Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1660: 诛 heaven [11]

Her eyes turned, and she suddenly looked aggrieved and said, "Senior Xing, what happened before was really wrong with me. I wanted this piece of green wood so much, so I didn’t hesitate to use God's Pill for exchange. After all, you are now. Rank Nine Heavenly Sovereign, if you get this God Pill, you will surely be able to successfully promote to the God Realm."

Hearing Feng Yunxin's words, Mu Qianyue's brows wrinkled almost inexplicably. She was still invincible just now, how could she suddenly apologize?

Xing You also frowned, and looked at Feng Yunxin suspiciously.

"Senior Star, as a junior, I have to kindly remind you, how can they have any medical skills when they are so young? Don't be fooled by their beauty! I don't want you to be fooled by them, so I will lead people Come here to stop them! I didn’t expect you to be fascinated by the three of them, and you still listened to them. They said that your meridians were blocked. It’s really a big surprise in the world, and the strength has reached our level. What else is blocking our meridians?" Feng Yunxin said.

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed with coldness. She now understands why Feng Yunxin suddenly changed her mouth. Did she want to say that she, Sheng'er and Xuan'er used beauty to seduce Xingyou for a piece of Qinglin wood?

Everyone in the restaurant was shocked!

Is this the real inside story?

Xingyou was fascinated by the beauty of these three women? And the second young lady of the Xuan Clan is really kind to remind?

Looking at the surprised and astonished expressions of everyone around, Feng Yunxin's face was full of pride.

The third elder of the Xuan Clan had a sullen face, and his eyes looked at Feng Yunxin with anger and anger. This time the second young lady was in trouble! Nothing is more important than reputation! Especially people like Xing You who have lived for a long time, they are more fancy!

Sure enough, Xingyou's face sank suddenly, and he slapped his palm angrily on the table with a bang, and the whole table turned into several petals under his palm!

"Little girl, didn't your parents teach you how to behave?"

"Senior Xing, I am kindly reminding you that the three of them are obviously not good people! I'm afraid that you are old and your brains are not so good, and you are fascinated by their beauty. After all, the green wood is too precious. I'm afraid that some people will use all kinds of methods!" Feng Yunxin still looks kind and gentle.

"Yeah, Qinglin wood is too precious, so a shameless woman used all kinds of methods after Senior Xing rejected her God's pill! She couldn't be robbed, and now she wants to slander others' reputation. It's really shameless!" Xiao Xuan'er was so angry that Qi Qiao gave birth to smoke, and his lungs were about to explode! Wipe, how could there be such a shameless person!

"Hey, it's also a woman, so why is there such a big difference? What do you think her face is made of? I'm afraid you can't describe how thick her face is in four words, right?" Sheng'er also looked shocked. .

"Let's talk about it, what exactly did you use to make Senior Xing be so devoted to you?" Seeing the strange eyes of the people in the restaurant, Feng Yunxin's face was even more triumphant. When they arrive, they can't even think about it!

"Heh... what a joke! We people of the dignified spirit race, do you want anything? We need to sell hues for a piece of Qinglin wood? Sister Yue is a god-level pill pharmacist, she can heal meridian problems for Senior Star, so Elder Xing voluntarily gifted Qinglin wood to sister Yue. On the contrary, you, are you really the second young lady of the Xuan Clan? What you did is really doubtful! If you are really Xuan Clan The second young lady, then we really have to doubt the character of the Xuan clan! Our marriage between the spirit clan and the Xuan clan also needs to be considered more carefully!" There was a sneer on the face of the young lady in Lingfeng, clear. There was a cold glow in his eyes, and his momentum was not lost to them at all.

Spirit Race?

Hearing Lingfeng's words, the three elders of the Xuan Clan felt their feet shaking and almost couldn't stand firm.

What's the matter with the second lady? Offending one Xingyue Clan is not enough, and offending people from the Spirit Clan together?

Feng Yunxin's face was as pale as paper at this moment.

Spirit Race? Are they from the spirit race?

Thinking of the marriage with the Spirit Race, her heart trembled even more. Her eyes were reddish, and she shouted in disbelief, "Impossible! You can't be from the Spirit Race! Why have I never seen it? Past you?"

"You haven't seen it, it doesn't mean that we are not! I will report to my father about today's affairs. The marriage contract between you and my elder brother is waiting to be cancelled! My spirit race doesn't need an unscrupulous woman Be the mistress!" The sarcasm in Lingfeng's eyes became stronger.


Everyone in the restaurant was shocked once again, thinking that what Feng Yunxin was saying was true, but I didn't expect this to be the truth!

It turns out that the talent of the Xuan Clan is the most shameless one! In order to **** others' green woods, threaten and lure others, even hesitate to slander others' reputation, it is really shameless!

The strength of other people's spirit race is not inferior to that of the Xuan race, and the spirit race is the head of the three families. Do you need to sell your hue for a piece of Qinglin wood?

"No! This is not true! You must be lying! They must have sexual intercourse..." Feng Yunxin couldn't help screaming out in shock, anger, and unwillingness.

"Second Miss!"

Hearing this, the third elder of the Xuan Clan's eyes widened in disbelief. He wanted to reach out to plug Feng Yunxin's mouth, but it was too late. Feng Yunxin's words had already been said.

At this moment, there is only one thought in his mind, that is, this time the second lady is over!

"court death!"

No matter how good the temper of Rao Shi Xing You was, he couldn't help it anymore at this moment.

This **** woman! It doesn't matter to insult him, but not to insult his benefactor!

Correct! Mu Qianyue was like a lifesaver in his heart.

Xing You's speed was surprisingly fast, and with a gust of wind, everyone around was knocked over by the gust of wind, and fell together.

Seeing Xing You who turned into a ball of light in front of her, Feng Yunxin was completely stupid, her face pale.


The third elder of the Xuan Clan moved in shape and quickly blocked Feng Yunxin's face. He raised his hand and slammed a palm against Xing You's palms.

"Boom boom!"

The two palms slammed together, and the three elders of the Xuan Clan and Xing You each stepped back to stabilize their figures.

The three elders of the Xuan Clan were shocked to discover that although Xing You's strength was one rank lower than him, the power he exerted was extremely powerful, and he was able to reach a tie with him! If the girl in red is added, they have no chance of winning here!

After weighing the pros and cons, the third elder of the Xuan Clan said, "Brother Xingyou, my second lady is young and ignorant. She said something wrong, and I hope Brother Xingyou will forgive me."

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