Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1684: Spirit City【18】

If it weren't for Xin'er's mood, she would have wanted to turn her face with Lingjun!

"Mother, don't say it." Feng Yun saw that Lingjun was angry, and she quickly took Madam Feng's hand. She thought she could use these people and her mother to deal with Mu Qianyue and the three of them, and kick her out. Spirit Race, she didn't expect things to develop to this point, and she didn't expect that Brother Jun would still be on their side until now!

Today is their engagement day! With so many people present, did he step on her face like this? In order to Mu Qianyue and the others, they did not hesitate to drive her mother out of the spirit race!

"Xin'er, you are too kind-hearted..." Madam Feng said.

"Mother, forget about this matter." Feng Yunxin bit her lips lightly, her face was gentle and virtuous, but her slightly drooping eyes were covered with frost and anger, but she covered it up very well. Well, everyone didn't see it, but everyone praised Feng Yunxin for her tolerance, big belly, gentleness, and virtuousness, and she loved Lingjun deeply.

"Xin'er, I know you love Lingjun very much, but men shouldn't be too indulgent, otherwise they will not cherish it, but they will also squeeze flowers and grass everywhere and be merciful..." Madam Feng gave Lingjun a pointed look, and then raised it. At the beginning, he looked at Lingjun arrogantly and coldly, and said almost in a commanding tone, "As long as you drive the three of them out of the spirit race and promise to never meet with them, the matter is fine, otherwise the kiss will not be settled. , I will leave immediately with my heart!"

Madam Feng swept arrogantly and contemptuously towards Mu Qianyue and the others, and Lingjun would drive them all out after a while. As long as she is not a fool, she will definitely choose her family, instead of these three powerless lowly woman!

Feng Yunxin also looked at Lingjun expectantly. Even the onlookers looked at Mu Qianyue, Xiao Xuan'er, and Sheng'er with deep sympathy. You don't need to think about it, you know that the person that Young Master Ling chooses must be It's Miss Feng!

"Brother!" Lingfeng looked at Lingjun with a nervous and scared expression. Big Brother wouldn't really agree to Madam Feng's request? If this is the case, he will be extremely disappointed in his eldest brother!

Lingjun frowned, "In that case, please ask Mrs. Feng to take Lingyuan away."

"Have you heard, now please leave the spirit house immediately! Get out of the spirit city!" Madam Feng looked at Mu Qianyue triumphantly, her arrogant expression like an invincible fairy, despising the ants under her feet.

"Mrs. Feng, I really sympathize with you. You are young. I didn't expect my ears to work well. Didn't I hear my elder brother ask you to take Miss Feng away?" Lingfeng's mouth turned with a mocking smile, hands on his waist, towards Feng Shouted the lady.

Sure enough, Big Brother didn't let him down!

"Ah? What are you talking about?" Madam Feng reacted afterwards, her face suddenly turned black, she almost gritted her teeth and said, "You dare to let me and Xin'er go? Lingjun, you know What are you doing yourself?"

Seeing the good-looking gazes of the people around, Mrs. Feng couldn’t wait to dig a hole and get in, and a hatred of Lingjun gradually rose in her heart. This Lingjun actually treated her like this for the three irrelevant women. Future mother-in-law! This is also hitting the Xuanzu in the face of everyone! It is really hateful to step on the dignity of her baby girl under her feet!

"I know exactly what I am doing." Lingjun's voice was cold.

"Brother Jun, do you really like them? Why don't you hesitate to drive me and my mother away for them?" Feng Yun stared in disbelief, her beautiful eyes filled with tears and shock, and a drop of crystal tears swept across. When I cross my face, the pear flower brings rain, I see pity.

"Miss Feng, your mother's first savior who insulted Feng'er." There was a hint of discomfort between Lingjun's eyebrows.

"Even if it's my mother's, are you going to chase me away? Chase my mother away? We are the people who will be with me for life, not them!" Feng Yunxin pointed to Mu Qianyue, her face Showing pain and resentment.

She is really doing well, they just stayed here for two days. Brother Jun was poisoned for them so much? If they stay here for a long time, will the entire Spirit Race still have her status?

"Young Master Ling, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect that we brought you so much trouble." Mu Qianyue said apologetically, "I wish Young Master Ling happy, then we will leave first."

Although she wanted to get the spirit stone from the hands of the spirit race, she didn't want to destroy the marriage of others because of this, otherwise, what is the difference between this and Feng Yunxin?

"Xuan'er, Sheng'er, let's go."

"Yes, master." Xiao Xuan'er glared at Feng Yunxin and Madam Feng disdainfully. How the two of them looked like a shrew, it was really speechless.

Sheng'er can't stay here anymore, and she's afraid that she will be tempted to beat people if she stays any longer!

"Miss Mu, stay here." Lingjun called. He ignored everyone's gaze and stepped forward. "It's me who should say sorry. It's because I didn't deal with personal feelings well that it would hurt you, I I will take care of this matter. In addition, you are Feng'er's lifesavers, and I have not yet thanked you well..."

"Young Master Ling, I said that saving Xiaofeng was a coincidence, and we are also good friends with Xiaofeng, so you don't have to worry about it at all." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

"Sister Yue'er, where are you going? I'll go with you!" Lingfeng grabbed Mu Qianyue's sleeves and blinked a pair of big watery eyes, looking extremely innocent.

He didn't want to stay. The eldest brother was going to be engaged to this woman, but this woman looked extremely annoying and hypocritical, and he didn't like it at all.

"What the **** happened?" Patriarch Ling and Mrs. Ling who were talking in Pianyuan, Patriarch Feng and others walked over.

"Husband, you came just right, Lingjun actually kicked me and Xin'er out of the Ling Mansion for these three women!" When Madam Feng saw Patriarch Feng, it was as if she had seen the backbone of the master, she quickly stepped forward to hold Feng. Patriarch’s arm, tearfully accusing Lingjun's various evil deeds, then raised his head to look at Patriarch Ling, angrily said, "Patriarch Ling, you came to my Xuan Clan to mention the marriage between Xin'er and Lingjun. We We agreed to this marriage because of the friendship between the two races and you and my husband are close friends. Now Xin'er has not yet finished the marriage, but is engaged to Lingjun, so he treats my precious daughter like this. How will he bully my heart in the future?"

"Ms. Feng, this is a misunderstanding! Girl Mu is Xiao'er Feng'er's life-saving benefactors. In order to thank them for their kindness, I made the decision to leave the three of them in the Ling Mansion, and by the way, join the engagement ceremony of Jun'er and Xin'er. "Mrs. Ling said quickly, trying to ease the rigid atmosphere.

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