Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1688: Spirit City【22】

"Sister Yue, wait for me, and I'll go with you." Lingfeng ran forward, with guilt in his black eyes. If it weren't for blindly inviting Sister Yue to visit Lingfu, he wouldn't. So many things happened! He vowed to say that his father and mother would definitely like them, but the reality gave him a resounding slap! It's really embarrassing!

Now the eldest brother has left with Sister Yue, it doesn't make sense for him to stay, and what's more, his father's actions really made him angry and disappointed.

Sister Yue was brought by him, but his father treated his friends and benefactors this way! Obviously did not put him in the eye!


The whole audience screamed, the young master of the spirit race and the young master are going to go with these three women?

This time the Xuanzu's face is completely lost!

Sure enough, Patriarch Feng and Mrs. Feng's face turned gloomy and ugly, Feng Yunxin's eyes were tearful, and she ran forward to grab Lingjun's sleeves, and a drop of crystal tears slipped from her white and smooth face. , "Brother Jun!"

"Miss Feng, I'm sorry, we are not suitable, I believe you can find a Wishful Langjun." Lingjun paused, his brows were cold, and he turned around and looked at the woman behind him indifferently.

Feng Yunxin tightened Lingjun's sleeves, crying like pears with rain, like tears, "Brother Jun, we have known each other for 20,000 years. We can be regarded as childhood sweethearts. Could it be that two days of your acquaintance? What’s so good? Why can’t you look back at me? I’m willing to do anything for you!"

The scene was full of sorrows, I didn't expect Feng Yunxin to love Lingjun so deeply!

"Miss Feng, I don't deserve you!" Lingjun's voice was cold.

Lingjun's indifferent attitude from the beginning and the end completely angered Feng Yunxin. She let go and looked at Lingjun with hatred and resentment, almost shouting, "Brother Jun, why are you betraying me? Is it because Are they more beautiful than me? My appearance is not bad! It is also the second young lady of the Xuan Clan. What do they compare to me in terms of status and status? Good! Since you insist on liking them, then I am willing Let you take them as concubines, is this all right?"

Speaking of the back, her voice gradually softened, with a mournful whimper, looking very pathetic.

"Miss Feng! Please respect yourself!" Lingjun frowned, "Although we have known each other since childhood, I have never loved you! The reason why we agreed to this marriage is also because of my parents' orders and the mission on my body! All this It has nothing to do with Girl Mu!"

His deep eyes were full of affection, and he looked at Sheng'er, "My heart is very small, I can only accommodate one person, I don't have such big ambitions to like them, I can like three women at the same time! I just want to Choose one person to love deeply, wait for one person to die, and join hands with the white head..."

When his gaze turned to Feng Yunxin again, the emotions in his eyes had all subsided, as light as usual, "So I ask Miss Feng not to insult them again!"


Unexpectedly, the Young Master of the Spirit Race is still a rare infatuation!

Three wives and four concubines are very common for men, especially Lingjun, as the young master of the spirit race, even if there are countless women, no one would dare to say a word! But he said he only wanted to marry a wife!

For some reason, looking at Lingjun's affectionate gaze, Sheng'er's heart was a little flustered, and those affectionate words poured into her heart like a drizzle...

Sheng'er quickly staggered his eyes.

"No, it's impossible! I don't believe you haven't loved me!" Feng Yunxin roared, Lingjun's words pierced her heart like a sharp sword, making her very uncomfortable, she simply couldn't accept this fact!

"Brother Jun, you know, I have liked you since I was a kid! I have been behind you for so many years, just waiting for you to look back! Why are you treating me this way?

Seeing Feng Yunxin crying so miserably, everyone felt a little sympathy for Feng Yunxin. There is nothing wrong with loving someone, but you shouldn't fall in love with someone who doesn't love yourself! This is destined to be painful for a lifetime!

As if thinking of something, her eyes burst with expectant light, and she grabbed Lingjun's arm with a little excitement, "Brother Jun, didn't you agree to this marriage originally for the spirit race? Don't you care about the spirit now? Are you married? As long as we get married, I can give you whatever you want!"

Including stars and tears!

Lingjun frowned and said nothing.

"Xin'er!" Madame Feng's face was filled with anger, and she stepped forward and pulled Feng Yunxin over, looking at her a little disappointedly, "Look at your unpromising appearance, men in the world are dead. Already? It's just a young master of the Spirit Race. My mother will definitely find you a better man than him!"

"No! I don't want it! No matter how good it is, it is not Brother Jun! I only want Brother Jun!" Feng Yunxin cried.

Mrs. Feng shook her shoulders, "Xin'er, you should be sober, this man doesn't love you at all, and you won't be happy if you marry him!"

"Woo... mother, but I love him..."

"Ling Patriarch, Madam Ling, the marriage contract is cancelled! My Xuan Clan and Ling Clan have never been in contact with each other forever! Goodbye is an enemy!" Patriarch Feng's face was green, his low voice contained anger, and the whole body was surging with cold, "Madam. ,let's go!"

After that, he turned around and left, all his old face was lost today! In front of so many people, Lingjun hit him in the face of the Xuan Clan in such a way, he had taken down his hatred!

"Patriarch Feng..." Upon seeing this, Patriarch Ling showed a touch of anxiety on his face. He hurriedly stepped forward and was interrupted mercilessly by Patriarch Feng before he even spoke.

"Ling Patriarch, you don't need to say anything!"

"I won't go, I won't go, I want to be with Brother Jun!" Feng Yunxin was crying, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Madam Feng angrily, "Mother, it's all your fault! If it weren't for your insistence If the Spirit Patriarch kills them, Brother Jun will not go with them! Even less will he abandon me!"

"Xin'er, I do this for you too!" Madam Feng felt very hurt, looking at the aggressive Feng Yunxin with a shocked expression on her face.


A resounding slap fell on Feng Yunxin's face, and her white face was instantly swollen, and the five red finger prints were very clear.

"Niezha!" Patriarch Feng cursed, "Can't you tell? No matter what you do, Lingjun will make excuses! He has no plans to marry you!"

Feng Yun covered her face and cried bitterly, a heart-piercing pain spread all over her body...

"Come here, take the second lady back to me!" Patriarch Feng's face was extremely gloomy, and he ordered coldly.

People from the Xuan clan stepped forward and took Feng Yunxin back. This time Feng Yunxin did not struggle any more.

Seeing Patriarch Feng and the others leave, everyone sighed. They didn't expect a good engagement party to end in such a situation! It's really unexpected!

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