Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1683: Spirit City【17】

The violent sword aura hits out, the speed is extremely fast, the women who stood in the front talking the loudest were lifted out, and fell on the rows of delicacies and pastries, and they were suddenly broken. In one place, the whole place was full of wolves.

The women who had been knocked into the air showed horror, their hair and body were covered with oil stains, and they were embarrassed. How could there be any elegance and nobility before?

Mrs. Feng's face was extremely ugly, her eyes looked at Lingfeng with a sullen look, "Lingfeng, what do you mean? We are so persuasive, you did not hesitate to do it to us! It seems that you really belong to these three vixen Say it!"

The movement here attracted the attention of everyone present, and suddenly a pair of suspicious and curious eyes were cast over here, all curious about what happened, and even let the young master of the spirit race at the young master's engagement banquet. Don't hesitate to fight!

"I call you Mrs. Feng on the face of my father. Don't think that you can slander my friend. It is even more delusional to teach my master. Who do you think you are? Even my father and me Big brother has never said that to me!" Lingfeng's face turned blue with icy chills all over his body. If it weren't for the identity of the other party as Mrs. Xuanzu, he would have killed her with a single sword!

Mrs. Feng was refuted in front of everyone, and she was so reprimanded by a junior, she suddenly felt that her face was awkward, and her expression was ugly for a while, and her eyes surged with anger, "Good for you! I just kindly persuade you. , Not only did you not accept good intentions, but you also drew your sword to me. I really don’t know how your father and mother taught you!"

"How my father and mother taught Feng'er, I don't have to worry about Madam Feng!" Lingjun was speaking. He walked over with a gloomy face, Qingjun's face was covered with frost, and he strode. When he came to Lingfeng, he cast a gentle and caring gaze on him, "Feng'er, are you okay?"

The movement here was so great that it almost attracted the attention of everyone at the banquet, so Lingjun walked over as soon as he heard the movement, but he did not expect to hear such unceremonious preaching by Madam Feng!

Feng'er is his younger brother. Since childhood, he was reluctant to scold him, and his parents were even more reluctant to hit him. It can be said that he is the most precious little person of the entire Spirit Race, and he was scolded by his wife today. So after he heard Madam Feng's words, he stood up without hesitation.

"Big brother, this woman relied on her identity as Mrs. Feng, so she slandered sister Yue, Sister Xuan'er and Sister Sheng'er. The words were particularly awkward. I really couldn't listen to it, so I took action. I didn't expect her to be arrogant. I've even taught me!" Lingfeng looked fiercely at the group of embarrassed and timid women in front of him, with a bloodthirsty sneer on the corners of his lips, "and this group of people who curse casually without knowing the truth. It’s more annoying than a fly! You don’t know anything, just humiliate people at will, where is your upbringing? Sister Yue’er and the others are my life-savers, if not Sister Yue’er, I’m afraid I would have died of Warcraft. Under the claws of the beasts, they have become the Chinese food of the beasts! Their strength is in the spiritual realm. Sister Yue is much younger than my elder brother. What kind of talent is this? Even if they are compared to my elder brother, they are not inferior. Do you need to flatter me? What a joke!"

Lingfeng's words stunned everyone present, especially the people who had mocked Mu Qianyue, Xiao Xuan'er, and Sheng'er before. They never thought that the three of them would have a spiritual master state! Only in his twenties! This is too exaggerated!

"Wrong! The real talent is our master. The master is the genius of the spiritual realm, and we only reached the spiritual realm through the cultivation of the master." Xiao Xuan'er sneered with a sneer on her lips. Villain.

what? The spiritual master realm that this girl cultivated both of them with her own strength? She herself has reached the spiritual master realm, not to mention that she has cultivated both subordinates to the spiritual master realm. What kind of strength is this?

"The master of my house is a pill God, and he is superb with one hand. It is not a matter of cultivating us." Shenger looked at everyone with a look of contempt. She has always liked to keep a low profile, but these people are too self-righteous, so she can't help but cooperate Xuan'er hit them and let them know what a genius is! How graceful is her master, these people are really blind!

All kinds of envious and worshipful eyes looked at Mu Qianyue, Mu Qianyue always had a faint expression, and did not show a trace of arrogance.

Seeing everyone's admiring gazes looking at Mu Qianyue, Feng Yunxin's face was full of jealousy, her beautiful eyes filled with anger, this **** bitch, he thought he could use everyone's hands and rumors to his heart's content. They hit them, but Lingfeng would not hesitate to turn his face with her and her mother for them, and even hurt the guests! She really miscalculated this!

Madam Feng’s face alternated between blue and red, as ugly as it was, but she didn’t want to be ashamed in front of everyone, so she had to bite her lips, "Xiaofeng, I know you like them, so I will favor them, and I don’t need to say more about how difficult it is to become a spiritual master. She can also cultivate two masters of the God realm at once? Does she really think that the God realm is Chinese cabbage? If it is so easy to cultivate, wouldn’t it? There are masters in the spiritual realm everywhere? Forget it, this is the matter of your spiritual race. I really don't have the right to bother, so just take it as my mind.

The meaning in her words is very obvious, which means that in order to favor them, Lingfeng does not hesitate to say that they are high in the spiritual realm.

After hearing this, everyone felt that it made sense, after all, how could such a young girl reach the spiritual master so easily!

For a while everyone looked at Mu Qianyue's eyes changed again.

"Mrs. Feng, Miss Mu are Feng'er's life-savers, and they are also the life-saving benefactors of my spirit race. They are the distinguished guests of my spirit race. Please be careful when you speak!" Lingjun looked at Madam Feng with a cold look .

"Lingjun, you are now Xin'er's fiancé, and I am your future mother-in-law. Are you going to help the three foxes to deal with me?" Madam Feng narrowed her eyes and said with an unkind expression.

"Mrs. Feng, please be respectful when you speak. They are the noble guests of my spirit race. If you speak insults again, I can only ask you to go out." Lingjun's expression fell cold.

His words shocked everyone present, what?

For the sake of three women, the young master of the dignified spirit clan wants to blast out the head mother of the Xuan clan?

Sure enough, Madam Feng's mouth was almost crooked, her face was sullen and gloomy, and her eyes were filled with endless anger, "Lingjun, today is the happy day for you and Xin'er to get engaged. Is this how you treat your future? Mother-in-law?"

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