Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1706: The thinnest man [2]

Luo Tianhou's face was distorted in pain, and his eyes were full of shock and doubt. What happened just now? How well the true energy in the body can no longer function, as long as one is lucky, the meridians all over the body will be painful, like being eaten by thousands of ants.

The same is true for Zhang Yudie, her face is blue and pale, she looks at Luo Tianhou angrily, and yells, "Luo Tianhou, I didn't expect you to be so despicable and poison me!"

"Fart! Obviously you poisoned me, the most poisonous woman's heart, you vicious woman!" Luo Tianhou roared with red eyes.

"Don't fight between you two, I am the poison." The ghost's light and indifferent voice sounded, and there was still a faint smile on the beautiful face, but the smile was cold and painful, making the heart palpitating.

"The poison you are on the redbud?" Zhang Yudie's eyes flashed with anger, just now she and Luo Tianhou only took the redbud!

It's a pity that she knew it too late!

"Yes, I put a Soul Eater on the bauhinia flower, how about it, how does it feel good?" The ghost smiled lightly, his face was gentle, like a spring breeze, but the chill in his eyes was more than that of the Wannian Glacier. It's cold and terrible.

The Soul Eater was given to the ghost by Mu Qianyue and asked her to apply it on the bauhinia, because she had calculated that Luo Tianhou would definitely take over, but she never expected that Zhang Yudie would **** the bauhinia and destroy it. Hua, in this way, there is one less rival, and they can be solved together without using too much force.

Luo Tianhou's face was twisted in pain, the pain of being swallowed up by the soul, too painful, too painful, far from the kind that people can bear, he raised his head and looked at the ghost hopefully, "Ling'er, quick Give me the antidote, and I will listen to you what you say in the future! Give me the antidote, okay..."

The ghost looked at him indifferently, indifferent to his crying.

"Bitch! Despicable and shameless, secretly poisoned! We have the ability to fight alone!" Zhang Yudie's face was twisted, eyes filled with anger and hatred, and he looked even more hideous, like a ghost crawling out of hell.

The corners of the ghost's lips evoked a disdainful ironic smile, "I'm despicable and shameless? Haha...If you didn't secretly poison me back then, would I lose? If you didn't attack my father while practicing in retreat, he would Are you dead? You killed my father and took away the ghost town, and you shamelessly said that I was shameless and shameless? I'm just trying to treat others according to their own way!"

Zhang Yudie gritted her teeth bitterly, she hurriedly sat cross-legged, using her spiritual power to try to drive the poison out of her body, but found that the faster her movement, the more severe the pain in her head, as if the soul was about to be forced from the body. It’s just like getting out of it, the pain is so painful that she almost faints...

"It's useless. Once this kind of poison enters the body, it will quickly erode the soul, otherwise it won't be called a Soul Eater." The ghost looked condescendingly at Zhang Yudie on the ground, did not expect the light moon to eat. The soul dream is so powerful, and it can also swallow the soul. When she first heard Qian Yue said, although she believed it, she was far from the shock of seeing it with her own eyes!

Everyone was stunned, looking at the ghost with shock and fear, what kind of poison is Soul Eater, it is so powerful that it can make a high-level power in the God Realm have no resistance! If you change to them, there is no even the slightest power to fight back!

terrible! There is such a poison in the world!

A hint of surprise flashed in Mu Qianyue's eyes as clear as lake water. This was the first time that Soul Eater had been used. She had just made it a while ago, but she did not expect the effect to be so strong! It's a pity that the poisonous weeds needed for this soul eater is too rare and precious, only a little bit is prepared, and it can be used at most once.

"Ling'er, I know that I was not good at the time, and that I shouldn't have been fooled by Zhang Yudie, a bitch!" Luo Tianhou shamelessly pushed all the guilt on Zhang Yudie's head.

"Luo Tianhou, whether it is because of Zhang Yudie or not, but you are the one who attacked me, and you are the one who conspired with them to kill my father! Do you think I will believe you again?" Ghost sneered.

"No, it's not like that, Ling'er, I love you, I really love you! You found out when I was with Zhang Yudie, at that time she was pregnant with my child, I just want You just accept her as a concubine, but you don’t agree with me. I must drive her away and cause her to have a miscarriage. I was so disappointed in you. I was too angry for a while to be like that..." Luo Tianhou looked on Pale, gritted his teeth and said intermittently.

"Don't you know? Zhang Yudie was not pregnant at the time, she was just pretending to lie to you." The ghost smiled lightly, and there was no anger in his eyes long ago, and some were just calm, but under the calm appearance it was ruthless And cold.

"No! Impossible!!" Luo Tianhou stared in disbelief. He turned his head to look at Zhang Yudie, only to see her sneer, "Ghost said that I was not pregnant at the time, I just wanted to catch it. Just live in your heart! I didn't expect you to really believe me, you killed the ghost, killed her father, and robbed the ghost city, hahaha... Luo Tianhou, now you deserve it!"

"Zhang Yudie, you bitch, you can't die! I'm going to kill you!!" Luo Tianhou was completely angry. He ignored the pain of burning and gnawing his soul, and rushed towards Zhang Yudie , Pressed her down fiercely, pinched her hands on her neck, looked vicious, angry, "You bitch, you killed me, it's all you! It's all you! How could there be any in this world?" You are such a vicious woman, you are not worthy to live in this world!"

If it weren't for her, he would not have betrayed Ling'er at the beginning, nor would he end up in such a bleak and desperate situation! It's so good for her all these years, what a white-eyed wolf!

Zhang Yudie was poisoned, her strength was useless, and she couldn't help it. At this time, she was no different from an ordinary person. Faced with Luo Tianhou's atrocities, she was unable to resist and was directly strangled to death by Luo Tianhou!

Until she died, her eyes widened unwillingly...

Luo Tianhou gasped and lifted his head, looking at the ghost in front of him, his pale and weak face squeezed a flattering smile, "Ling'er, look, I have killed her, I have already taken care of you and your father. Revenge... Linger, can you forgive me? Can you give me the antidote?"

As he stood up, he walked towards the ghost staggeringly, but he fell to the ground without taking a few steps. Not only was his soul weak, but his body was extremely weak just now. In order to kill Zhang Yudie, he had spent a lot of effort, and now he did not have the strength to stand up.

Luo Tianhou was humbled and embarrassed like a dog. It took a lot of effort to climb up to the ghost and hugged one of her legs. "Ling'er, I beg you, hurry up and give me the antidote. I can't stand it. It's..."

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