Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1720: Let go of the hatred [2]

Her obsession is because of unwillingness, because of hatred, so it can be saved for 30,000 years, if you let go of all this, what is her obsession?


There was a loud noise, and the majestic energy rolled and shook in the air.

A figure fell from above the nine heavens, his white robe flew up, his ink hair was dancing wildly in the wind, and his unparalleled beauty was pale.

"Puff puff……"

While falling, Di Yuchen sprayed out a few big mouthfuls of blood, his face paler as paper.


Mu Qianyue's expression changed, and she flew forward to catch Di Yuchen's fallen body. Although the person in charge of this body is Di Yuchen, this body is her scene!

If this body is injured or destroyed, the scene will probably disappear forever.

She knew how serious the consequences were.

But she couldn't drive Di Yuchen out of Jing's body.

Di Yuchen raised her head, her clear and confusing purple eyes fell on her face like purple colored glaze, the corners of her lips gently curled up, "I and Yinyinchen are dead, and there will be no chance to be together in this life, so I will not let you and Nalan follow in our footsteps."

Di Yuchen's voice fell, and only a white and slightly transparent soul body floated out of Nalanjing's body, floating in the air.

And Nalanjing in her arms opened her purple eyes faintly, and a face that was familiar enough to be engraved into the soul came into view. It made him think about it, and it made him worry about it day and night...

"Jing, you're awake!" A drop of tears fell from Mu Qianyue's face, and she looked at Di Yuchen with some gratitude, but he didn't expect that he was willing to return Jing's body to her now.


Nalanjing firmly hugged Mu Qianyue in his arms, feeling such a familiar breath, his heart slowly calmed down.

His Yue'er is back! !

"Well, since you are reunited, then I'm relieved." Di Yuchen looked at Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing with a smile on his face.

Although he and Yinyin could not stay together for life, their reincarnations still went together, which made him feel very pleased. At least he and Yinyin fell in love with each other in another way...

This is enough!

"Yinyin, my love for you has never changed for 30,000 years. I know we will never go back to the past, and I will not force you to forgive me. As your husband, I cannot protect you. I can’t protect your family. I’m so useless. Yinyin, goodbye."

Di Yuchen's faint voice floated in the air, like a sad sigh from hell.

The next moment, I saw Di Yuchen's faint body changing in the air, and the power of countless stars gathered towards him, and the power of purple stars wrapped him like purple stars in the sky.

A majestic and terrifying force overflowed around him, shaking the earth!

"Di Yuchen, are you crazy?!"

Pan Yinyin floated from Mu Qianyue's body, suspended in front of Di Yuchen, her beautiful face was full of terror, and her obsidian-like eyes were full of incredible.

"Yinyin, you are finally willing to come out to see me."

There was a hint of joy in Di Yuchen's voice, and the corners of his lips were gently bent, and it was nice to be able to see her.

"If you forced me to show up in this way, you have done it now, and now you can stop." Pan Yinyin said with a cold face.

Di Yuchen shook his head slowly, "Yinyin, you know, we are just an obsession, not even the soul body, we can't enter reincarnation at all. It's just that our obsession is too obstinate, we will keep on Saved in the world, but there will be a day when it will dissipate..."

"Who said that we can't enter the cycle of reincarnation, aren't Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing you and me?" Pan Yinyin felt anxious, but her beautiful and cold face did not show any concern, still as proud Indifferent fairy.

"They are us, but not us, otherwise our obsession will not exist in the world." Di Yuchen shook his head and smiled.

They are us, but not us...

A bitter smile evoked at the corner of Pan Yinyin's mouth. Why didn't she understand? Otherwise, this obsession will dissipate long ago...

To put it bluntly, she still couldn't let go of the man in front of her!

"Although we are only obsessive, we now have a form that can continue to exist in the world!" Pan Yinyin thought for a while.

Continue to live in the world?

No, it doesn't make any sense!

He doesn't know why he exists in the world...

It used to be to see her, but to see her. Now that he sees it, he already feels very happy...

The purple light on Di Yuchen's body was getting brighter and brighter, and it was thrilling and brilliant.

"Di Yuchen, stop quickly!" Pan Yinyin shouted, her beautiful eyes like autumn water filled with surprise.

"Yinyin, I'm very satisfied to see you for the last time." Di Yuchen did not stop, the power of countless stars still surging towards him, at this moment, the light on his body was very bright, his body Gradually covered by the power of stars, only a vague figure can be seen.

"Lady, I love you, I love you all my life... I really want to go to the world with you, never parting..."

Lady, I love you...

His soft and affectionate words echoed in her ears, just as before.

Pan Yinyin had already burst into tears, and her beautiful face was full of tears. These five words struck her heart and shattered the last indifferent high wall of her heart. She couldn't help it anymore and turned into a stream of light. , Chao Di Yuchen rushed over.

"Dust, wait for me, I won't leave you alone..."

The next moment, Pan Yinyin plunged into Di Yuchen's arms and hugged him tightly.

"You are crazy! What are you doing in here? Get out quickly!" Di Yuchen looked at the person in his arms with joy and horror.

The happy thing is that at the last moment, she finally forgave him and accepted him, but frightened that he didn't want her to die with him.

It is enough for him to die alone...

"Dust, I'm too capricious, it's because I shouldn't listen to your explanation. In fact, I already knew that all of this has nothing to do with you. When I heard you blew yourself up for me and followed me, my heart It hurts very much, it’s so painful that I’m dying, I’ve always wanted to find you, but whenever I think of those people who died tragically, I can’t forgive myself..."

Pan Yinyin's eyes were full of tears, she gently leaned in his arms, enjoying this moment of peace and quiet.

The place where he is, is the best and happiest in the world.

"No, it's that I'm useless, it's that I didn't protect you, and the Pan clan. If I were strong enough, maybe none of this would happen..." Di Yuchen's eyes were full of self-blame and Guilt, although all this has nothing to do with him, but all this is his father's work, how can he get out of it?

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