Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1685: Spirit City【19】

"Misunderstanding? Everyone present has seen with their own eyes that he wants to drive me and Xin'er out for these three irrelevant women. Is this a misunderstanding?" Madam Feng's voice became sharp, showing grace. Huagui's face twisted, "Today, almost all the people with heads and faces in the heavens have come. Lingjun doesn't give me face, and doesn't give me the face of the Xuanzu. He stepped on the dignity of my Xuanzu under his feet and made my Xuanzu face. Lost! Patriarch Ling, you must give my Xuan Clan an account of what happened today, otherwise, what face does my Xuan Clan have to stand in this Heavenly Judgment Realm?"

Believe that there is Patriarch Ling and Mrs. Ling, Lingjun can only put away the sharpness of his body and drive the three women out of the house.

No one can shake the status of her baby girl. Anyone who threatens her heart, she will do her best to drive her away! Even if it is really a misunderstanding! I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go! Especially the looks of these three women are so beautiful, even as a woman, she is tempted to look at her, let alone a man?

Patriarch Feng also cast a stern look at Patriarch Ling and Madame Ling, "Patriarch Ling, you must do this to my wife and I to be satisfied, otherwise this family won’t be formed!"

Feng Yunxin looked at Lingjun with some fear and expectation, only wishing Brother Jun to drive them away quickly!

The Ling Patriarch turned to Lingjun with a gloomy expression, and asked in a deep voice, "Jun'er, what is going on?"

"Father, cancel this marriage contract." After a long silence, Lingjun suddenly said, his voice as light as before, but with complete determination and determination.

His voice fell, like a thunder blowing in the crowd, everyone looked at Lingjun with shock and confusion, what? The marriage contract is cancelled? Did the Young Master of the Spirit Race really fall in love with one of these three women? Want to give up the second young lady of the Xuan Clan for her?

Mu Qianyue was also stunned. He didn't expect Lingjun to suddenly make such a choice. Could it be that he really likes Sheng'er and made this choice?

Sheng'er was also full of consternation, her eyes filled with puzzlement.

"Um..." Xiao Xuan'er stroked her smooth white chin with her fingers, her face showing a pensive look.

"What are you talking about? The marriage contract is cancelled?" Madam Feng yelled out in disbelief, her face filled with shock and consternation, and turned into anger, "Ling Patriarch, Madam Ling, it was you who said that you were married, but now you are actually What do you mean to cancel the marriage contract in front of so many people?"

"Brother Jun!!!" Feng Yunxin's eyes were full of pain, tears rolling down like broken beads, tears and hot, but so cold to the bone, it made her chill.

"Jun'er!" Patriarch Ling's face was gloomy, and he roared out.

"Jun'er, this matter is very relevant, don't be impulsive." Madam Ling also showed shock in her eyes, she stepped forward and comforted, "The Xuan Clan is also one of the three major clans, and our two clans make good friends. For 100,000 years, you and Yunxin have known each other since childhood, and Yunxin has an excellent talent, kind heart and beauty, and is the most suitable person in the world for you!"

Lingjun shook his fist under his sleeve, "Mother, I can't go against my heart. I also tried very hard to make myself like her, but I found that I couldn't do it."

If he hadn’t met Sheng’er, maybe he would marry Feng Yunxin as his wife, and that would have lived his life, but when he met her, he found that he could no longer deceive himself and others, and he could no longer deceive that figure. Erased from my mind.

He doesn't want to do it anymore!

He wants to hold his own happiness!

However, thinking of his broken body, Lingjun's eyes darkened.

"Jun'er, your..." Mrs. Ling didn't say anything afterwards, because there were too many people here, and almost the entire clans of the Heavenly Jade Realm came, so this secret cannot be said casually.

"Mother, I know! But I don't want to use a marriage that I don't want to maintain the responsibilities on my shoulders!" Lingjun raised his head, his handsome face showed unprecedented firmness, and he looked at Patriarch Feng and Feng. Madam, bowed deeply, Qingjun's face was serious and serious, "Feng's Sixth, Madam Feng, I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Miss Feng! I am willing to make compensation for this!"

"Joke! Does my dignified Xuan Clan need you for this compensation? My Xuan Clan has no money or power? My heart is the little princess of the Xuan Clan. What, when have you been so wronged?" Madam Feng said with a sharp voice and an angry face, pointing at Lingjun angrily, "I want you to kneel down to my daughter and admit your mistakes in front of everyone present!"

"Mrs. Feng, we are discussing this matter carefully. Jun'er is just a moment of confusion..." Madam Ling's words don't even feel convincing to herself, but Jun'er is her pride, the pride of the spirit race, too How could the future patriarch of the spirit race kneel down to a woman and admit his mistake? If this matter spreads out, how can his Spirit Race gain a foothold?

"What else is there to discuss!" Madam Feng said angrily, "What's the confusion for a while, I think he is sober! Madam Ling, there is no discussion about this matter!"

"Ling Patriarch, it seems that we can't make in-laws anymore. Your Spirit Clan must give me a satisfactory explanation about this matter, otherwise you just wait for my Xuan Clan's battle post!" Shrouded, the momentum is amazing, it can be seen that it is really angry.

The Ling Patriarch was silent for a while, smiled and looked at everyone, and said, "I'm really sorry today, everyone should leave first, and I will invite you to come to my spiritual house the next day."

Everyone knows that Lingfu is under an order to evict guests, and it is inconvenient to stay, so I have to leave with a look of regret, but unfortunately I can't see the good show behind.

It's just that before everyone took two steps, they heard Madam Feng's voice behind them, "Hold on!"

So everyone paused and looked at Madam Chao Feng curiously. Patriarch Ling seemed to know what Madam Feng wanted to do, and his face gradually sank.

"Ling Patriarch, my daughter has lost her face in front of everyone. Now the matter has not been solved perfectly, but you have dismissed everyone. What does this mean?" Madam Feng had no room for negotiation, her face was full of bitterness.

Lingjun embarrassed her daughter and embarrassed her Xuanzu, Lingjun would never want to be alone!

Patriarch Ling knew that if he didn't give a satisfactory answer to this matter today, it would be difficult to uncover it. He yelled at Lingjun, "Nizi, don't hesitate to kneel down and confess your mistake to Uncle Feng!"

Lingjun's body is long and jade, with a calm expression, "Father, I am not wrong! I just want to follow my heart!"

"It's a good one to follow your heart! Don't forget the burden on your shoulders!" Ling Patriarch was so angry that he trembled and wanted to slap him.

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