Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1668: Spirit City【2】

"Huh, I can tell who is good and who is bad, so I don't need you to teach me. But you can say it well if you have a little bit of you. Some people look beautiful and gentle, but in fact they are like snakes and scorpions. Don't you think?" Lingfeng said There was a deep sarcasm in the inside and outside, and he went back directly.

"You..." Feng Yun's face turned blue with anger, her eyes gloomy for two minutes, she was just a sideline of the Spirit Race, so she would dare to talk to her like this?

After tomorrow, she will be the future young wife of the Spirit Race. Who wants to clean up in the future is not a matter of a word?

But now she can't swallow this breath!

Glancing at the Lingcheng Guards patrolling not far away, Feng Yunxin sneered triumphantly at the corners of her lips and waved to the leader of the Lingcheng Guards. The group of Lingcheng Guards rushed over immediately. .

The captain of the guard said, "Miss Feng, what's your order?"

"These three women are not from Lingcheng, nor do they have a pass for Lingcheng. I don't know how they got in." Feng Yunxin pointed to Mu Qianyue, Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er in front of her.

Her white and beautiful face was haughty and mocking, like a proud peacock.

"Take out the Lingcheng Pass on your body and have a look." The captain of the guard said to the three of Mu Qianyue, with a rather bad tone.

"I brought them in." Lingfeng's face suddenly sank, and he was very angry. As a young master of the Ling family, he brought a few good friends in and was questioned. It was true that his young master couldn't be displayed. ?

"Who are you?" The captain of the guard glanced at Lingfeng, with an arrogant and disdainful expression, and asked in a cold voice, "Who allowed you to bring people in privately? Don't you know the distance between Lingcheng? Is this kind of place where you say you bring people in at will? What do you think of Lingcheng, a vegetable market?"

Facing the scream of interrogation, Lingfeng's face was extremely cold. Is this girl tired of living? How dare to question him? Does this guy blindly recognize who he is?

"Are you new here?" Lingfeng didn't answer his question, but raised his brow lightly and asked the captain of the guard.

"Don't care if I'm new here or not, now I'm checking you guys, don't want to change the subject for me!" The captain of the guard rolled his eyes in disdain, with a pair of nostrils facing the sky, as if he was so awesome. He is indeed a good newcomer. He has just taken office for more than ten days. It is his uncle who is the director of the Lingfu. He said that his mouth is worn out, so his uncle arranged this easy and awesome errand for him.

And the woman in front of her is Feng Yunxin, the second lady of the Feng clan, and the young lady of the spirit clan in the future. He is the person he wants to please now. As long as she is served, she will be promoted in the future and get training resources. It's definitely not a problem.

So now there is such an opportunity for him to show Feng Yunxin and be able to perform in front of her, he must not miss it!

Feng Yunxin saw that the captain of the guard did not recognize Lingfeng, and the contempt in her eyes could not help but deepen a bit, hehe, she really guessed it, this kid is not the direct young master of the spirit race at all, but a humble side That's it, dare to claim that he is the young master of the spirit race outside?

If he were really the young master of the Spirit Race, how could these people not recognize who he was? Humph, it won't take long for Mu Qianyue these three **** to be driven out in a panic, right? However, if they were driven out so easily, it would be too cheap for them. They had to be arrested as spies and tortured and interrogated!

Thinking like this, the smile on Feng Yunxin's face couldn't help but widen a bit, but how cold the smile looked, it made that beautiful face a bit hideous.

"Why don't you speak anymore, did you guys sneak in? Or are you spies sent by the demon?" The captain of the guard said more and more vigorously, with his hands behind his back, his eyes slanted coldly towards Lingfeng. The four Mu Qianyue are full of style.

Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er looked at the captain of the guard in front of them with a little shock. Isn't this person okay with his brain? How dare to talk to Lingfeng like this! Although the two of them have never asked Lingfeng’s true identity, from the perspective of Lingfeng’s temperament, he knows that his status is not low, and when he was at the gate of the city just now, the guards who checked after seeing Lingfeng Calling his little master respectfully...

The idiot in front of him dared to talk to him in such a tone, really tired of life!

Mu Qianyue glanced at him sympathetically.

"Captain Xiao, you have to be careful, and be careful not to let them run away. We've seen them elsewhere before. These people are very cunning, acting strangely and harshly, and they really have a demon style." Feng Yun Xin sneered and stepped forward, not forgetting to fan the flames.

"Take out your pass to take a look." Lingmu Xiao stretched out his hand towards Lingfeng, with a look of ruffian air.

"You are not qualified to watch this young master's passable jade medal!" Lingfeng flicked his sleeves angrily, really annoyed him. He had never been so suffocated since he was a child, and he was despised by a subordinate in his own home. Up!

"Don't take it out? Very good, it seems that you don't have any passable jade medals! You and them are both suspicious characters. Someone arrested the four of them and interrogated them carefully!" Lingmuxiao sneered.

It's just that his voice fell, no one moved, and none of the eight patrol guards behind him did it. Lingmuxiao couldn't help but his face sank, "What do you mean? Didn't you hear the command of the captain, or was it fundamental? Don’t put the captain in your eyes?"

"Captain, you can't just grab people without enough evidence." said a guard standing behind Lingmuxiao.

"Yeah, Captain, maybe what kind of young master he is!" The other person laughed, obviously not paying attention to Ling Mu Xiao.

The others all looked at Lingmuxiao with contempt and disdain, if it wasn't for his uncle who was the chief steward of the Lingfu, could it be his turn to be the captain of the patrol guard? With his IQ, he can almost feed the dog!

In the past, this young man wore a good blue jade medallion around his waist. It was obviously not low in the spiritual palace, and he had the right to bring five people into the spiritual city, and the five people did not need to show a pass.

But Lingmuxiao obviously didn't even recognize this, I really don't know what his eyesight is!

Must be blind!

Ling Muxiao's face became cold, and his chest was furious, "If he is the young master, I will still be the young master! Cut! Just like him, there is not even a guardian or elder around him! I am afraid that the two words, young master, are self-appointed. Right? And even if he is the young master, can he bring people in?"

Look at him like that, at best it's just a sideline!

Ling Mu Xiao's heart was very disdainful and cold snort.

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