Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1711: Endless death...【5】

The Nine Dragon Soul Eater swiftly circulates in her body, and the majestic power rises and falls all over her, facing the attack of the demon Lord Wutian, there is no fear on her beautiful face, and the light flashing on the extinction sword in her hand, It instantly turned into a huge sword with a length of several tens of feet, facing the palm of the demon Lord Wutian blasting away!


With a loud bang, the two explosive forces smashed into each other fiercely, and the sky was full of spiritual power and vigor.

The fierce energy slammed Mu Qianyue back, taking a dozen steps back to stabilize her figure.

The demon Lord Wutian stood there unmoved, but the stormy sea was roused in her heart, and she even withstood his attack! No one knows how strong his palm is better than him. He didn't expect that with the strength of her Tier 2 God Realm, the next palm was not injured!

"It really deserves to be the most talented person of the Pan clan." The demon Lord Wutian's eyes were gloomy and locked on Mu Qianyue's body. He thought that she would be able to kill her easily. It seemed that it would take some effort.

Mu Qianyue shook her numb arms, her face was cold, "Ten thousand years ago, you killed my Pan clan tragically, today I killed you to avenge my dead clan!"

When the words fell, his figure moved, and his whole body surged like a raging cloud, and rolled toward the opposite Demon Chairman.

The corner of the Demon Lord's mouth evoked a sneer of disdain, "Just because you want to kill me? It's just a dream! The deity used 30% of the power just now, now you go to die!"

The violent aura swept out, and he saw that his hands were constantly changing. Two black dragons formed in front of him, roaring and roaring up to the sky, and the terrifying devilish energy filled the air, covering the demon lord, like a **** Shura. !

"Exterminate Dao, exterminate demons!"

Two giant swords were opened one after another, rubbing the air, making a harsh sonic boom.

The air seemed to be split, forming a vacuum zone.

The fierce attack made the world change color, like the end of the world!

"Hmph, overwhelming!" The demon master snorted disdainfully, and his hands suddenly blasted forward.


The two giant dragons roared and rushed towards the two sword lights ahead.

At this moment, the world changes color!

The surrounding aura was madly swallowed by two giant dragons, and saw that the two giant dragons became hundreds of feet long in the process of rushing forward, as if they were about to tear the world apart!

Under the fierce power of the two giant dragons, the two giant swords were swallowed and gradually dissipated in the air.


The next moment the tyrant's unparalleled power bombarded Mu Qianyue.


A mouthful of blood spewed out, Mu Qianyue's face was pale, and her body fell back fiercely and hit the wall behind her. The wall collapsed suddenly, raising dust in the sky.

The Demon Lord stood proudly in front of him, and his long and narrow eyes were filled with arrogant and contemptuous light. This palm Mu Qianyue should be dead, even if he does not die, he will definitely not survive.


The dust cleared, and a slightly embarrassed figure gradually appeared in front of him.

The purple dress was covered with dust, his ink hair was a little messy, his face was extremely pale, and the corners of his mouth were smeared with blood, but those black and white eyes were full of stubbornness and determination.

"Are you okay?" The demon lord's eyes sank, and she suppressed the shock in her heart. She was only hurt by his unparalleled blow!

"If something happens, can I stand in front of you safe and sound?" Mu Qianyue stood up, reached out and wiped the blood from her lips, her black pupils were steadfast and unyielding, and her injuries were in the realm of life. Under the action, it recovers at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, within a few short breaths, Mu Qianyue's injury was healed seven or eighty-eight, and even the lost spiritual power had been completely restored.

Demon Lord Wutian narrowed his eyes, "Your realm of life is indeed very special, but in the face of absolute strength, it is not worth mentioning! This deity will let you see clearly what power gap is!"

When the words fell, I saw the demon lord's figure turned into a black afterimage and rushed forward rapidly, and the violent power made the air tremble violently.

Make a fist and blast out a hard punch.

A black dragon flew from his fist, and terrifying power floated in the air.

Mu Qianyue's complexion changed, she quickly activated the Azure Dragon Bloodline talent, instantly promoted from the second-order heavenly realm to the third-order heavenly realm, and the life-killing sword in her hand came forward and slammed into the black giant in front.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, Mu Qianyue's face was pale as paper, her hands shattered, and the Extinguishing Sword flew away from her hands. The blood surged in her body, making her extremely uncomfortable.

She slowly raised her head, and her gaze towards the demon master was shocked and complicated. She didn't expect Wutian to be so strong!

"It's really a Xiaoqiang who can't be killed! After receiving the two moves of the deity, he is not dead..." Wutian looked at Mu Qianyue on the opposite side with gloomy eyes, and the last voice had not yet fallen. The next moment, Wutian's figure was almost Came to Mu Qianyue's body like a teleport, and slammed a punch again!

The speed was extremely fast, and there was no time for Mu Qianyue to use the realm of life healing, let alone dodge.


A fist hit Mu Qianyue's body with a muffled sound, and the dragon blood armor shattered in response to the sound, and the whole person flew backwards, hitting a huge boulder heavily, and the boulder was shattered by the impact. , Mu Qianyue fell to the ground, dying.


Bing Yan, Xiao Xuan'er and others stared in horror, their eyes filled with worry.

"Go to hell! Pan Yinyin, it is your blessing to die in the hands of the deity!" Wutian sneered with a cruel sneer at the corner of Wutian's mouth, and punched out again.

Seeing this unparalleled punch, Mu Qianyue closed her eyes in despair. With this punch, she was already unable to dodge, I am afraid this time she is in disaster...

The expected pain did not come, Mu Qianyue opened her eyes, and a familiar figure stood in front of her.


Wuya blocked Wutian's attack. His complexion was slightly pale, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth. When he turned to look at Mu Qianyue, he reached out and wiped off the blood on the corner of his mouth. A gentle smile appeared on his handsome face. , "Fortunately, I am not late this time."

Mu Qianyue lowered her eyes.

"Why are you here? Get out of here!" Wutian looked at Wuya who suddenly appeared in front of him with a slightly surprised expression.

"If I came one step late, you would have killed her!" Wu Ya roared, almost, almost he was going to lose her again. Tens of thousands of years ago, he saw her blew up in front of his own eyes, but he did a little way. Nothing, even too late to stop.

Fortunately, this time he was not late...

"Ya'er, what are you doing, are you going to help this woman deal with Laozi?" Wutian squinted.

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