And Gui Lingzi's temper is also very weird. If she is a displeased person, no matter how exciting things she presents, she will never say a word.

As for her strength, it's more like a mystery. Someone tried to suppress the ghost spirit by force and make her surrender, but she was killed in the end. Some people said she was a strong person in the God realm, and some said she was stronger than the God realm ...

"You have slept for more than 60,000 years, really long enough." Gui Lingzi nodded, her beautiful eyes lighted up, seemingly careless, but she seemed to be able to see through everything.

Pan Yinyin was shocked and raised her head to look at her. A flash of surprise flashed in her eyes. She only said that she was awake, but did not say how long she was asleep, but the other party could see at a glance...

Who is Guilingzi? This is not just a matter of eyesight!

It must be her special ability!

Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er both looked at Gui Lingzi's eyes with a look of surprise. It seems that Gui Lingzi did have two chances!

"You don't think so much about a beast and a tree. Just be yourself. After all, it's useless to think about it." When Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er were secretly surprised, ghosts and spirits sounded in their ears. The light laughter made them both stare incredibly.

Well, at a glance, even the true identities of the two of them can be seen!

At this moment, a burst of strong medicinal fragrance filled the air.

As soon as Pan Yinyin's palm lifted, the lid of the cauldron flew up automatically, and a pill flew out of the cauldron slowly and landed in her palm.

"The pill is refined." The corners of the lips were slightly curved, and Pan Yinyin looked at the lustrous pill in his hand with satisfaction. Although he slept for more than 60,000 years, the pill was not unfamiliar at all, and it was so fast. .

"It's worthy of being a pill god, this alchemy speed is truly unmatched." Gui Lingzi exclaimed.

"This is Bingji Yuyan Pill, which can treat scars burned by sky fire, real fire, etc." Pan Yinyin walked to Gui Lingzi and stretched out his palm.

The Bairun medicine gleams with a faint light in the sun, like a fine white pearl.

There was a look of surprise in Gui Lingzi's eyes, as if she did not expect that she would refine the pill so quickly, this was at least a twelfth-grade pill!

"Ice Muscle Yuyan Pill? Why haven't I heard it before?" Guilingzi frowned slightly.

"Why, don't you dare to eat?" Pan Yinyin's lips raised lightly, and his beautiful face seemed to have a faint smile, but it made people feel indifferent and alienated. "It's normal if you haven't heard it before, because of this pill I just developed it more than 60,000 years ago, and there is no time to refine the experiment, so it has not spread in the world."

"That is to say, no one has taken it so far? You don't know how effective this pill is?" Gui Lingzi suddenly narrowed his eyes, didn't it make it clear that he was playing with her?

"Yes, it depends on whether you dare to take it." Pan Yinyin chuckled lightly.

"What's not to dare." Gui Lingzi snorted disdainfully, picked up the pill in her hand, and put it into her mouth without hesitation. With her strength to the point of hers, she naturally wasn't afraid of being poisoned by the sound. And when Pan Yinyin was refining the pill, she was also watching. She was able to memorize which medicines the ice muscle jade Yan pill used, so she was not afraid that Pan Yinyin would be disadvantageous to her.

As for the effect of the medicine, how bad can it make this half of her face even more ugly?

After thinking about it for a while, Gui Lingzi found that he had nothing to worry about, so he raised his head and took the pill directly.

The pill melts in the mouth, and it instantly turns into a pure medicinal power, down the throat...

Before Guilingzi, he felt a fierce pain on his face, like a needle prick, painful and itchy.

"Don't move! Endure it!" Pan Yinyin hurriedly stopped when she saw that she was about to reach out to scratch.

Guilingzi stopped her hand abruptly, no matter how painful or itchy her face was, she didn't scratch it.

"Well, I think you definitely need this now." Xiao Xuan'er's beautiful big eyes rolled around and took out a mirror from the space of Najie and handed it to Gui Lingzi.

Gui Lingzi took the mirror from Xiao Xuan'er with a little nervous hands. Since her face was ruined that year, she has never looked in the mirror again.

Every time she saw that face in the mirror, her heart was filled with anger and hatred!

It's because of ugliness that I dare not look at it!

Guilingzi slowly lowered her head, and when her gaze fell on the mirror, her eyes widened unbelievably, staring at the woman in the mirror with horror.

I saw ugly scars on the woman's horrible ghost face fell from it, and then new flesh grew...

Those skins are tender and smooth, crystal clear as jade, like a newborn baby, and can be broken by blowing.

A drop of tears couldn't help but flowed from Guilingzi's eyes.

How many years have it been!

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