Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1656: 诛 heaven [6]

"Senior Xing, you add this medicinal solution to the water when you take a bath, soak it for a day and a night. After three days, I will acupuncture for you." Mu Qianyue divided the medicinal solution in the medicine pot into seven bottles Packed it up, took a bottle and handed it to Xingyou.

Xing You hurriedly took over with excitement, mist flickering in his turbid eyes, "Okay, I'm going to take a bath now!"

It just so stinks!

When the words fell, Xing You's figure had disappeared in the yard.

Mu Qianyue shook her head with a smile, seeing his excited look, like a child who had not grown up.

"Sister Mu, your medical skills are amazing!" Lingfeng's eyes were full of worship, and he stared at Mu Qianyue unblinkingly.

Jin Dan's sunshine fell on her white as jade face, making her beautiful face look more bright, elegant, wise and charming.

"Well, with the Qinglin wood, there is still a lack of ancient animal blood..." In the courtyard, Mu Qianyue sat on the wooden chair and contemplated her eyebrows. As long as he finds the ancient animal blood, he can refine the beasts for both Qinglong and Xuanwu. Body.

"Sister Mu, do you want ancient animal blood?" Lingfeng sat beside her, hearing her murmur, couldn't help but raise her head and look at her.

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded and looked at Lingfeng beside her. Her black, bright, star-like eyes were surging with sparkling stars, "Lingfeng, do you know where there is ancient animal blood?"

Lingfeng bit her lip lightly, did not speak, her face was tangled, it seemed very embarrassing.

"Lingfeng, it's okay, I know you must have your difficulties and difficulties." Mu Qianyue smiled lightly at the corner of her lips, and reached out her hand to touch his head, like a lovely big sister next door.

"Sister Mu, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but I don't want to go back again. I have ancient animal blood in my family, but I can't get it." Lingfeng lowered his head and said with a guilty expression, and he raised his head suddenly , There was a firm look in the starry eyes, "You saved my life. I should repay my gratitude, but I am afraid I can’t get out of my family... I’m really a coward! Sister Mu, don’t worry, I will I want to help you get ancient animal blood!"

"Lingfeng, since you have tried everything possible to escape from the family, it proves that you don't want to go back. I will naturally not persecute you or hate you for this. As for the ancient animal blood, I will find a way by myself!" Mu Qianyue He said lightly, saving Lingfeng at the beginning was just easy, so she didn't think about threatening Lingfeng to do anything for herself. This was not her style.

Although she needs ancient animal blood very much, she also hopes to obtain it through normal channels and means, rather than forcing Lingfeng.

"No! Sister Mu, I will definitely find a way to help you get the ancient beast blood!" Lingfeng curled his lips, "My family has preserved the ancient beast blood for more than 100,000 years. It is worshipped as a treasure. Just look at it and don’t use it, no matter how good it is, it’s a waste! Good things can only be used for their value!"

Um... hundreds of thousands of years...

Mu Qianyue secretly marveled in her heart, Lingfeng's family should value this ancient beast blood very much, and she didn't know which beast blood was from it!

If you can get it, it will definitely have a great effect on Qinglong and Xuanwu!

"Lingfeng, can you tell me about the Heavenly Jade Realm?" Mu Qianyue asked.

"Yes." Lingfeng nodded without hesitation, and then a look of doubt flashed in his eyes, "Sister Mu, aren't you from the heavens?"

"We are from the Primordial Realm, and I met you just after coming over from the Primordial Realm." Mu Qianyue did not conceal, she still has a good impression of and trusts in the innocent spirit wind.

"It turns out that Sister Mu, you are from the Primordial Realm!" Lingfeng had a look of sudden enlightenment. "Although Zhutian Realm has a vast area, it has a small population. There are only three major families, namely the Xuan Clan, the Ling Clan, and the Xingyue Clan. Others People are the gods left over from ancient times. The people of the Protoss multiply very slowly..."

Through Lingfeng's explanation, Mu Qianyue understood what this slow multiplication meant.

It turns out that the people of the Protoss cultivate faster and live longer than others, so they are restricted by the way of heaven to reproduce. In the Heavenly Realm, some couples can give birth to a life after tens of thousands of years, and it takes 10,000 years for good luck. , This has caused the sparse population of Zhu Tianjie.

Otherwise, if according to the reproduction speed of human beings, it is estimated that the entire Zhu Tian realm will be overcrowded.

"Are you from the Spirit Race?" His name is Lingfeng, so Mu Qianyue suddenly thought of the Spirit Race, and combined with what Lingfeng had said before ridiculing Feng Yunxin, Mu Qianyue was even more sure of her heart. idea.

"Yes, I am a member of the Spirit Race." Lingfeng didn't hide it, and nodded very simply. It was obvious that in his heart he also trusted Mu Qianyue extremely.

"Then do you know the Wu Clan?" Dai Mei frowned, Mu Qianyue's face was a little serious, listening to Lingfeng talk about the three major families, namely the Xuan Clan, the Spirit Clan, and the Xingyue Clan, but there was no Witch Clan!

Could it be that the Wu Clan has disappeared from this world?

"Sister Mu, the Wu Clan has disappeared from the Heavenly Jade Realm one hundred thousand years ago..." Lingfeng's words made Mu Qianyue's heart cold, and she disappeared from the Heavenly Jade Realm one hundred thousand years ago? Can the road to reincarnation be found?

But then Lingfeng's words made her almost mad and wanted to punch someone.

"In fact, the Wu clan did not really disappear. To be more precise, the Wu clan had an infighting, then split and divided into three major families." Lingfeng saw the frantic look in Mu Qianyue's eyes and couldn't help but pick it out proudly. Raise eyebrows.

"Can't you finish talking in one go?" Mu Qianyue curled her mouth depressed, really wanting to beat him up, swollen?

She almost scared her to death!

If the Wu clan really disappears, the road to reincarnation will inevitably disappear in the long river of history, in the long years...

"Hehe..." Lingfeng smiled triumphantly.

"These three families are the Xuan Clan, Spirit Clan and Xingyue Clan, right?" Mu Qianyue asked.

"En." Lingfeng nodded, "Sister Mu, what do you want to do with the Wu Clan?"

"I want to find a way to reincarnation."

"Road to Reincarnation?" Lingfeng's eyes flashed with astonishment.

"Lingfeng, do you know where the road to reincarnation is?" As if a traveler trapped in the desert saw the nectar of Xianlin, Mu Qianyue looked at him with bright eyes, and he didn't even dare to blink, for fear of missing it. A trace of expression on Lingfeng's face.

Lingfeng shook his head, "To be honest, I don't know where the road to reincarnation is. I just heard the three words road to reincarnation from the elders. I don't know anything else."

Seeing this, Mu Qianyue did not continue to ask, presumably Lingfeng really didn't know, otherwise he would definitely say it. Of course, she would not think that Lingfeng was lying to her, pretending not to know.

If Lingfeng really wanted to pretend not to know, there was no need to tell her about the Wu Clan, and there was no need to mention the road to reincarnation.

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