Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1687: Spirit City【21】

Patriarch Feng said nothing. He also wanted to kill these three women. Anyone or anything that threatens his daughter must not be kept! It's just that, as the leader of the family, he can't say such things. It's best for the wife to do these things!

Feng Yunxin also looked at Mu Qianyue with a cold and bloodthirsty light.

"You are really deceiving you too much! You are the mistress of the Xuan Clan, and you have said such immoral things! You keep saying that Sister Yue and they are fox spirits, then what are you? I think you are jealous of Sister Yue. You look good! Humph! As long as I'm here, you don't want to hurt sister Yue and their hair!" Lingfeng looked like a hedgehog with exploded hairs, staring at Madam Feng in front of him with fierce and anger.

"Presumptuous! I am the master mistress of the dignified Xuan Clan. How can they compare?" Madam Feng scolded, seeing the strange eyes of everyone around her, she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but she was soon overwhelmed by the anger and hatred in her heart. Go down.

Everyone bowed their heads and talked, feeling that Mrs. Feng’s words and deeds were a bit too much. She was the lifesaver of Lingfeng, and she came to the engagement ceremony. She was accused of being vixens for no reason, and now she wants to kill them. Anyone doing this?

It's just that the Xuan Clan is one of the three great families in the Heavenly Judgment Realm, and they exist at the pinnacle, even if they have an idea in their minds, they dare not speak out, otherwise they would offend the Xuan Clan!

Seeing Lingfeng defending herself in this way, Mu Qianyue's heart was moved. She stretched out her hand on Lingfeng's shoulder and smiled, "Xiaofeng, don't worry, no one can hurt us."

"Sister Yue, I invited you to come to my house to play, but now something like this happened, I'm really sorry! No matter what, I have an obligation to protect you! Otherwise, what kind of man is my Lingfeng?" Lingfeng's tender Jianmei Folded together, the puffed chest showed his determination.

"You can't be regarded as a man now, at most you are a kid who hasn't matured yet." Xiao Xuan'er teased.

Madam Feng saw that Mu Qianyue and Xiao Xuan'er were dying, and she dared to laugh and talk here. I completely ignored my majesty and couldn't help getting more angry in my eyes. I looked at the Ling Patriarch and Lady Ling and threatened, "If you don't kill them, how can I rest assured to give my precious daughter to you? I don't want Xin'er to marry your spirit race, but I feel wronged!"

"Ling Pai, my wife's words are a bit heavy, but they are still my heart. After all, this is related to the happiness of my daughter's life, and I don't want to make any mistakes. If you can do what the wife said, I will offer you immediately What you want." Patriarch Feng's sharp eyes were filled with spirits.

Patriarch Ling's face changed when he heard the words. He naturally knew that Patriarch Feng's "what you want" referred to Star Tears. Apart from his spirit race, Patriarch Feng also knew something about this, so he would agree. Patriarch Feng asked Jun'er to marry Xin'er as his wife.

"Patriarch Feng, it is really difficult for me to meet your request! The three of them are Feng'er's lifesavers. Please also Patriarch Feng and Mrs. Feng not to involve innocent people! I will expel the three of them. You can’t enter the spirit city forever, how?” For the future of the spirit race, he can only be a treachery villain. Although it is to drive the three of them out of the spirit city, they will never enter, it is better than killing them. It’s always good to keep alive.

As for after they left, he sent someone to apologize to the three of them, and then gave them generous rewards, I believe they will not continue to pester.

"Father! How can you be like this?" Lingjun widened his eyes in disbelief. Is this still his father who knows the righteousness? He would say such a thing!

"Jun'er, don't disobey your father anymore, this is already the best result." Mrs. Ling was worried about what Lingjun would say, and quickly comforted her.

Lingjun waved the hand extended by Mrs. Ling, and looked disappointedly at the man who was tall and upright in his heart, "Father, since I was a child, you taught me to repay me if I was kind, treat people sincerely, be honest and trustworthy. Now that you do such a thing, it really disappoints me!"

"Presumptuous!" The Ling Patriarch was furious, looking at his son's disappointed gaze, he felt a pain in his heart, but when he thought of the dying ancestors and elders, and the future of the Spirit Race, he was cruel." This matter has been decided by the father and cannot be changed! Besides, you have lost your heart first, so you can't blame others for this matter, you can only blame yourself!"

The crowd onlookers were all sighing. Although the Spirit Patriarch drove them out of the city, but somehow left them for their lives, it was really much better than Madam Feng who wanted to kill them.

A triumphant smile appeared at the corner of Feng Yunxin's lips. Although she didn't kill them, it was not bad to drive them out of Lingcheng completely and from Brother Jun's side! As long as they don't show up with Brother Jun, she has a way to make Brother Jun change his mind and fall in love with herself!

Yes, just change your mind! Although Brother Jun was somewhat indifferent to her before, at least he wouldn't be as stiff as he is now! All these are thanks to them! She believed that Brother Jun had a little affection for her, but now Brother Jun doesn't like her at all!

"Okay! If you chase them away, even I will chase away!" Lingjun said angrily.

"Father, what you did is really strange to me, why did you become like this?" Lingfeng also looked at him disappointedly.

"Young Master Ling, Xiao Feng, this happened because of us, I'm really sorry, I will remember the love between you two." Mu Qianyue said lightly, although she doesn't like the Master Ling, but Ling Jun and However, Lingfeng has always been on her side, even arguing with his father for them, so she has no complaints against Lingjun and Lingfeng brothers.

She also didn't want Lingjun and Lingfeng to turn their faces with the Ling Patriarch for them, and the father and son would turn against each other.

After speaking, he raised his head to look at the Ling Patriarch, and the corners of his lips showed a sneer arc, "Unexpectedly, the patriarch of the dignified Ling Clan was a villain who didn't know what was wrong. Don't stay here. Xuan'er, Shenger, let's go Right."

"Master, but..." Xiao Xuan'er bit her lips unwillingly. They came to the Spirit Race for the purpose of Lingshi! Now that there is no clue to Lingshi, just leaving like this, isn't it a waste of time?

Sheng'er didn't speak, but followed Mu Qianyue. Since the master said to leave, he would leave, believing that the master must have other ways.

"Miss Mu, wait a minute." Lingjun called. He stepped forward with rare seriousness in his eyes, "I will go with you!"

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