Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1689: Spirit City【23】

When everyone saw Patriarch Feng and the others were gone, they sighed, and left one after another. They couldn't attend this engagement ceremony.

Soon there were only the Lingjia people, Mu Qianyue, Xiao Xuan'er, and Sheng'er in the original lively garden.

"Young Master Ling, Xiaofeng, you two should stay. I won't take this matter to heart. You don't have to mind." Mu Qianyue's slightly frowned brows contained a trace of apology, and she didn't expect it. Things will develop to this point.

Although she no longer likes Feng Yunxin, she has never thought of destroying other people's marriages.

"I was about to go out and see the outside world. I haven't been walking outside for a long time." Lingjun's lips curled up, and there was a trace of longing for freedom and hope for the future in his eyes.

"Sister Yue, don't stop us." Lingfeng said.

"You two stop for me!" Patriarch Ling's roar came from behind.

Lingjun and Lingfeng paused together and looked at the man behind him who was almost furious.

"Are you two trying to **** me off?" The Ling Patriarch's face was pale and ugly, and the whole person was trembling with anger. He really raised two white-eyed wolves, and now he is going to follow a woman, even the entire spirit race. No matter it! I'm really mad at him!

"Jun'er, Feng'er, you two are really too impulsive." Madam Ling hurriedly stepped forward to support the Ling Patriarch, and looked at the two reproachfully.

"Now I order you to go to the Xuan Clan immediately and make amends to Patriarch Feng and Madam Feng, and then take Miss Feng back!" Patriarch Ling said with a sullen face and said coldly.

"Father, since I was little, I have always listened to you, but this time I can't listen to you anymore, I'm sorry!" Lingjun closed his eyes in pain, lowered his head, and clenched his fingers under his sleeve. I won't go to the Xuan Clan, let alone pick up a woman I don't love!"

Now he knew that there was no emotional **** around him, it was so easy! Relaxed and comfortable like never before!

"You rebellious son!" Ling Patriarch was so angry that his chest was ups and downs. He knew his son's temper. Once he decided, it would be useless to say anything. So he looked up at Mu Qianyue, Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er. "I know you saved Feng'er, and I am very grateful for your life-saving love for Feng'er! But I don't want you to continue to pester my two sons! As long as you are willing to leave, my spirit race is willing to offer rich rewards In this way, thank you for your life-saving grace to Feng'er!"

"The remuneration is unnecessary, we will leave by ourselves." Mu Qianyue said lightly. She has said everything that should be said, and there is no point in explaining it. In their eyes, perhaps they are women who are greedy for vanity and climbing dragons and phoenixes. Why should she explain?

The world sees what she likes, she only needs to have a clear conscience, and she doesn't treat any friend who is true to each other, that's enough!

"That's the best." said the Spirit Patriarch, his palm flicked, and a space storage ring appeared in his hand. "There are a lot of rich medicinal materials, pills, and heavenly techniques and martial arts, which are just rewards. Right."

Mu Qianyue didn't glance at the ring in his hand, but said to Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er, "Let's go."

Lingjun and Lingfeng did not hesitate to follow behind them, so angry that Patriarch Ling shouted again, "Jun'er, if you dare to leave with this woman, you will never come back!"

Do you never come back?

Lingjun's lips curled up with a bitterness, and he stopped, but after a few seconds of pause, he lifted his steps again and walked forward.

"If you dare to leave, you will no longer be the Young Master of the Spirit Race from now on, and I will remove you from the family tree of the Spirit Race!" The spirit family master's angry voice sounded again.

Lingjun finally turned around and looked at the man behind him, Qingjun's face was filled with heavy sadness, "Father, I'm sorry!"

When the words fell, his knees softened, and he knelt down to the Spirit Patriarch, and then seriously and respectfully knocked his head three times, "Father, I will not be here in the future. You must take care of your body. Apart from me, the Spirit Race has many talents. , As long as my father trains them, I believe they will be better than me in the future!"

"Even if you are expelled, even if you are no longer the Young Master of the Spirit Race, even if you lose everything, do you want to go with them?" The Spirit Patriarch stared at his eyes in disbelief, and a mist of water appeared in his eyes. I wonder how my beloved son could do this! For a woman, I don’t hesitate to give up my entire family, including him...

"Father, I left not because of them! It's because I don't want to marry Feng Yunxin! If these things didn't happen before then, maybe I would listen to you and marry her. After experiencing these, let me also I can see my heart more clearly and clearly realize what kind of life I want to live in the future! Young Master of the Spirit Race, this is just a fake name to me!" Lingjun's face was relieved and free and easy.

Lingfeng stood in place, hesitated.

After three prayers, Lingjun stood up and said to the three of Mu Qianyue, "Let's go."

"If you dare to take a step, I'll kill them immediately!" The spirit family master's whole body was cold, and a bloodthirsty killing intent spread from him. The temperature in the entire garden instantly cooled down, and the air was suppressed and terrifying. Mu Qianyue's murderous aura enveloped them.

Lingjun's face also slowly turned cold, "If you want to kill them, unless you walk over my corpse!"

"You rebellious son, do you have to be against me?" The spirit family master was so angry that his heart, liver, lungs, lungs and kidneys hurt.

"Father, I don't want to do it with you. In my heart, you have always been the person I admire the most, but I can't let you kill my friend and kill my benefactor of Xiaofeng!" The long body Yuli stood in front of Mu Qianyue and the three people without hesitation, the slender figure reveals unstoppable determination.

"Get out! Get out of here!" Ling Patriarch trembling with anger, pointed at the door of the garden and shouted at Lingjun.

"Husband, calm down." Mrs. Ling hurriedly spoke softly, touching his chest with her palm, "Jun'er just couldn't think about it for a while. Since he doesn't want to marry Xin'er, don't force him anymore. Now people of the Xuan family They all went back, even if Jun'er went to the Xuan family to apologize, there is no way to make up for this scar."


The furious Patriarch Ling couldn't hear Mrs. Ling's consolation, and yelled at Lingjun again.

"Father, mother, you take care." Lingjun said with a heavy face, turned around and strode out of the garden, Mu Qianyue sighed lightly, followed by Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er.

"Big Brother...wait for me." Lingfeng followed closely behind.

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