Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1672: Spirit City【6】

"Young Master, it's just that they don't put Miss Feng in their eyes, you will definitely have to vent their anger for Miss Feng! On the site of our Spirit City, there are still people who dare to speak out to insult Miss Feng, it's almost death!" Seeing that Lingjun was angry, Xiao quickly added fuel and jealousy to the side, but the words fell, and he looked at Lingfeng and Mu Qianyue with a deadly look.

Feng Yunxin's gloomy face also showed an excited smile. With Brother Jun, these people are dead!

"You sneak out, don't you know that my father and I will be worried?" Lingjun's jade-like face was filled with sullen anger.

Ling Mu Xiao originally thought that Ling Jun would teach him a lesson, but the next moment Ling Jun's words seemed to pinch his throat, making him unable to laugh.

"Brother, I didn't mean to sneak out, isn't it really boring here, you treat me as a child all day, I also have my own ideas, and there is a sky of my own in my heart!" Lingfeng Frowning dissatisfied, he moved to Lingjun's body and looked at him with a little fear and grievance.

"Brother?" Feng Yun was dumbfounded.

"Don't you know how dangerous the outside world is? If you want to go out, just say, I can arrange some manpower and have them protect you, so I can rest assured, but you ran out secretly, and it took half a year after you left. For a while, my father was about to have gray hair." Looking at his younger brother who was acting cute and coquettish to him, Lingjun sighed helplessly, and reached out to touch his hair, "Well, don't run away alone next time. I’m out, tell my brother where you want to go, and my brother will accompany you."

That gentle spring breeze sound can almost drown people, the gentleness of the brow can melt the ice for thousands of years, no one can see Lingjun's love and pampering for Lingfeng.

"Okay, okay, I just promise you, brother, you are a big man, how do you feel more wordy than your mother?" Lingfeng pouted dissatisfiedly.

"Am I worried about you?" Lingjun said helplessly.

"Chee, if you were really worried about me, would you have not seen me just now? I have been standing here for a long time, but you are not willing to give me the extra light, too fake. I see only Shenger in your eyes Sister!" Lingfeng sniffed, eyes full of teasing and playfulness.

Hearing that, Sheng'er Ruxue's face could not help but appear two blushes, making her fresh and lotus breath more charming and more charming.

Ling Mu Xiao on the side was already frightened and his legs weakened, and his face was pale and scary. Is this kid the younger brother of the young master? Isn't he just a collateral young master? Looking at the appearance of the young master loving and caring for him, it can be seen that he has a very high status in the young master's heart!

In the past, the young master always looked indifferent and aloof, alienated and arrogant, refused to be thousands of miles away, and spoke with alienation. I have never seen the young master be so gentle!

He asked the young master to sue the young master's brother. Is he looking for his own death?

Ling Yuqian and others were also dumbfounded, looking at Lingfeng with a look of astonishment, he was the young master? Thinking of Lingfeng's indifferent disdain and no change, Ling Yuqian had cares in his heart. No wonder when Lingmu Xiao and Feng Yunxin wronged him so much, he was not scared or anxious at all. It turns out that he is the young master of the Spirit Race!

Now Ling Mu Xiao is dead! I thought I squeezed a soft persimmon, but I didn't think that the other party was the young master!

Ling Muxiao stood aside and his body was about to shake into sifting chaff, his body retracted as hard as he could, trying to reduce his sense of existence in order to avoid this disaster.

"Brother Jun, is he your younger brother? Isn't he, he is a young master by the side?" Feng Yunxin's eyes widened, her face was full of incredible expression.

"Who told you that he is a collateral young master? He is the younger brother of my compatriot." Lingjun frowned unhappy.

"Brother, it's like this. This woman bullied me because of her identity as the young wife of the future spirit race. She thought I was an inconspicuous young master, so she wanted to insult me." Lingfeng said truthfully. .

Lingjun's face sank suddenly, her eyes raised lightly, and her stern gaze swept to the side Feng Yunxin like a knife, "Feng Yunxin, you are so brave, how dare you bully Feng'er?" Still want to catch him?"

Feng Yun's face turned pale, and she quickly explained, "Brother Jun, it's not like this, this, this, this is a misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding? Heh...Do you think I would believe it?" Lingjun's mouth was sneered, and he obviously didn't believe her. He wouldn't be so stupid that he didn't believe Feng'er, but instead trusted an outsider.

That's right, Feng Yunxin is just an outsider in his eyes.

"Brother Jun, you have to believe me, this is really a misunderstanding!" Feng Yunxin showed an anxious and scared look on her face. She glanced at the Ling Mu Xiao on the side, and couldn't help being furious, and kicked the spirit. On Mu Xiao’s stomach, he shouted angrily, “It’s all your fault! If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have mistaken Young Master for a spy!

Ling Mu Xiao coldly suffered a kick, fell on all sides, wailed, and quickly got up again, kneeling down in front of Feng Yunxin and Lingjun, crying, "Miss Feng, this can't be done. Blame me, it's you..."

As soon as he raised his head and met Miss Feng's murderous and threatening eyes, Ling Muxiao swallowed with some fear, and swallowed all the words that rushed in his throat, thinking for a while and changed his mouth, "Yes, it is small I am clumsy, I didn't recognize the young master, the young master, the young one had eyes but didn't know Taishan, I hope the young master will forgive me!"

The next sentence was addressed to Lingfeng. Lingfeng snorted with disdain. He didn't forget how Lingmu Xiao had been arrogant and bullying just now. If he let him go so easily, what are the rules of the Lingfeng? Where is the majesty?

"Young Master, this matter is really a misunderstanding. Young Master did not state his identity. Then he brought three women in. None of these three women had passes. We just wanted to check the records so as not to The spies of the Demon Race were released, and the small ones are also for the safety of the Spirit Race!" Ling Mu Xiao cried bitterly and said sincerely, as if he was so loyal.

"Brother Jun, you really misunderstood me. Feng'er is your younger brother, that is, my younger brother. How could I bully him? Even if I bully myself, I won't bully him! Brother Jun, you Believe me..." Feng Yunxin looked at him pitifully with tears in her eyes, saying that she was sincere and sincere, as if the arrogant and brutal person just now was not her, but someone else.

Lingfeng's eyes contain contempt, this woman really can act!

"Brother, Sister Yue and they are my lifesavers. If it weren't for Sister Yue and the others, I would have become the belly lunch of Warcraft. This time I specially brought them to Lingcheng. Thank you for their help. Yep."

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