Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1655: 诛 heaven [5]

Feng Yunxin originally thought that she had reported the Xuan Clan and her name, but these people would have to be a little bit jealous, but she did not expect to laugh at them all! That disdainful gaze is also true, without a trace of falsehood! In other words, they are not afraid of Xuan Clan at all!

Mu Qianyue noticed that both Lingfeng and Xingyou were a little agitated, and she couldn't help but feel a touch of doubt in her heart. It seemed that both of them were related to the Xuan Clan!

But this is someone else's business, and she doesn't need to dig deep, her goal is just the green wood!

"Are you really going to fight me?" Feng Yunxin's expression was very ugly. She bit her lip, and her eyes were full of resentment when she looked at Mu Qianyue and Lingfeng.

"Little girl, I don't want to be embarrassed with you. Today's matter depends on the face of your Xuan clan chief. Don't care about you, hurry up!" Xing You waved his sleeves coldly.

"Okay! I hope you don't regret it!" Feng Yun gave Mu Qianyue, Xing You and the others a fierce look, and flicked her sleeves angrily.

Seeing Feng Yunxin's leaving figure, Xing You shook his head and sighed, "Hey, the little girls nowadays are all spoiled, so savage and self-willed, arrogant and rude! She is a member of the Xuan Clan. Is this virtue?"

"Senior Star, trade with me, you won't regret it!" A confident smile bloomed on his lips, which made people couldn't help being convinced.

"Since the old man chooses to trade with you, he naturally believes in your character, and your eyes will not deceive." Xing You's eyes burst with light.

"Senior Xing's trust is so touched by the younger generation, and he will not let Senior Xing disappointed." After all, this is the first time I have met, Xing You believes in her so, how could she not be moved? And he also refused to deal with Feng Yunxin's God Pill.

The effect of the God Pill is there, and her treatment is only verbal and has not been practiced. It is difficult to know the result. If you change someone else, it is estimated that they will choose to trade with Feng Yunxin.

After all, after taking the God Pill, there is 80% hope of being promoted to the God Realm!

"I happened to rent a temporary yard in this city, so please go to me." Xing You said.

Mu Qianyue nodded, "En."


In the courtyard, next to the stone table, Xing You stretched out his hand, and Mu Qianyue sat aside to signal his pulse seriously.

The beautiful eyebrows were twisted lightly, somewhat solemnly.

Seeing this, Xing You couldn't help showing a trace of tension on his old face, "Mu girl, how is my situation, can it be cured?"

"Senior Xing, although the poison in your body is a bit stinging, it can still be cured. However, I need to collect these medicinal materials for you to refine the medicinal solution before proceeding with the next treatment. I will help in the next few days. Acupuncture." Mu Qianyue retracted her hand and said unhurriedly.

Xingyou couldn't help showing excitement when he heard Nozomi, "Really?"

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded, took out the pen and paper from Na Jie, and quickly wrote dozens of medicinal materials on the paper, even animal blood, poisonous insects, etc.

"I have some of the medicinal materials, so I don't have to look for them. These are all I don't have, so you still need to find them. Can you find these things?"

"Although these medicinal materials are very precious, they are not difficult to find. There are a few of them, and I happen to have them. I will find a way to quickly find the rest." Xing You said while looking at the list.

"Senior Xing, you sit down cross-legged, I will acupuncture for you first." The voice fell, and the palm of the hand shook, took out a set of silver needles from the ring space, placed it on the table, and gently opened the cloth cover.

The delicate and slender silver needle exudes a faint brilliance in the sun.

"What are these?" Xing You's eyes flashed with curiosity.

Mu Qianyue acupuncture for him, while explaining the principle and function of acupuncture.

One by one, the silver needles were pierced into Xing You's acupuncture points accurately, and 54 silver needles were pierced in succession before Mu Qianyue stopped.

Fingers pinched the tactic, formed a strange seal, hit Xingyou's body, saw the silver needles trembling, and gradually a trace of black liquid overflowed from the bottom of the needle, thick and smelly. Gas.

Seeing these black poisons that were so dark that they could almost squeeze out the oil, Xing You's eyes gradually became fierce and excited, really! These poisons can really be forced out of the body!

Although the black drug poison that was forced out was very rare, it was enough to prove that Mu Qianyue's treatment was effective and did not lie to him!

He didn't believe the wrong person this time!

His heart couldn't help but get excited, his body trembled, and he was so excited that he almost cried!

After about a quarter of an hour, Mu Qianyue collected the silver needles, wiped the fine sweat from her forehead, and said, "Senior Xing, because you have too much poison in your body, you need to divide it into seven. Second acupuncture and moxibustion, in addition, it needs to be equipped with medicinal liquid to wash the muscles and cut the marrow to completely eliminate the hidden danger of drug poison.

"Well... Mu girl, is there anything else I need to collect?" Xing You's lips trembled with excitement, and even his words trembled.

"Nothing." Mu Qianyue smiled and shook his head.

"By the way, I'll give you this first. I think you seem to need it very much." Xingyou flicked his palm, took out the green forest wood from the space of the ring, and handed it to Mu Qianyue.

"Senior Xing, you..." Mu Qianyue was taken aback, as if she didn't expect Xing You to give her Qinglinmu so quickly. After all, this is the first acupuncture...

"Take it! Sooner or later it will be yours." Xing You's wrinkled face showed a kind smile.

"Senior Xing, do you trust me that way? Aren't you afraid that I took Qinglinmu and ran away, or the subsequent treatments were ineffective?" Mu Qianyue blinked her **** eyes, her face was as white as jade. A rare serious color.

"I believe in you." Xingyou smiled, with a hint of warmth and confidence in her narrow and eagle eyes, which warmed Mu Qianyue's heart. She smiled and stretched out her hand to take Qing Linmu, "The younger generation will definitely not let you down. trust!"

Then Xing You took the list directly and went out to collect the medicinal materials needed to refine the liquid medicine.

Looking down at the Qinglinmu in her hand, Mu Qianyue only felt that it was heavy, not its weight, but Xing You's trust in her!

It wasn't until five days later that Xing You came back happily, saying that all the medicinal materials had been collected, and Mu Qianyue began to refine the medicinal liquid for him on the spot.

After all the medicinal materials were ready, the palm of his hand flicked, summoning a great pottery.

Nearly two hundred kinds of medicinal materials were washed and arranged one by one, and they were placed on the counter next to them. The Qinglong Minghuo jumped in the cauldron, and the temperature of the medicine furnace gradually increased.

The refining of the medicine liquid is naturally a matter of hand, and it is much simpler than the pill. Soon all the medicinal materials are refined, and a group of different colors of spiritual liquid are mixed together, and finally the impurities are removed.

The fresh and elegant aroma fills the air, and the liquid medicine in the furnace is semi-blue and translucent, crystal clear.

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