Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1667: Spirit City【1】

Xing You's old face blushed, and he waved his hand depressed, "Go go, brat, what do you know? I'm trying to get closer to the Yue girl!"

He didn't admit it even if he was killed!

Lingfeng looked at him with a smile, and didn't reveal him anymore.

"Senior Xing, our transaction is complete, and it's time to separate." Mu Qianyue said, after all, she had been delayed for a lot of time here. Before, she decided to come to Xuantian Realm to help Pan Yinyin find a reincarnation. Road, resurrect Pan Zhijun.

However, the road to reincarnation is related to the three witch races, and it is not so easy, so she decided to refine the two bodies of Qinglong and Xuanwu first.

With Azure Dragon and Xuanwu by their side, there will be a little more protection, which is equivalent to two more masters of the God Realm around her.

And this is also her wish. Qinglong and Xuanwu have guarded ten thousand years in the form of souls for her. Now their souls are getting weaker and weaker. Without the support of their bodies, their souls will become weaker and weaker.

"What? Separate? Girl Yue, where are you going?" Xing You, who was still immersed in excitement, couldn't help but stunned when he heard Mu Qianyue's words, and looked at her blankly.

Getting along for nearly a month made him feel as if he had known each other for more than ten years, and now thinking of separating him, it was really very sad and sad.

Lingfeng also looked astonished, "Sister Yue, where are you going?"

"I need an ancient beast pill, so I plan to look around to see where there is an ancient beast pill." Mu Qianyue said.

"Ancient Beast Pill?" Xing You was startled, and looked up at Mu Qianyue, "What level of Beast Pill do I need?"

If it is below Rank 12.

"At least it's a beast pill in the God Realm." Mu Qianyue curled her lips helplessly. If it were a normal beast pill, she wouldn't be able to find it after looking for it for so long.

In the Primordial Realm, there is only Ditian in the God Realm, and the beasts in the God Realm have never appeared, so they can't be found.

"There really isn't a beast pill in the Divine Realm. If it's a beast pill in the Divine Emperor, my Star Clan will have one." Xing You thought for a while and said.

"My Spirit Race seems to have a beast pill of the God Realm..." At this moment, the voice of Lingfeng sounded nearby, and Lingfeng frowned slightly, his face thinking.

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's eyes lit up, and she looked up at Lingfeng with surprise on her face, "Really?"

"Actually, I'm not quite sure, I seem to have heard it vaguely. Sister Yue, why don't you come back to the spirit clan with me, I will ask my father, and thank you by the way for your life-saving grace, how about?" Ling Feng smiled and scratched his head.

"Alright." Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with a light smile.

If it could be exchanged for that god-level beast pill from the hands of the spirit race, that would be great.

"Great! Sister Yue, when are we going to leave?" Lingfeng was very excited. If his father and brother saw Sister Yue, they would be very happy. After all, Sister Yue is her own savior!

"Let's set off tomorrow." Mu Qianyue raised her head and looked at the sky. It was sun set now, and she could only leave early tomorrow morning.


"Sister Yue, this is the biggest spiritual city of my Spirit Race. Isn't it very prosperous here?"

On the street, Lingfeng walked up the street with his hands behind his back with his hands behind his back. While talking, he looked at Mu Qianyue with a smile on his face.

Xing You had been separated from Mu Qianyue before because of something.

After a one-night rest, Mu Qianyue, Lingfeng, Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er arrived in Lingcheng within seven days.

Lingcheng is the most prosperous town of the Lingclan. Almost all the people in the Lingcheng are descendants of the Lingclan, who have multiplied for hundreds of thousands of years.

So the population here is very large.

"It's really prosperous." Mu Qianyue nodded as she looked at the shops on both sides.

Lingcheng covers a large area, nearly a hundred times larger than all the towns she has seen. The streets are wide and tidy, clean and hearty, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

At this moment, the streets are full of lights and festoons.

"Huh? It's not New Year's Day now. Why are there red lanterns and happy characters hanging at the door of every house?" Xiao Xuan'er was holding a bunch of candied gourds in her hand, looking around curiously.

Lingfeng scratched his head in doubt, "Usually the spirit race has a happy event, and the whole spirit city will celebrate with it... But there is no happy event for my spirit race in recent days."

He has only been out for a month, what happy event can the Spirit Race have?

If there is such a big happy event, the entire Spirit Race must have been arrogant long ago!

Forget it, no matter what, let's go home first.

"It's you!" Suddenly a sharp voice sounded behind her, and she saw Feng Yunxin standing behind her with a sneer, followed by Feng Tiancheng and several other Xuanzu disciples.

"It's really Yuanjialuzhao." Sheng'er curled his lips in disdain. How could he still meet this nasty woman when he came to the Spirit Race?

Mu Qianyue only glanced at her faintly, then withdrew her gaze.

"Yun Xin, do you want to teach them a lesson?" Feng Tiancheng, who was next to Feng Yunxin, stared at Mu Qianyue and Lingfeng with unkind eyes, and asked softly when he approached Feng Yunxin.

Although his voice is very soft, the unkindness and murderousness in his eyes have revealed his mind.

But Mu Qianyue was not afraid. She was not afraid when Elder Xuan San was there before, let alone now?

Feng Yun's gloomy gaze turned on Mu Qianyue's body, and finally fell on Lingfeng's body, "Forget it, this is the spirit race, I don't want to have extra branches here, tomorrow's things are very important. Wait. After tomorrow, I have my own way to clean them up!"

"Yes!" Feng Tiancheng sneered and nodded.

"But..." Feng Yun raised her brows lightly, her eyes flickering coldly, "Although we are not suitable for doing this, it is okay to ask for some interest first."

Feng Yunxin stepped forward and looked at Mu Qianyue, Xiao Xuan'er, and Sheng'er with cold and disdain, "You three are neither from the Spirit Race, nor from the Xuan Race, nor from the Xingyue Race. People appear in Lingcheng for no reason. Is there an ulterior conspiracy?"

Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, Lingfeng's figure moved, and she immediately blocked Mu Qianyue's body, staring coldly at Feng Yunxin who was opposite, "I brought her in! As the young master of the spiritual race, I brought some help Benefactor, can’t it? But you, as a member of the Xuan Clan, are you still in charge of the affairs of my Spirit Clan?"

Feng Yunxin's face stiffened, stiffened for a moment, and she smiled unnaturally, "I am thinking about the safety of the spiritual race. Although I am a member of the Xuan Clan, the spiritual clan and the Xuan Clan have been friends from generation to generation, and The Spirit Race and the Profound Race used to have the same root and the same origin. My child, I am doing this for your own good. After all, you are too young. In this world, people have sinister hearts. I'm afraid you will be deceived by their beautiful and hypocritical appearance."

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