Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1721: They are finally together...

Pan Yinyin covered his lips with his hands, "Dust, don't talk anymore, all this is over, no one can separate us in the future."

"Okay! No one can separate us again..." Di Yuchen lowered his head and kissed her lips.

Pan Yinyin raised his palate slightly and met his lips.

"Thirty thousand years, they are finally together again..." In the distance, Mu Qianyue squeezed Nalanjing's hand tightly, with a happy smile on her lips.

I thought that Pan Yinyin was really determined not to forgive Di Yuchen. If that was the case, she would definitely feel regret for the rest of her life.

Unexpectedly, Pan Yinyin chose to forgive him.

that's nice!

After more than 30,000 years of time, so many setbacks and hardships, I still love each other deeply. This relationship can be said to be higher than the sky and deeper than the sea!

"Yeah, they are together again." Nalanjing hugged Mu Qianyue into her arms and looked at Di Yuchen and Pan Yinyin together, as if she had seen herself and Yue'er.

Outsiders can't experience this kind of mood.

The power of countless stars is still rushing towards Emperor Yuchen, once the secret method of stars is activated, it can't be stopped.

Di Yuchen slowly raised his head, holding his exquisite and beautiful face in both hands, "Madam, forgive me for not being by your side..."

At the time of the separation, he tried to reach out and push Pan Yinyin away. Pan Yinyin seemed to have expected him to do so, and hugged him tightly, his body shining brightly and unparalleled.

"Husband, don't push me away. As long as I can be with you, even if I die, I will have no regrets. There are thousands of scenery in the world, and three thousand prosperous. Without you, what is the meaning of my existence in the world?"

"Lady, you..." When Di Yuchen saw that she was burning her own mind, her eyes widened in surprise, with deep self-blame and distress on her face.

"Only in this way, you can't leave me behind." The corners of Pan Yinyin's lips raised lightly, pulling a playful arc.

He will be in her arms tightly, his eyes are full of affection and love, "Well, we will never separate!"

A group of purple light, with vast and endless power, hits towards the emperor heaven.

Di Tian's face finally showed a look of horror, this kind of star power is too domineering, too terrifying, it is not something he can resist!


Di Tian's first thought was to run away. He turned around and ran, his body skills started to move, and his speed reached the extreme.

But the power of the stars was faster, and he caught up with him in the blink of an eye and enveloped him!


A loud noise that shook the sky and the earth exploded above the nine heavens, shaking the entire sky curtain almost torn apart, terrifying.

Countless purple rays are flying in the sky, and there is nothing else in the vast nine heavens except the full sky of purple rays.

nothing left.

"Di Tian, ​​is it dead?" Mu Qianyue squinted, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"It seems to be, I can't feel his breath anymore." Nalan looked at the head.

Suddenly, purple stars flooded towards Mu Qianyue Nalanjing, and all poured into the bodies of the two of them. They saw their aura rising steadily, and they were instantly promoted from the second-order heavenly realm to the fifth-order heavenly realm!

"This, this is... the power that belongs to Di Yuchen and Pan Yinyin?"

Mu Qianyue's eyes widened in surprise, she didn't expect that they were just obsessed with such a powerful strength.

"Yes, although they are just obsessive, but most of their strength was retained at the beginning, plus these 30,000 years of non-stop cultivation, it is normal to have such strength, which is why they are The reason why obsessions can be preserved for so long. It's a pity that they are obsessions after all, without physical form, otherwise they won't die with Di Tian." Nalan Jing sighed quietly.

"Hey, it's a pity that Di Yuchen and Pan Yinyin are both dead..." Mu Qianyue's face showed a touch of sadness, "If they could live, it would be nice to stay together for a lifetime..."

"Stupid lady." Nalanjing smiled and squeezed her tender face, "Di Yuchen and Pan Yinyin died more than 30,000 years ago, but now it's just a touch of obsession, and sooner or later it will dissipate. Yes, and their obsession has been preserved for more than 30,000 years, which is already the limit. As long as they let go of their hatred, they will disappear. Besides, aren’t we Di Yuchen and Pan Yinyin?"

Mu Qianyue put out her tongue playfully, with a hint of coquetry in her tone, "I know, but they are just unhappy."

"Then let the husband come to make you happy." Nalanjing smiled, brilliance surging in her purple eyes.

"How are you going to coax me?" Mu Qianyue blinked her black eyes.

"Of course... to feed you." Nalanjing's mouth made a smirk, and he hugged Mu Qianyue horizontally and flew away.

"Nalanjing, do you want to point your face?"

Mu Qianyue's depressed voice resounded in the sky, and the two of them were no longer in the nine heavens.

The people in the Wanhua Pavilion below looked at each other. What did the master and master do?

"Hahaha, the lord is still shameless like that before." Xiao Xuan'er smiled happily.

Tong Ling on the side stepped forward and looked at her with burning eyes, "Xuan'er, I also want to be shameless..."

Xiao Xuan'er grabbed his ears when he heard the words, and his expression immediately became vicious, "You don't want your face anymore? Ok, I will help you to remove it now!"

"Hey, it hurts, it hurts! Xuan'er, I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I won't dare anymore!" Tong Ling's mouth was so painful that his heart was depressed. Why didn't Xuan'er play the cards? ! When will he completely thump Xuan'er and wipe it clean!

Sheng'er, Bing Yan and others shook their heads and smiled. This pair of life treasures is really funny...

After the reconstruction, the Siyue Palace merged with Wanhua Pavilion, and the name is still Wanhua Pavilion, because of Pan Zhijun, she is also her sister anyway.

It’s just that the rules of Wanhua Pavilion have been revised a lot, especially the one that female disciples cannot get married, which was abolished by Mu Qianyue. Members of Wanhua Pavilion can freely love and marry freely. Of course, the premise is that they must remain loyal to Wanhua Pavilion. , Otherwise it will abolish its cultivation base and expel Wanhua Pavilion.

"Jing, where have you been during this time?"

Under the flower tree, Mu Qianyue lay in Nalanjing's arms, with a strand of blue silk wrapped around his fingers, and asked leisurely.

"In order to find you, I strayed into a secret realm. That secret realm was the realm of stars set up by Di Yuchen, and then he took control of my body. Fortunately, we met again..." Nalanjing lowered her head Looking at the woman in her arms, her slender and white fingers drew lightly across her face, her eyes were very tender and affectionate and entwined.

"Lady, after everything is resolved, we will find a place to live a good life, okay?" Nalanjing stroked her face with a gentle voice like a light wind and drizzle.

"Good!" Mu Qianyue nodded.

This life of fighting and killing is really tiring.

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