Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1744: Shocked Xing Tianxiang [2]

Mu Qianyue's cold and beautiful face instantly became pale, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and her footsteps staggered back dozens of steps before stabilizing.

"En?" Xing Tianxiang narrowed his eyes, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, "You have realized the power of the stars!"

His words hit everyone's hearts like a heavy hammer, and their eyes widened unbelievably.

"What? She actually realized the power of the stars just like the Great Elder?"

"Oh my God! Where is she from the evildoer, she can even comprehend things like the power of stars!"

"She doesn't seem to be very old, she seems to be about the same age as us!"

Especially the young disciples of the Xingyue Clan looked at Mu Qianyue. In addition to shock and fear, they were more awed and envied. They can comprehend the power of the stars at this age, showing how talented she is. terrible!

You must know how difficult it is to comprehend the power of stars!

Even the supreme elders in the clan did not comprehend the power of the stars. Among all the supreme elders, only the elder Xing Tianxiang realized the power of the stars, which shows how difficult it is!

The Supreme Elder Xing Tianxiang still spent two to three thousand years in the Xingyue Tower before he understood how to absorb the power of the stars and temper his body.

At this moment, Xing Tianxiang's complexion was very complicated. This was the first time he had met such a strong girl! At a young age, she has actually realized the power of the stars, and looking at her power of the stars, its richness is not lower than her!

He had the upper hand with that move just now, it was nothing more than his own strength was stronger than her.

"Master, he also has the power of stars, has he also cultivated an immortal body?" A quick surprise flashed in Sheng'er's eyes, and she walked to Mu Qianyue and asked softly.

"No, he has only reached the eighth layer now, but with his ninth-order **** realm strength, it is very strong!" Mu Qianyue raised his hand to wipe the blood from his mouth, and said quietly.

She reached the realm of immortality and ten-fold body through the Tianji Nine Changes, but she didn't know whether Xing Tianxiang also had such a technique.

However, the good thing is that Xing Tianxiang is only reaching the eighth body now, otherwise, she would be a problem even running away today.

"The power of the stars! Girl Yue, you also have the power of the stars, tut, tut..." Xingyou on the side couldn't help but sigh in surprise, his eyes full of envy, "Look at the richness of the power of your stars. It does not seem to be inferior to the Great Elder, Moon Girl, how can you cultivate such a strong star power when you are so young? You must know that the Great Elder has cultivated for tens of thousands of years on the seventh floor of the Star Moon Tower. Reach today's realm!"

"Xingyue Tower seventh floor?" Mu Qianyue's eyes filled with gleaming light.

This is the sixth floor of Xingyue Tower. It seems that each layer of Xingyue Tower contains different attribute powers.

Could it be said that the energy contained in the seventh layer of the Star Moon Tower is the power of the stars?

Seeing Mu Qianyue's very interested expression, Xing You rolled his eyes speechlessly. When is the time, still thinking about the power of the stars?

But he nodded and explained: "Yes, the seventh floor of the Star-Moon Tower is indeed the power of the stars, but the power of the stars there is extremely strong. There is no one in the entire Star-Moon Clan except the Supreme Elder. Dare to go up, even the elder Taishang only dare to practice at the gate of the seventh floor."

When Shenger saw the twinkling light in Mu Qianyue's eyes, she knew what the master was thinking. The master was really crazy! However, no matter what the master decides, she will accompany the master!

"Girl, I'll give you a chance. From then on, I will swear allegiance to my Xingyue Clan, and I can spare you not to die!" Xing Tianxiang's slightly narrowed eyes are full of complexity and deepness. At first I saw her presumptuously in Xingyue Clan, and killed After the young master, he was really angry, but now seeing her strength and talent, he has to sigh once again that her talent is really abnormal!

So the heart of cherishing talents came up. If such talents can be recruited to their subordinates, the Xingyue Clan will be strong in the future!

And if she could marry the genius of his Xingyue clan and have children, her offspring's talents must be equally outstanding, so Xing Tianxiang had the intention of soliciting.

If Mu Qianyue agreed, this would be a good thing with two birds with one stone!

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in loyal to your Star-Moon Clan, but if your Star-Moon Clan is willing to loyal to me, I can consider it." The corners of the white lips evoked a faint smile, and a blue silk fluttered. Evil and enchanting, the clear and loud tone is full of frivolous and arrogance.

Xing Tianxiang and others were furious when they heard this, and their faces flushed with anger. She was really not afraid of death! Repeatedly provoked the majesty of the Xingyue clan!

"Laughter! My Xingyue clan is a descendant of the ancient witch clan, can you insult? The great elder kindly recruits you, does not mean that you can't kill you, that is the kindness of the great elder, and can't bear to see a genius fall. Don't know what's wrong!" An elder with white hair and beards pointed at Mu Qianyue and cursed.

"Too great elder, this girl is stubborn and cruel, even if such a person is a rare genius for hundreds of thousands of years, she must not be allowed to live, she must be killed! Otherwise, my Star-Moon Clan will have endless troubles! "Another elder said.

These two elders belonged to Xing Zipeng, and now that Xing Zipeng was killed by Mu Qianyue, the two of them were extremely angry.

"Too great elder, never!" A kind-faced elder stood up, his voice was gentle and generous, and it sounded extremely comfortable, "Mu Qianyue had no intention of having **** with our Xingyue Clan. All this is It’s because of a misunderstanding with Young Master Zi Peng that we have such a field! Not to mention the enchanting perversion of Mu Qianyue’s talent, let’s take her medical skills and alchemy for example, our Xingyue clan’s Pharmacists are hard to match, such a genius is suitable for friendship but not for enmity."

Xing Tianxiang nodded, seemingly reasonable.

The other two old men were furious after hearing this and immediately retorted.

"Xing Tu Lin, don’t think we don’t know what you’re making. You were with Xingyou. Now that Xingyou has something to do, you will naturally speak to Mu Qianyue for him! But don’t forget, Mu When Qianyue killed the young master, Xing You didn’t say anything to stop him! Did you think that the young master was dead, and then you can support Xing Zihao as the young master? All this must be your design in advance Ok!"

"Xing Tu Dao, all of this is your guesswork out of nowhere. If you don't have any evidence, don't want to slander me! I think this is the future of this Xingyue Clan." Xing Tulin's expression revealed an unhappy expression.

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