Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1701: Goodbye Guilingzi【9】

"That's them **** it!" The ghost snorted lightly.

"Miss! I don't know why you are like this!" The elder looked at her heartbroken. He raised his head and looked towards the sky, his eyes filled with lonely heartache. After a while, he retracted his gaze and looked at her again. The ghost in front of him said, "Hey... Since you are killed, kill it. The eldest lady is not pleasing to the eye, so she will recruit people again in the future, but the city lord is afraid it will be difficult to confess! I will find a way... "

"Elder, you have always been loyal to my father. The woman who has been with you for so many years is not me, but you have never noticed. Oh, it is ridiculous!" The corner of the ghost's lips curled up with a sneer, and his eyes were extremely contemptuous.

The elder was stunned when he heard the words, looked at her in a puzzled expression, frowning, "Miss, what do you mean?"

"If you still don't understand, then you don't need to say anything." The ghost looked at him coldly.

"You, are you saying that the woman in the city lord's mansion is fake? She is impersonating you?" The elder stared in disbelief.

The ghost did not speak, but flicked his palm, and a black token engraved with the word ‘soul’ appeared in his hand and threw it towards the elder.

The Grand Elder reached out his hand to take it, his eyes widened, "Soul Token? Didn't the Soul Token have long been lost?"

"Is that **** Luo Tianhou telling you right?" Ghost sneered.

The elder nodded, his gaze kept falling on the soul order in his hand, "Yes! The city lord said that the soul order was stolen by the woman Zhang Yudie, and that woman was hated because of love, so she took the soul order and blew herself together. Since then, he has lost the whereabouts of the Soul Ling."

The next moment he suddenly raised his head, his eyes filled with anger, "No wonder I have always felt that the young lady's temperament has changed drastically, becoming tyrannical, bloodthirsty, jealous and cruel, and killing people at all times. It turns out that the woman is not the eldest! Since that woman Not the eldest lady, who is that woman? Why is she impersonating you?"

"She is Zhang Yudie."

"What? It turned out to be her!" The Great Elder looked shocked.

"Yes! Back then I was deceived by Luo Tianhou's superficial gentleness, thinking that he was the man worthy of my life, so I took him into the ghost town, I didn't expect that everything was his illusion. He approached me, It is for the power of my ghost town! He not only colluded with Zhang Yudie to murder me, but also bought the three elders. That time they took advantage of my father’s retreat and secretly poisoned me. I believed in Luo Tianhou. All of them were not fortified, so they were defeated. They used me and tried to force my father to hand over the Kylin Crystal Soul. My father swore to the death and refused to agree. My father fought hard to protect me, and unfortunately fell. I took the Qilin Crystal Soul to flee everywhere, and still did not escape their pursuit. Fortunately, I fell into the Primordial Realm after being seriously injured, and was able to save my life..." The ghost's tone was light, as if saying something. It's a matter of self-interest, but anyone can hear the sadness and resentment in this tone. In simple words, what pain and suffering are the people in it?

Eyes as deep as a secluded pool are filled with pain and self-blame. If she hadn't met the other person and loved the wrong person, his father would not have died! She killed her beloved relative!

Until now, she still can't forget the look in her father's eyes before he died, so gentle, so petting, full of resentment and helplessness...

"Blame me! Blame me! If I happened to go out back then, you wouldn't be calculated by them..." The elder was heartbroken, and there were tears in the blink of an eye. It turned out that the eldest lady had suffered so much all these years, which is ridiculous. It was he who always regarded the woman in the city lord's mansion as the eldest lady, and treated her respectfully, almost obediently.

"You are not to blame for this. They are determined to calculate, and naturally they will do everything possible to find various ways." Ghost shook her head. Just now, her tone was cold and she just wanted to see the attitude of the elder and see if he still remembers. Self, will you stand on your side.

Fortunately, the Great Elder did not let her down!

"No! I must kill these bitches! Let them not survive or die!" The elder bitterly clenched his fists, his eyes filled with deep hatred.

"Now you are rushing over, I am afraid it will not help. Although I have not been in the ghost city these years, I still know a little about the power distribution of the City Lord's Mansion. I am afraid that there are not many strong people in your hands?" Ghost stopped.

"Don't you just let them go?" The great elder showed an unwilling look on his face, "If the two, four and five are still there, you can definitely kill the dog and the man!"

"I'm afraid it was the second elder, the fourth elder, and the fifth elder who were all killed by Luo Tianhou." Ghost Ling snorted softly.

This sentence made the great elder instantly understand, "I said how so coincidental, when the second and the old, the fourth and the fifth, all died when they went out to do the task!"

It was precisely because of the deaths of the three of them that the City Lord's Mansion had to recruit new elders, and then after those new elders entered the City Lord's Mansion, they were all controlled by Luo Tianhou.

"Luo Tianhou! I won't kill you in this life, I will swear not to be a man!" The elder's eyes were red and hatred in his eyes.

"I've already planned it. When you go back, I will say that they died in the hands of Beasts, and I will turn back like the three elders." A fierce light surged in the ghost's eyes.


A cold light flashed in the air, and the long sword in the hands of the elder was placed on Mu Qianyue’s neck, "Miss Mu, I have always admired you for reaching the realm of the Pill God at a young age, but this matter is related to the young lady’s. Life, so I have to guard! Don’t worry, I won’t kill you. I just hope you can cooperate. Regardless of success or failure, this matter has nothing to do with you, how?"

"Elder, let her go." The ghost yelled angrily.

"Miss, she knows all your secrets, I will be very kind if I don't kill her!" The elder stared in surprise.

"She is my friend, she will not betray me." Guiling looked at Mu Qianyue's eyes with a trace of warmth. If she wanted to do something, she would just help the Third Elder deal with herself.

Some people have known each other for a short time, but they seem to be long enough to trust each other.

"Do you know?" The elder was surprised, and quickly retracted the sword, "Miss Mu, I'm sorry, I have offended you just now, I hope to forgive me."

"No problem." Mu Qianyue shook her head.

Although he was very unhappy with what the Great Elder did just now, the Great Elder was still upright. When the second elder beat him and Luo Jun along the way, the Great Elder was helping her, and the Great Elder had no intention of killing her just now. .

Otherwise she would not let it go so easily.

She always loves and hates clearly, others respect me, I respect him.

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