Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1671: Spirit City【5】

"Wait!" Feng Yunxin shouted immediately, her eyes showing dissatisfaction and annoyance, "Their identities are suspicious, can they be revealed by recording it so easily?"

joke! Ling Mu Xiao has gone to find someone, how can he let them go so easily? Now that I let them go, I don't know when I will get the chance to catch them next time, so Feng Yunxin naturally refuses to waste a great opportunity so easily!

"Miss Feng, please don't hinder us from performing our official duties." Ling Yuqian said unhappy. In any case, he is also a deputy captain and has the right to decide such things.

"Ling Yuqian, are you determined to do the right thing with this lady?" Feng Yunxin's eyes narrowed, and a dangerous light flashed in her eyes.

"Miss Feng, I'm sorry, this is my duty, and it's not up to you to decide whether they are spies or not. After I check the situation later, I will report the matter to the law enforcement elders. You can't help but bother." Ling Yuqian said coldly. He is not a fool. He has already seen that Feng Yunxin deliberately found the ballast. It must be that some of them offended Feng Yunxin when they were outside. It happened to be here. When Cheng met, Feng Yunxin wanted to take the opportunity to retaliate.

So after Ling Yuqian saw this, he chose to stand on the side of justice and regulation instead of favoring Feng Yun.

Ling Yuqian’s actions made Lingfeng’s eyes a little more gratifying, and he finally did not let him down. Not all people are like Ling Mu Xiao, who tends to be inflamed and bullies others, it’s a pity that Ling Mu Xiao’s rat **** is broken A pot of soup.

"Don't bother me? Heh... I am the young wife of the Spirit Race in the future. If a spy comes out here, it will definitely threaten the safety of the entire Spirit Race. Can you afford it? By then, these things will not be left to my husband. Brother Jun, come to worry?" Feng Yunxin raised her eyes, her black pupils were filled with contemptuous light, like a queen high above her.

Ling Yuqian's face darkened slightly, "At least you are not yet, Miss Feng should not forget her identity."

"You!" Feng Yunxin's expression instantly turned cold, and it was so ugly that this **** **** was so shameless to her! She said that she was up there, but the other party didn't buy it at all, so she was really angry!

"Haha...Some people are really shameless. They want to control the entire spirit race before they get married. If such a person becomes the mistress of the spirit race, wouldn't it turn the entire spirit race upside down? "Xiao Xuan'er had deep sarcasm in her eyes.

"Hey, I really don't know what the vision of the young master of the spirit race is. This kind of beautiful woman with no grade and no morality can look forward to it. Isn't he bad eyes?" Shenger laughed.

"Beautiful? Looks like she looks very average, not one-tenth as beautiful as her master." Xiao Xuan'er smiled disdainfully, her contemptuous gaze instantly pierced Feng Yunxin, and her jealous gaze fell on Mu Qianyue. The faces of Xiao Xuan'er, Sheng'er and Sheng'er were a little hideous.

"You..." Feng Yun was so angry that her face turned blue, her delicate body trembled slightly, her eyes fell on Mu Qianyue's beautiful face, and she could not wait to rush forward to tear that face, almost gritted her teeth. Said, "I will let you know what happens when you go against me!"

At this moment, Lingmuxiao’s voice came from a distance, "Young Master, this is where Miss Feng has caught a few suspected spies. One of them still has a jade medallion from our Spirit Mansion, which is very suspicious. Miss Feng wants to interrogate them, but they didn't even follow the arrangement and even spoke to insult me..."

As Ling Muxiao walked, he did not forget to add fuel and jealousy to nonsense.

Lingjun frowned slightly, "There is such a thing? Then why don't you catch them first?"

"It's like this. One of them holds a blue jade medal. That is a jade medal that is only qualified to be worn by the elders, but that person is very young and suspicious. The other three women have even more There are no jade cards, and even ordinary passes have not been processed." Lingmu Xiao said, "They still refuse to cooperate, and they also speak insults and arrogantly. It is really hateful not to put our spirit race in the eyes! Young master, You must decide for Miss Feng!"

Lingjun didn't speak, but still frowned, and walked forward quickly.

Ling Muxiao followed him closely with a triumphant expression on his face. The young master is here, and Miss Feng is here, doesn't the young master believe Miss Feng's words?

"Brother Jun..." Feng Yunxin looked up and saw the figures walking in the crowd, her delicate and pretty face couldn't help showing her daughter's shyness and joy, she walked quickly towards Lingjun and reached out to hold Lingjun's arm. "Brother Jun, why are you here?"

"I heard that something happened here, I came here to see, what the **** is it?" Lingjun drew out his hand without a trace, frowning, his eyes swept forward, a deep surprise unconsciously appeared in his eyes.

A Shenger dressed in a light green dress, standing there quietly, like a touch of green in the hustle and bustle of the red dust, the waterfall-like green silk gently dancing with the breeze, brushing her white and snowy delicate and beautiful face , Those eyes were brighter than the stars on that day, and they were foggy, as if they could speak. As long as they glanced at it, they were reluctant to move a point further.

Especially the light smile on the corner of her lips, thousands of styles around her eyebrows, fragrant cheeks and icy cheeks, slender waist, like a cloud on the horizon, and a clear sound like a dream.

I was caught off guard, there seemed to be a crack deep in my heart, and then something broke in quietly...

Lingjun suddenly felt that his heartbeat was a little faster.

"Brother Jun, these three women are acting suspiciously, and they are most likely spies sent by the Mozu!" Feng Yunxin did not notice the strangeness of Lingjun, but coldly faced Mu Qianyue and Xiao Xuan'er on the opposite side. And Shenger.

"Young Master, although they don't have a pass to the spirit city, he has a blue jade badge on his body that can bring people in. The subordinates are preparing to take them to register and investigate." Ling Yuqian explained quickly. Then he pointed to the Lingfeng beside him and the jade medal he wore around his waist.

Lingfeng put his hands around his chest, and the corners of his mouth provoked a hint of playfulness, his gaze was sly, well, he has been standing here for so long, his eldest brother hasn't even seen himself! Hey, it's really sad, is he just so inexistent? Uh, why do you feel that Big Brother has been staring at Sister Sheng'er?

"Ling Yuqian, you are the deputy captain of the patrol, but you protect these spies. You are not worthy of being the deputy captain!" Lingmu Xiao Yi sternly scolded, his face was high, as if he was so righteous. The Lord is coming, I see how you protect them, saying, did they secretly give you any benefits?"

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