Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1745: The seventh floor of Xingyue Tower【1】

"Elder Taishang, you must not listen to Xing Tulin's words. If you let Mu Qianyue go, you will only let the tiger return to the mountain. You also gave Mu Qianyue the opportunity just now, but she was not willing to be loyal to our Xingyue clan. I want to make our Xingyue clan loyal to her by speaking badly! It's just a wishful thinking!" Xing Tudao said towards Xing Tianxiang.

The light in Xing Tianxiang's eyes flickered, and a deep darkness made it hard to guess what he thought.

"You have also seen the strength of Mu Qianyue, the great elder Taishang. We are very strong and strong. We are not opponents at all. Now to subdue Mu Qianyue, I am afraid that only you, the great elder, have this strength! But with your strength alone, if you want to kill Mu Qianyue, you will definitely have to pay a great price! I hope you will think twice too much!" Xing Tu Lin said sincerely and sincerely.

Xing Tianxiang’s eyes are filled with wisdom and thinking. If he really wants to kill Mu Qianyue, it’s not impossible. It’s just that it will take a lot of effort. The end result may be a loss of both sides. This is not him. The desired result!

If he kills an opponent, he will fall into such a situation, which is not what he wants!

But Mu Qianyue is not willing to return...

So Xing Tianxiang is now in a very difficult situation! To be honest, he is particularly fond of Mu Qianyue's rare talent, otherwise he would not throw an olive branch to her!

"Too great elder, never! Don't be merciful to the enemy! If Mu Qianyue is willing to return, it's okay, but she is so rebellious, it's beyond our control! If she is really let go, I'm afraid It will make her bully us Xingyue Clan even more! Thinking that our Xingyue Clan has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, has ever suffered such humiliation? If this matter spreads out, I am afraid our Xingyue Clan will become the laughing stock of the people of the world! Put our Xingyue Clan in your eyes?" Xing Tudao said immediately.

"Brother Butcher is right! Too great elder, I also think so, the dignity of our Xingyue clan should not be lost! Especially this kind of life and death! She has driven the elder Xing Tusun crazy, and almost killed The second elder is dead, how can such a person let her go?" The elder who was with Xing Tudao also said immediately.

"Hold on!" At this moment, a man's loud and mellow voice sounded in the air.

"Master Zihao, have you come back from your experience?" Xing Tu Lin couldn't help showing a look of joy when he saw the visitor.

Even Xing You, who was standing next to Mu Qianyue, saw the people coming with a smile and joy on his face, but he couldn't say anything now, otherwise it would only hurt Master Zihao.

Mu Qianyue looked up, and saw that the person was dressed in a dark blue splendid robe. His face was similar to Xing Zipeng's two or three points, but he felt a lot more sunny and cheerful, just like the sky. Like Yang, it makes people look very comfortable.

It is completely different from Xing Zipeng's femininity.

It turns out that he is Xing Zihao.

"Grandpa Grandpa." Xing Zihao walked to Xing Tianxiang and made a respectful gesture with both hands, "I came back early after my experience was over. I heard that something happened to Xingyue Tower, so I came to have a look."

Xing Tianxiang's cold face eased a little, nodded, looked at Xing Zihao and asked, "What do you think?"

"The grandson feels that a genius like Mu Qianyue can only be recruited and not offended. Every genius has its own arrogance, especially for an outstanding person like her, who has its own arrogance, and grandson prides itself on being talented. , But compared with Girl Mu, it is still a lot inferior. If Grandpa Grandpa can’t kill her, but instead completely forge a death feud with her, it will put the Xingyue Clan in a predicament even more. If Grandpa must kill Girl Mu Killing, oneself will definitely be severely backlashed, even life-threatening, but it is not appropriate. This will also give other families that look at my Star-Moon Clan a chance to take advantage of it! Although Girl Mu is unwilling to return to our Star-Moon Clan, we You can befriend her and sell her a favor by taking this matter. I believe that Girl Mu is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to repay her!" Xing Zihao said very seriously.

"Heh... Master Xingzihao, do you mean that Young Master Peng died in vain? Use Young Master Peng's to sell someone a favor? Haha... When did our Xingyue clan have fallen so badly! Let people be bullied! Come on, can’t fight back yet? You still use the death of Young Master Peng to replace other people’s favor? Master Xingzihao, your head has not been kicked by the donkey!" Xing Tudao sneered, eyes full of mockery and contempt. .

"Yes! A scholar can be killed and not insulted! What's more, how can you just say a word for such a life and death? She must pay her life and pay for her frivolousness! Isn't it just a little girl, I don't believe in our Xingyue clan I can't help her!" Another elder also sneered.

Of the dozen or so elders present, twelve were all standing on the side of Xing Tudao and wanted to kill Mu Qianyue. Only a few two or three were on the side of Xingzihao and Xingtu Lin. They felt that they should be with Mu Qian. Good monthly payment.

The two sides quarreled endlessly for a while, and it was very fierce. On the other hand, Mu Qianyue felt a little bored. Are these people endless? Hit if you want!

It is impossible for her to surrender and be loyal to others!

Besides, it was not her fault!

Is it that they are only allowed to kill, and she is not allowed to fight back?

It's ridiculous!

Xing Tianxiang thought over and over, and finally nodded, raising his head to look at Mu Qianyue's gaze slowly with murderous intent, "I originally wanted to recruit you because I cherished talent, but you don't know what is good or bad! That's it, then The old man can't keep you! Even if you are severely injured, the old man will completely kill you! To avoid future troubles!"

When the words fell, Xing Tianxiang's body exuded a rolling chill and murderous aura, which was terrifying. The whole person was like the supreme who controls the world. The powerful and biting aura permeated the entire space, which made people feel suffocating.

"Grandpa..." Xing Zihao wanted to say something, but was stopped by Xing Tianxiang.

Xing Tianxiang's face was full of solemn expressions, "You don't need to say anything, the majesty of our Xingyue clan is inviolable! She must die!"

Since it can't be used by him, it can only be killed! ,

Xing Zihao knew that it would be useless to say more, so he sighed quietly and stood aside.

The faces of Xing Tudao and the others were happy, and they could finally kill Mu Qianyue! They don't want to see Mu Qianyue alive. If she is alive, with her Xingyou friendship, she will definitely stand on Xing Zihao's side in the future!

Mu Qianyue's eyes slowly narrowed, she knew that Xing Tianxiang was absolutely sure to kill herself!

If Xing Tianxiang does not have the eightfold body and does not understand the power of the stars, she does not need to be afraid, but she did not expect to meet someone who also has the power of the stars here!

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