Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1837: Finale【29】

These two **** humans are really annoying!

They are everywhere, and they are always bad at him! Previously, he wanted to occupy their bodies, but found that they actually understood a trace of the rules of heaven, so that he could not implement the original plan.

Heaven took the opportunity to exert pressure on the heart demon, but the heart demon swallowed too many warriors and too many souls, so that the current strength of the heart demon was unmatched.

He sneered at the coercion of the heavens, his red eyes were full of contempt and disdain, and the mighty and mighty coercion formed almost substantive air currents like a tide, rushing into the sky.

The two great pressures collided in mid-air, and the strong and substantive pressure directly shattered the barrier formed by Nalanjing and Mu Qianyue!


The defensive barrier turned into golden, silver-purple debris, flying all over the sky.


Mu Qianyue's face turned pale, and a **** smell came in her throat. She couldn't help but sprayed out a mouthful of blood, and Nalanjing beside her also sprayed out a big mouthful of blood.

The defensive barrier was broken, and both of them suffered very serious internal injuries. After all, this was a struggle between Heavenly Dao and Heart Demon, even if it was just coercion, it was not something they could bear.

In this round, Tiandao and the heart demon seemed to be on the same level, and the body of the heart demon swayed in mid-air, and the black energy on his body faded a lot.

But Mu Qianyue knew that Heavenly Dao must have also been seriously injured.

"Heaven, originally you agreed with how good my approach was. Actually, there is a trace of evil in your heart. You have long wanted to kill this group of greedy humans, right? It's because they are too greedy and too greedy. Insidious, even if you can kill each other for profit, this is not the people you knew at the beginning, these people have already become vain and vain in the baptism of time, as long as they are killed, we will You can recreate a world, a civilization!"

"At that time, there will be no disputes, no contradictions, no interests in that world, let alone cannibalism..."

The voice of the inner demon slowly sounded in the sky, with the evil thoughts that bewitched people's hearts with evil charm, and it resounded through the whole world.

"Absolutely impossible!" An angry and determined voice of Heavenly Dao resounded in the sky.



Mu Qianyue only felt a pain in her eardrums, and there seemed to be a voice reverberating in her mind constantly, yelling'Kill Kill Kill' in her mind.

A trace of scarlet was gradually dyed in the black pupils.

"Yue'er..." The man's clear voice rang in her ears, like a Sanskrit sound from the nine heavens, instantly eliminating the annoying and harsh noise in her mind.

"Jing, what happened to me just now?" The black pupils gradually became clearer, and Mu Qianyue asked, staring at the handsome face like a **** in front of him.

"You just hit the magic sound of the heart demon." Nalanjing's face was quite solemn, and even Yue'er was hit by the magic sound of the heart demon, let alone those people...

The thought in my heart just flashed, and I heard all kinds of fighting sounds and screams coming from around, hot blood sprayed all around, splashing and dripping in the air, just like the other shore flower in full bloom by the yellow spring.

"These people..." Mu Qianyue's face changed, and a trace of astonishment filled her eyes. So many people, hundreds of thousands of people are the magic voice of the central demon, they are already killing each other...

The scene instantly lost control.

"Heaven, have you seen it? Is this world you still going to protect? This world has been abandoned, so why don't you and I join forces to destroy it! Then we recreate a world without disputes and killings..." The voice is full of evil and wanton, bewitching people's hearts.


The excited and cruel laughter of the inner demon echoed in the sky.

Heavenly Dao was silent, as if bewitched by the voice of the heart demon, and as if silently watching the people fighting each other below...

"No! If this goes on, everyone will die! The heart demon is best at bewitching people's hearts..." Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed with fierce spirits, and her figure flashed and rushed into the crowd.

A few silver needles were sandwiched between the slender and white fingers, and they pierced the Baihui acupoint on the head of the person in front of them, and then quickly pulled it out. This action took only one second, and then it turned towards the Baihui on the head of the next person Will puncture...

The eyes of the people who had been pierced by her with the silver needle gradually became clearer, and their faces were blank and confused. What happened to them just now? It seems that the devil is stunned...

Nalanjing also joined the awakening ranks, but there are still some people killing each other...

"We will also help them." The sober man said loudly.

"Yes! We need to wake up our companions so that they will not be affected by the heart demon." Another person said in favor, and joined Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing's actions.

As more and more people woke up, more and more people joined the ranks of waking up their companions, but with the effort of a cup of tea, everyone woke up, but thousands of people died, which is the smallest. Hurt...

Had it not been for Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing to join forces to awaken everyone, I am afraid that more people would die.

"It seems that this world is not as unbearable as I thought..." Tiandao watched every move below, and saw that everyone did not fight each other again, but was united together, with a rare smile in his eyes.

"How could this happen?" Seeing the situation, the heart demon reversed instantly, his eyes filled with terrible anger again, and finally his eyes fell on Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing, which is really disgusting!

These two again!

Are they their own nemesis?

Bad his good things every time!

It's really hateful!

You must kill these two talents first! Otherwise, they will keep doing bad things about themselves!

But these two people are not easy to kill, and there is still a way of heaven on the side. The only plan for today is to continue to consume some living souls...

Mu Qianyue and Na Lanjing saw his glances, their expressions changed, and they immediately understood his mind. He wanted to swallow people again...

The defensive barrier that contains the power of the heavens is gathered again. This time everyone is united and instilled all the spiritual power on the defensive barrier. In this way, Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing felt relaxed. , The two of them only need to maintain that trace of heavenly power.

The inner demon looked angrily at these people who were united together. He could drill almost seamlessly. If it is a strong attack, there will be heaven behind...

Suddenly, his eyes flashed, and he saw a group of people in the distance rushing toward this side quickly, that line...

His blood-red eyes lit up suddenly.

Spirit of heaven and earth!

Suzaku bloodline!

Ancient white fox!

Azure Dragon Bloodline!

The descendants of the Pan clan...

The bloodlines of the three ancient witches...

hiss! !

Excited and greedy eyes surged in the inner demon's eyes. This is simply a feast! ! !

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