Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1710: Endless death... [4]

The dry throat moved slightly, and the slightly hoarse voice was full of excitement and joy, "Master, is it really you?"

"Bing Yan, it's me, I'm back."

Mu Qianyue's beautiful face was cold, and when his eyes touched the bloodless face of Bing Yan in his arms, uncontrollable anger surged in his eyes, and she fell to the ground and put down Bing Yan.

"Master, I'm sorry, I didn't protect Siyue Hall well, I didn't protect Tong Ling well..." Bing Yan's eyes were filled with deep guilt, and there were countless dead and wounded bodies in the Siyue Hall.

Only then did Mu Qianyue notice that the corpse not far below her feet was Tong Ling.

Just now when she rushed over, she saw the demon master slap Bing Yan with a palm. If she was slapped by that palm, Bing Yan would undoubtedly die, so Mu Qianyue's attention was focused on Bing Yan's body at that time. He didn't care about other things at all, so he didn't see Tong Ling's body!

The man's pale and bloodless face, closed eyes, and lifeless body all indicate his death...

"Tong Ling!!"

There was a figure faster than Mu Qianyue, the red dress blowing through the air, the next moment she had already rushed in front of Tong Ling's body, it was Xiao Xuan'er.

She had been hiding on Mu Qianyue's wrist before.

"Xiao Lingzi..." Xiao Xuan'er's eyes opened wide, flushed, and tears filled her eyes, but she forcibly resisted letting it flow out, "Xiao Lingzi, I'm back, you open your eyes to see Look at me, okay..."

She didn't think that the last time she said goodbye, it would be heaven and man forever!

When I came back, I saw his cold body!

The little Lingzi who always teases her and makes her happy is dead...

"Tong Ling!" Mu Qianyue's fingers under her sleeves clenched tightly, her eyes filled with anger, she raised her head to look at the opposite demon lord, her whole body exuded billowing hatred and murderous aura, "You killed him! "

Demon Lord Wutian snorted with disdain, and put his hands around his chest with contempt in his eyes, "Pan Yinyin, this is the price you paid for taking away the deity Jin Bodhi! The deity not only killed your apprentice, but also destroyed the entire Siyue Hall. , Kill all the people you care about, and finally kill you again!"

"As long as I still have a breath, I will never let you hurt them!" Mu Qianyue shook the Extinction Sword tightly.

"Haha, the breath is not small, the deity wants to see how you can stop it." Demon Lord Wutian has a disdain in his eyes, "But in order to avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble, the deity decides to solve you first. Don't worry, the deity will let you You are the last to die!"

"Devil, I'm going to kill you!" Xiao Xuan'er stood up, wiped the tears from his face, shouted angrily, and rushed towards the demon lord Wutian, Mu Qianyue was shocked, Xuan'er was not Wutian at all Opponent! But Xuan'er had already rushed out, very fast, and Mu Qianyue couldn't stop it for a while.

"I don't know what I can do!" Demon Lord Wutian snorted coldly, a palm blasted out, and only heard a muffled sound, Xiao Xuan'er's figure flew upside down in an instant, and fell to the ground severely with a mouthful of blood Squirting, and instantly seriously injured!

Mu Qianyue hurriedly stepped forward to support Xiao Xuan'er, while using the realm of life to heal her injuries. Under the envelope of the realm of life, Xiao Xuan'er, Bing Yan, and everyone in the Temple of Siyue were all healed, including the lost spirits. Strength, all recovered in an instant.

"En? Second-order God Realm?" Demon Lord Wutian frowned, his eyes flashed with a glimmer of light, and his face sank three minutes. "Unexpectedly, in just half a year, you would have risen to the second-order God realm. !"

The spiritual power required for each level of the God Realm is very huge, almost to the point of horror, so every level of promotion is extremely difficult, and the fast one thousand level promotion can be said to be very fast! Generally, it takes thousands of years, and some can't even be promoted to the first level for ten thousand years, otherwise the powerhouses of the world's God realm would have run out of the streets!

Unexpectedly, Mu Qianyue had risen to the second-order **** realm in just six months!

This speed can be said to be against the sky!

The corners of Demon Lord Wutian's lips were lightly mocking, "Even if you are a Tier 2 God Realm, you are not an opponent of the deity at all!"

"Is it right? Only after trying it." Mu Qianyue snorted coldly.

As Mu Qianyue’s aura exuded, Bing Yan’s original strength in the first-order heavenly realm was instantly promoted to the second-order heavenly realm. She turned her head to Xiao Xuan'er, Bing Yan, and Sheng'er and said to the people beside her: "You go To help everyone deal with the devil, I can deal with the devil alone."

The overall strength of the demon is relatively strong, and the number of people is large. The Temple of Siyue has only been established a few years ago. Naturally, it is not as strong as the demon, and the scene has already been dead.

"Master..." Bing Yan showed concern in his eyes. Demon Lord Wutian's strength is very clear to him, "His strength is terrifying, you..."

"You go to solve those demons first, the Temple of Siyue can't be destroyed!" Mu Qianyue's eyes showed determination. The Temple of Siyue was built by Jing, and she wants to protect the forces he created!

"Master, he killed Tong Ling, and I must kill him personally to avenge Tong Ling!" Xiao Xuan'er clenched fists under his sleeves, his eyes filled with biting hatred.

"Obey!" Mu Qianyue whispered, "Don't worry, I will kill him to avenge Tong Ling, he is my apprentice, and I will never let him die in vain!"

Seeing Mu Qianyue's resolute attitude, Xiao Xuan'er had to join Bing Yan and others in the team of killing the devil. With the addition of Xiao Xuan'er and others, the situation was instantly reversed. After all, both Xiao Xuan'er and Sheng'er It is the second-order heaven and earth realm, and Bingyan has also been promoted to the second-order **** realm under the effect of the deed. The massacre of the demon can be said to be an extremely easy massacre!

Blockbuster demons fell under a fierce attack...

"The deity admits that your talent is really strong, but you want to kill the deity based on your clothes? Don't dream! The deity planned to kill you last, but now the deity has changed his mind. The deity decided to kill you first and devour yours. Wuhun, eat them all again!" The dark and deep eyes of the demon master Wutian were filled with the cold light of the gloomy bird. The contract between the clam contracted beasts and Mu Qianyue was a life and death contract, and their strength was too great. It has damaged many of his demons. Once Mu Qianyue dies, the contracted beasts will inevitably die. This is why he decided to kill Mu Qianyue first!

When the words fell, the Demon Lord Wutian's figure moved, rushed towards Mu Qianyue, waved his hands, and the palm shadows entwined with endless death whizzed towards Mu Qianyue!


For a time, the sky is densely packed with terrifying palm shadows and death, like the end of the world!

Demon Lord Wutian made a powerful move as soon as he made a move, which shows that he regards Mu Qianyue as a strong opponent in his heart.

Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, Tier 4 God Realm?

Is this the true strength of Demon Lord Wutian?

Sure enough!

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