Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1704: The dog bites the dog【2】

Everyone in the City Lord's Mansion was so scared that they looked at Mrs. Luo in disbelief. The words that are the most poisonous and feminine are really true! In the face of your own husband, you can do this kind of conscience! It's really vicious! There is nothing more hateful than making people cut off their children!

"You!! It turned out that you have given me the drug for the killer!!" Luo Tianhou's face was filled with anger and anger. He has always wondered why none of his concubines were pregnant. I've taken the drug!

"Yeah! If it weren't for you to abuse me, I wouldn't treat you like this! To blame for all this is your own fault!" Madam Luo raised a smug smile on her face.

After the Grand Elder learned that Madam Luo was not a real ghost, the expression on his face was dull from beginning to end. What can this vicious woman do? So he sounded very ordinary, and Luo Tianhou was also an ungrateful, despicable and shameless villain, so let them bite the dog!

Mu Qianyue stood aside with a faint expression, Lingjun's face also showed disdain, and the woman's jealousy was really terrifying! Feng Yunxin too!

The ghosts pretending to be the three elders are not in a hurry to take revenge, but stand quietly watching the good show. I thought this revenge would take a lot of effort, but now it seems that it’s not necessary. When they lose both sides, then It's not too late! In short, she will not let this couple of dogs and women die happily!

"As long as you give me the bauhinia, I can ignore these things!" Luo Tianhou took a few deep breaths, tried to calm the anger in his heart, and said calmly as possible.

Now Qi'er is the only descendant of his, he naturally wants to save Roach's life, and after he gets the bauhinia, he will give this woman a severe lesson!

Madam Luo is not a fool either, she pursed her lips with a sneer, "Do you think I'm stupid? Since I told you all these things, would you let me go so easily? Hahaha... Luo Tianhou, there is one more You must not know one thing. The poison on Roche’s body was actually me! At first I wanted to poison him directly, but I was afraid that you would continue to accept other people’s women as concubines, so I stayed How about letting him live half-dead for his life?"

"You, you lunatic! lunatic!" Luo Tianhou roared with red eyes, and his body couldn't help shaking with anger.

"Hahaha..." Madam Luo laughed up to the sky, her face twisted and ugly, "I was driven crazy by you, if you weren't for this to me, how could I treat you like this? You forgot about the relationship between us Eachother! For you, I have lived my life in the face of another woman, the woman I hate the most!"

"Okay, I was wrong in the past, you just need to give me the bauhinia, what you can say, I will listen to you in the future, okay?" Luo Tianhou couldn't help slowing down his tone when he saw her look crazy, and said softly. .

"Impossible! Don't want to live that wild species!" Madam Luo sneered, and saw the spiritual power surge in her hand holding the bauhinia, the next moment the bauhinia turned into powder in her hand!

"You!!" Luo Tianhou's eyes were splitting, his eyes were red, "I want to kill you!"

"Just because you want to kill me? Don't forget, I am the real master of this City Lord's Mansion!" Madam Luo sneered, her voice fell, and suddenly a group of figures flew out of the air, lined up, standing. Behind Mrs. Luo, there were four or five powerhouses in the realm of God.

There were also more than a dozen powerhouses on Luo Tianhou's side, and there were also four or five powerhouses in the Divine Realm. At a time, they were equally aura.

For a while, the air was plunged into a dull and depressing atmosphere.

"It's such a wonderful play! I didn't expect to see such a wonderful scene when I came back. It seems that it's really time for me to come back." Sweet laughter sounded abruptly in the air.

This familiar voice made Deluo Tianhou and Madam Luo's eyes widened, and there was a look of shock on their faces. Why is this voice so ghostly? !

Even though 20,000 years have passed, they still have not forgotten the owner of this voice!

"You are not the third elder? Who are you?" Luo Tianhou gloomily looked at the third elder in front of him.

"Luo Tianhou, you definitely didn't expect me to be alive!" The ghost stretched out his hand and took off the human skin mask on his face, and a delicate and beautiful face was suddenly exposed to everyone, exactly the same as the face of Mrs. Luo opposite. , But at this moment Mrs. Luo's face looked a little stiff and hideous, and the ghost looked very natural and beautiful.

When everyone in the City Lord's Mansion saw the ghost's face, their eyes widened in surprise. Why are there two City Lord's wives?

"You, how could you still be alive!" Madam Luo's eyes widened with shock.

"Zhang Yudie, you have lived with my face for 20,000 years, have you almost forgotten your own face? No, people like you should have no face!" The corner of the ghost's lips sneered. .

"Even if you come back, what's the use? The City Lord's Mansion is no longer the original City Lord's Mansion. The people left by your father have long been dead and left to pieces. Now these are my people!" Zhang Yudie There was a trace of disdain on her face. Seeing that the matter was exposed, there was no trace of shame or panic on her face. She stretched out her hand to remove the human skin from her face, revealing a charming and enchanting face. She has not seen the sun for a long time. The reason was that his face was as white as snow and transparent, and he could even see the meridians and blood under the skin.

"Without them, you would definitely die today!" The ghost sneered with disdain.

"Heh... just kill us with you guys? It's ridiculous!" Zhang Yudie's eyes were contemptuous.

"Ling'er, you are still alive!" Luo Tianhou stared at the ghost in front of him without blinking. He looked at Zhang Yudie's face every day before, and he was very annoying. Now he sees the ghost in front of him. Ling, but feels that this face is the most beautiful!

He used to think so blindly that he would choose a vicious woman like Zhang Yudie! Ling'er always smiled softly to him, was reasonable and thoughtful of him everywhere, while Zhang Yudie was selfish, sinister and vicious. Not only did he kill his unborn children, but he also gave him the drug. Now even his only son is not let go! If it were Ling'er, she would never do it!

"What qualifications do you have to call me like that?" Ghost's eyes were as cold as a knife.

"Ling'er, I'm sorry, I was bad before, but I shouldn't have been blinded by this vicious woman and hurt you, Ling'er, would you give me a chance to reform and make up for you? I swear, I will definitely love you for the rest of my life!" Luo Tianhou looked at her expectantly, his gaze fell on the slender and elegant figure in front of him, unable to move away anymore.

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