Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1659: 诛 heaven [9]

"Are you bragging? You'll know if you try it." Xiao Xuan'er's mouth raised a quiet and charming smile, like red begonias in full bloom in spring.

When the words fell, she saw her figure flashed, and she had disappeared in place. When she appeared again, she had already appeared beside Feng Yunxin and others, and her slender palms blasted out in front of her. Seeing Feng Yunxin and the others, she flew out in an instant, and fell directly from the second floor to the lobby on the first floor.

Railings, tables and chairs were smashed in an instant, plates and wine glasses fell to the ground, and ping-pong rang.

Because all this happened so fast, Feng Yunxin and the others hardly reacted until they fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood before they understood what had happened!

And the third elder was already stunned, his eyes were staring at the boss, his eyes were full of incredible expressions, as if he couldn't believe the scene before him.

"How can this be?"

The woman in front of me who looks about the same age as the young lady actually has the strength of the God Realm?

When Xiao Xuan'er didn't do anything just now, he didn't see through her strength. He thought she was wearing some magic weapon to hide her strength. Only now did she know that her strength was not lower than him! Turns out to be a strong man in the God Realm!

"No wonder you dare to rob my Xuan Clan's things so arrogantly, it is actually in the God Realm!" The Third Elder stared at Xiao Xuan'er with stern eyes, and said with some gritted teeth.

The fall of his voice immediately caused a sensation in the restaurant. For a while, everyone was talking about it and they were amazed by Xiao Xuan'er's strength.

Xiao Xuan'er rolled his eyes in disdain, not only was he in the realm of God, but Sheng'er and the master were both in the realm of God, okay? Sheng'er and the master didn't do anything. If they did do it, how could they stand here arrogantly?

But she won't say it, she won't tell these people the true strength of the master!

"Huh! Your talent is really good. It seems that your aura hasn't been long since you have just been promoted to the realm of God, little girl, I advise you not to be too arrogant, otherwise you don't even know how you died!"

"Really? I really want to see how I died." Faced with the cold threat of the Third Elder, Xiao Xuan'er's beautiful face did not show the slightest fear, but a pair of long, narrow and deep eyes flashed with stars. A little bit of refined mango.

"Three elders, kill them for me!" Feng Yunxin had already gotten up from the ground and walked up to the second floor again. Her eyes were resentful and viciously looking at Xiao Xuan'er opposite, her pretty face pale with anger. ferocious.

hateful! This damned woman has the strength of the God Realm! She must have deliberately pretended to be weak, so she let her group relax their vigilance, and just let her succeed in one blow!

Otherwise, with the three elders present, how could she hurt herself easily!

Of course, this was just Feng Yunxin's own thoughts. Xiao Xuan'er didn't think about hiding his strength from the beginning, but the techniques she and Sheng'er learned could hide their strength.

Hearing Feng Yunxin's words, the third elder wrinkled involuntarily, and an unpleasant flash of displeasure flashed in his eyes. The second lady really didn't have any brains at all! The woman on the opposite side is a powerhouse of the God Realm. Even if she wants to kill her, it’s not easy. What's more, there is the old man named Xingyou beside her, who is a ninth-order Tianzun. If the two of them work together, his The odds are not high.

"Three elders." The other five members of the Xuan Clan also got up from the lobby on the first floor, limped and walked back to the three elders, clutching their chests.

"En." The three elders nodded faintly, and glanced at them indifferently. Although the strength of the five of them is only the primary and middle-ranked Tianzun, it should still be okay to hold Xingyou.

It can only be solved one by one slowly. Who would let them insult his Xuan Clan in public?

Anyone who doesn't put him or the Xuan clan in their eyes should die!

A strong murderous aura permeated his body, and the entire restaurant seemed to fall into the cold pool instantly, and the cold and bloodthirsty breath enveloped the entire restaurant, making the pores of his whole body erect.

"Haha... do you really want to kill us?" Xingyou sneered at the corner of his mouth, and squinted at the third elder of the Xuan Clan, "I think you must be very clear in your heart?" If you insist on turning black and white and grabbing the green wood from the old man’s hands, it’s okay! It’s just that my Xingyue clan is not that easy to bully!"

Xingyue Clan?

Hearing these three words, the three elders of the Xuan Clan's complexion changed drastically, and a shock flashed across his eyes. The other party turned out to be from the Xingyue Clan!

His eyes fell on the three of Xiao Xuan'er, Sheng'er and Mu Qianyue again. Are they three direct disciples of the Xingyue Clan? Otherwise, they won't be so young, and they won't be following a ninth-order elder...

It is said that the Xingyue Clan has produced a few geniuses in recent years, and the girl in the God Realm in front of me is that genius of the Xingyue Clan?

The hearts of the three elders of the Xuan Clan came and went one after another, and thoughts of horror flashed through his mind, which made him have to re-examine the pedestrian Xingyou, especially the girl in the light purple dress in the middle, although from beginning to end. She hasn't said a word, but the indifferent temperament that exudes from her body is very attractive, calm as water, like a deep and secluded ocean, seemingly calm but unable to see the bottom at a glance, which is unpredictable. Thorough, but also the most daunting.

She is the scariest one!

This thought suddenly came to the mind of the third elder of the Xuan Clan. After careful thinking, he discovered that not only Xiao Xuan'er's strength, he couldn't see through it, but also the strength of the purple-clothed girl and the green-clothed girl!

Either the two of them are stronger than him, or they wear magic weapons that can hide their strength!

However, at this moment, the three elders of the Xuan Clan would rather choose to believe in the former, because he was careless before, so he never thought that Xiao Xuan'er was actually in the realm of God! Are these two women in the realm of God like this girl in red?

"They are not members of the Xingyue Clan!" Feng Yun gritted her teeth, her eyes full of unwillingness. If Mu Qianyue and the others were members of the Xingyue Clan, there would be no need to trade with Xingyou.

"Yes, they are indeed not from the Xingyue clan, but the old man is from the Xingyue clan, and Qinglinmu is my thing. Don't you want Qinglinmu? If you have the ability, take it from the old man." Xing You rolled his eyes in disdain.

Feng Yun choked in her heart, her expression felt as if she had eaten a fly and was uncomfortable with constipation. She never thought that the old man was from the Xingyue clan!

She looked at Mu Qianyue bitterly, and after she tricked Qing Linmu from Xing You's hand, she would **** it from her hand! But the palm she took for no reason would never just leave it alone!

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