Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1703: Dog bites the dog【1】

"You all get up." The ghost waved lightly.


In the city lord's mansion, Luo Tianhou has always been restless, feeling irritable inexplicably, walking around constantly, always feeling that something bad is about to happen.

"Husband, you have been away all morning. Sit down and have a cup of tea." Under the banyan tree, Madam Luo sat elegantly at the table, standing with her slender white fingers holding Bai Yu, drinking tea in a beautiful mood.

Luo Tianhou walked to the position opposite her and sat down, his brows were still frowning tightly, "I don't know what's going on with them, whether they can reach the bauhinia smoothly."

"Don't worry, there are the big elder, the second elder, and the third elder, who can definitely get the bauhinia smoothly. Their strength is not weak, besides, there are so many helpers, and there is no problem with the medicine master." Madam Luo smiled, but there was a flash of insidious cold light in those slightly drooping eyes.

Got the bauhinia?


It is impossible!

She wouldn't let them get the bauhinia to save a wild species! Damn that wild species!

She had already secretly ordered the second elder to destroy the bauhinia or kill Mu Qianyue. If this way, the pill would not be made, and the wild species would definitely die!

"I'm thinking too much..." Luo Tianhou nodded in agreement, but his voice hadn't completely fallen down yet, only to see a guard rushing over in a panic, "City Lord, the big thing is not good, it's not good Up!"

The guard's face was slightly pale and panting, which was obviously the reason for the rush.

Luo Tianhou frowned unhappy, put down the tea cup in his hand, and asked, "What is so flustered?"

"Second elders and their life cards are broken..." The guard swallowed in fear.

"What?" Madame Luo was even more shocked, she stood up from her position in shock, her beautiful face was gloomy and terrifying.

Luo Tianhou furrowed his brows deeper, and he couldn't help standing up in horror, and asked, "What about the Great Elder and the Third Elder?"

"The life card of the Grand Elder is intact, but the life card of the third elder is a bit cracked, but it is not broken. The third elder should be seriously injured. In addition, the life cards of the others are broken, and the people who are accompanying only There are four people left..." The guard's eyes are full of panic. There are so many powerful people on this trip, but only six people are left, which shows how dangerous and terrifying.

"It's over! The bauhinia is definitely not available. If you can't get the bauhinia, you won't be able to save Qier..." Luo Tianhou's face was ashen ashes, and he fell to his seat.

There was a sneer in Madam Luo's eyes. Although it was a pity that the second elder died, he finally completed the task, as long as the wild species died, huh!

For the whole day, the entire City Lord's Mansion was shrouded in a gloomy and suppressed death air. All the maidservants were afraid to speak loudly. When everyone was depressed, Mrs. Luo was in the best mood.

In the evening, news of the return of the Great Elder and others quickly spread throughout the city lord's mansion. Luo Tianhou hurriedly greeted him, and Mrs. Luo immediately rushed out when he heard the news.

"Elder, what happened? Why are the casualties so heavy during this trip?" Luo Tianhou asked as soon as he saw the elder.

Madam Luo saw Mu Qianyue in the crowd at a glance, a flash of anger flashed in her eyes, why didn't this woman die there? I thought she was bound to die, but she was still alive! Really gone (harmony) shit! Luck!

"City Lord, we never thought that there would be two powerful beasts guarding the bauhinia. They are two black and white centipedes, one male and one female. They work perfectly together. We have lost a lot of people..." The elder was distraught. appearance.

"Have you got the bauhinia?" Luo Tianhou asked nervously.

Madam Luo also looked nervously at the Great Elder.

The elder trembling fingers took out a purple flower from his arms and handed it in front of Luo Tianhou, "Fortunately not insulting my life!"

"This is the bauhinia?" Luo Tianhou's eyes were filled with excitement. He quickly took the bauhinia from the hand of the elder, the lavender flowers exuded a charming luster in the sun, "With the bauhinia, Qi'er is saved!"

At this moment, Luo Tianhou was so excited that tears filled his eyes, and he almost didn't cry. He is just such a son!

If Qi'er dies, his Luo family will end!

"Is this the bauhinia flower?" Suddenly Mrs. Luo took the bauhinia flower from Luo Tianhou's hand and played with it at will. Luo Tianhou was startled to see him, "Be careful, don't break the bauhinia flower! Hurry up! Give Girl Mu, let her refine the pill!"

"Give it to her? Huh...why?" Madam Luo had a weird smile on her face, a little sullen, "Let her save that wild species?"

"What do you mean?" Luo Tianhou's face instantly became gloomy.

"What do you mean, don't you understand? I want that wild species to die!" Madam Luo's face was so gloomy that she almost gritted her teeth and said this sentence.

"That's my son! Also your son!" Luo Tianhou said angrily.

"Huh! That's only your son, but not my son!" Madame Luo's face was filled with anger and resentment, "When you learned that I was barren, you went around taking concubines and married one woman after another. You said that you just wanted to have an heir. The funny thing is that I believed your nonsense! But you fell in love with those women and stayed with them day and night, but didn't want to look at me again! You! Have you ever thought about my feelings? You said before that you only love me, you treat me so and betray my sincerity! He is just your son, not my son, so he must die!"

Luo Tianhou looked at her with disappointment and anger, as if she didn't expect her to do this! So crazy to kill his only son!

"But in the end you killed them all? I didn't stop you, let alone blame you. You are going to kill Qi'er now! He is my only son. Give me the bauhinia!"

"Didn't stop me? Didn't blame me? Ha... Luo Tianhou, your memory is really bad! Didn't you slap me hard and gave me a sword? As for why you didn't stop me later , You know better than anyone in your heart!" Madame Luo's eyes were filled with anger and resentment, and a hideous look appeared on her delicate face.

"If it wasn't for you to kill them, I wouldn't do this to you!" Luo Tianhou squinted.

" don't know! Your unborn sons were all my hands and feet secretly, which caused them to miscarry. But then I got bored with these things, so I gave you the drug, so that Once you are done forever, you will never give birth to a child... Haha, since I can't give birth to you, then others will never want to give birth to you!" Madam Luo raised her head and laughed, her smile full of hideous, calculating, very true Scary.

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