Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1705: The thinnest man [1]

If he hadn't been with a vicious woman like Zhang Yudie at the beginning, he might be living happily with Ling'er now! He will not be cut off from grandchildren!

He really regrets it! If time can go back, he will definitely not be entangled with Zhang Yudie again!

"Luo Tianhou, you actually said that I was vicious?" Zhang Yudie's face was slightly twisted, her face was incredibly angry and looked like the man in front of her.

"Yes! You are vicious! I didn't expect that under your seemingly beautiful, weak, charming and enchanting appearance, there is such a dirty and vicious heart hidden! I was deceived by your appearance at the beginning, otherwise how could I betray the spirit? Son!" Luo Tianhou looked at Zhang Yudie like an enemy.

"Hahaha... Luo Tianhou, you don't foolishly think that the ghost came back to find you to reconcile, do you? You killed her close relatives and left her family homeless for 20,000 years. You think you said it. With these few words to please her, will she forgive you for being light? Don’t be crazy about dreaming!" Zhang Yudie’s face was full of irony, but deep in her eyes there was sorrow, "When you loved me, no matter what I It’s right to say and do anything. Now you don’t love me anymore. If you want to kick me away, you say I’m vicious, huh... When you hurt ghosts back then, you were also involved, otherwise I could be alone. Was it successful?"

"You!" Luo Tianhou squinted his eyes, resentment surging in the depths of his eyes, and when he looked up at the ghost, he became a little bit tender again, "Ling'er, I'm sorry! I know it's wrong! I've been here all these years. Regret and blame myself, I have trouble sleeping day and night, and I have tried to find you, but there are no clues. You seem to disappear out of thin air... Sorry, Ling'er, can you give me another chance? I promise I will treat you well, and use my life to make up for you!"

Guiling looked at the man in front of him indifferently from beginning to end. Before, she was blinded by the gentleness in his eyes, which caused her to be confused and harmed herself and father! Now she is no longer the innocent and innocent silly girl back then, and now she sees Luo Tianhou's gaze feeling very sick! ! Disgusting! ! !

She was really blind back then!

"What you said is true?" The corner of his lips evoked an elegant smile, and the ghost asked with a smile.

"Naturally it is true!" Seeing her smile at him, Luo Tianhou was extremely excited, he knew that Ling'er must still love him!

When the elders and others on the side saw this, their faces were shocked, and they hurriedly stopped, "Miss, don't! Don't believe this kind of despicable people!!"

"Yes! Miss, if he can betray you once, there will be a second time. This kind of villain who will hate and forget justice should die!"

The ghost raised his hand to stop them, his faint gaze still fell on Luo Tianhou who was on the opposite side, his phoenix eyes were narrow and deep, a little unpredictable.

Luo Tianhou suddenly felt a little guilty, "Ling'er, please believe me, what I said is true! I swear, I swear! If Luo Tianhou betrays Ling'er, I will die!"

"More than 20,000 years ago, you seemed to swear like this, didn't you live well? It really makes me hard to believe!" Ghost squinted lightly.

"It's all about the needles in the seabed of women's hearts..." Lingjun frowned and murmured softly. When he was in the valley, the ghost still looked like he was about to kill Luo Tianhou, why didn't he kill it now? Is she really not giving up on such a man?

I really don't understand what else such a man deserves her love!

"Don't guess if you don't guess, just watch the play quietly." Mu Qianyue wrapped her arms around her chest, and leaned her back lightly on the pillar behind her. The corners of her white mouth were raised slightly, with a seemingly nonexistent smile.

They didn't understand the spirit of ghosts, but she knew very well.

Although she didn't know the ghost for a long time, she touched her temperament by seven to eight points. With such a **** hatred, how could the ghost let him go because of Luo Tianhou's words?

If this is the case, then she is not worth making friends by herself!

"Ling'er, how can you trust me?" Luo Tianhou looked at her hopefully.

"Put her heart to me, and I will believe you." The ghost pointed at Zhang Yudie opposite with a cold expression, cold light flew across his eyes.

"It's that simple?" Luo Tianhou said incredulously.

"Yes." The ghost nodded lightly. He actually said it was simple?

Ha ha... A man is really the most savage thing in the world!

When I love you, sweet words and pledges, when I don’t love you, I can’t wait to eat your flesh and drink your blood! What's ridiculous is that she actually fell in love with a villain who thought she was shameless before!

"Okay, Ling'er, wait for me, I will dig her heart out for you soon." Luo Tianhou said with a gentle expression. When he turned his gaze to Zhang Yudie, his face instantly became gloomy. Fierce, looking at Zhang Yudie like an enemy, this **** caused him to cut off his children and grandchildren, and now he has destroyed the bauhinia, ruining Qier's hope of survival, then he doesn't need to be kind to her!

As soon as he moved, he rushed towards Zhang Yudie, swinging his long sword fiercely.

Zhang Yudie’s charming and enchanting face was full of shock. While she backed away quickly, she looked disappointed and bitterly at the man in front of her who wanted to kill herself, "Luo Tianhou, you actually want to dig my heart for her? "

"Huh! You killed so many unborn children of mine, and ruined the bauhinia, I have no reason to keep you! Besides, Ling'er wants your heart, you still don't want to resist, honestly Let me dig my heart out, so you may have less pain!" Luo Tianhou snorted coldly.

"Okay! If you treat me like this, then I will never show mercy to you!"

Zhang Yudie is completely angry. Although he has been taking concubines around these years and has no longer his previous tenderness and compassion for her, she still loves him in her heart. I hope he can change his mind and treat her as before, otherwise she will not He continued to stay by his side, but he didn't expect him to be so vicious, for the ghost of that bitch, to dig her heart!

This is the man she likes!

It's really kind!

It is said that one night couple hundred days of grace, not to mention that they have been a couple for nearly 20,000 years, he is so inhumane!

The two fiercely fought together, and suddenly the sword aura filled the sky.

The three elders and others stood behind the ghost and watched quietly. For a while, they seemed to understand the intention of the young lady...



During the war, Luo Tianhou and Zhang Yudie suddenly changed their faces, each vomiting a big mouthful of blood, and their bodies fell feebly from a high altitude, and slammed **** the hard marble, causing the marble to be out of two huge pits. From the sky full of dust.

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