Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1700: Meet the ghost again【8】

When the third elder saw this, the fear in his eyes could not help but deepened. While backing back, his eyes were full of shock and fear. He shook his head in a panic, "How could you still be alive...this, this is impossible!" Are you already dead?"

"Of course you want me to die! It's a pity, my life is too big, not as your wish!" Ghost sneered.

Mu Qianyue's eyes narrowed slightly, her gaze fell indifferently to the third elder, and then she looked at the beautiful face of the ghost, she couldn't help but think of Madam Luo's face that was exactly the same as the ghost, and the ghost happened to be named ghost. ...

An incredible thought came to mind...

"Three elders, my father and I asked ourselves how you treated you badly, but you guys combined with those **** to kill my father and take away the ghost town. Have you been very chic these years?" Ghost spirit sneered forward. .

"Miss Mu, kill her quickly! She is pretending to be the mistress of my ghost town. There must be another conspiracy! Please kill her immediately! As long as you kill her, you will be the benefactor of our ghost town from now on. I will be grateful for you!" The Third Elder looked at Mu Qianyue anxiously as if he saw the straw.

Mu Qianyue frowned, "I am only a first-level god, and her strength is significantly higher than mine. How could I be her opponent!"

"Then you quickly use the realm of life to heal our injuries, with your cooperation behind, we can definitely kill this gangster!" said the third elder.

His words made Gui Lingzi's brows lightly frowned. She turned her head to look at Mu Qianyue, her eyes filled with complicated light, because she didn't know which side Mu Qianyue would help, perhaps which side. There are more chances, after all, she and Mu Qianyue only met once, or because of the deal...

"Sorry, she is my friend, so I won't help you." The light voice fell on the ghost's heart, but it made her stay in place like a thunder.

The water eyes were full of shock and surprise, she looked at Mu Qianyue with an incredible expression, as if she didn't expect Mu Qianyue to say so! Are they friends in her heart?

The cold heart suddenly felt hot, warm...

It turned out that she also regarded her as a friend!

"Mu Qianyue, don't you want bauhinia? You don't want those rich remunerations? Don't forget what your purpose is to save our young master!" The third elder clutched his chest, grinning, looking Angrily looked at Mu Qianyue.

"This is the grievance between you, I won't interfere." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

This is also her position.

Although she and Ghost Spirit are friends, they are not good enough to stand up for others' grievances. She will not help her, but she will not help the Three Elders.

"You helped Luo Tianhou that beast deal with my father. Why didn't he allow you to be the elder? You are still a third elder after so many years. It's a failure to get mixed up!" The corner of the ghost's lips sneered.

The third elder knew that Mu Qianyue was determined not to care about it, and she raised her head to look at the ghost and couldn't help but flashed a panic, "Miss, we can't blame us for the things back then! If it wasn't your father who insisted on not taking out the unicorn We don’t want to work with him, Crystal Soul! We discovered the Qilin Crystal Soul together. Everyone has a share. Why does he want to occupy it alone? If it weren’t for his selfish intention to swallow the Qilin Crystal Soul, we would not Will be his enemy!"

The ghost’s eyes were cold, "’s worth my father trusting you so much! Kylin crystal soul, my father never thought about swallowing it, because the unicorn fire in the unicorn crystal soul is too violent and domineering, my father’s day I used the true essence to sacrifice Qilin Fire day and night. I wanted to wait for the Qilin Fire inside to be cleaned up, and then take it out to share with you, but you did not expect that you conspired to kill him!"

The cold and sharp tip of the sword pointed to the throat of the three elders ahead, "Today is your death date! Don't worry! Luo Tianhou and that **** will also go down to accompany you soon!"

The sword rose, cold light flashed, and the sharp sword light penetrated the chest of the three elders and penetrated from behind.

The three elders were still unwilling to open their eyes until they were about to die, as if they could not believe that he would die, and it was so simple and so simple to die! He doesn't even have the ability to escape!

The cold light flashed in the air again, and the nearby ghost town disciples who were seriously injured were also killed with a single sword, and none were spared.

"Are you in the high-level **** realm?" Mu Qianyue asked the ghost in surprise.

"Yes! When my father was killed, I gave the unicorn crystal soul to me. Although I was seriously injured, I was lucky enough to fall into the Primordial Realm, so they did not find me. I have been absorbing the power of the unicorn crystal soul for these years. , I didn’t dare to show up because I was afraid that they would find me. Now I have the strength of Tier 9 God Realm, and I am not afraid of them at all, so I dare to show up here. But because I haven’t come back for many years, I don’t know now What's the strength of the ghost city, I had to hide my identity and came to the ghost city in disguise. I just didn't expect to meet you here." The ghost said lightly, and when he talked about the back, the corners of his mouth were raised, revealing a faint smile, elegant and charming.

"That's the case." Mu Qianyue's eyes felt a little bit of a sudden, no wonder the ghost can easily kill the Third Elder and others, even effortlessly.

"Swish swish..."

There were several cracking noises in the air, and the Great Elder was chasing with a group of disciples. When he saw the bodies of the Three Elders and others on the ground, his face couldn't help showing a look of shock. Why did the Three Elders all die?

"Mother, why are you here?" When the elder saw the ghost in front of him, his face showed the same shock and surprise as the third elder.

"Elder, don't you even recognize me?" Ghost Ling's beautiful face was indifferent, there was no joy or sorrow, and there was not even a trace of other expressions.

"Mother, I am not what you are talking about, why are the three elders all dead?" The elder frowned tightly.

"I killed it." The ghost hummed lightly.

When the elder heard this, his eyes widened incredulously, "What did you say? You killed them all? Mistress, do you know that you did this too much, they are all from the City Lord's Mansion! "

He looked at the ghost with disappointment and hatred, "Mother, you are becoming more and more strange now, and I feel more and more scared. You used to be kind, simple, cute and intelligent, but your temperament has changed drastically over the years. It’s just that the subordinates are harsh and vicious, but these people are from the City Lord’s Mansion! You killed them without any reason? Hey..."

Could it be that the death of the Ghost Heaven City Lord hit the mistress too much? That's why the mistress's character became so tyrannical?

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