Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 1838: Finale【30】

As long as he swallows all these people, Heavenly Dao will not be his opponent!

Moreover, the strength of those people is only in the King Realm, and the highest is only an intermediate Dao Venerable Realm. People like these don't realize the power of the heavens, so they can swallow them all in one bite with extreme ease.

The mind demon flashed, and quickly rushed towards that side, only to see strands of strange black air in the air, as if a black belt was formed.

Mu Qianyue's gaze also looked over there, and when she saw the figures of those people flying by, her expression changed greatly. It was Xiao Ling and Huo Xi!

There was no time for other thoughts in my heart, and she moved quickly and flew over there, but it seemed that her speed was a little too late...

Of course, there is a figure faster than her.

As if a stream of light swiftly across the sky, at that moment, his speed was faster than the demons, and he instantly came to the front of the group of people. A temporary barrier containing a trace of heavenly power condensed, but because of this barrier, he was It gathered together in a hurry, so it was very weak.

Shattered by a blow from the heart demon, the strange black energy entered into Nalanjing's body. Nalanjing's beautiful face suddenly changed, and his eyes were filled with terrifying sharp light. It's amazing...


When Nalan Xueling came in a hurry, when he saw Nalan Jing, he didn't have time to be happy, and his face showed a look of horror.

"Nalan!" Huo Xi, Mu Rufeng, Mu Rutian and others who came afterwards all changed their expressions.

Pan Zhijun flashed behind Nalanjing, the majestic spiritual power in his hand surged, instilled into Nalanjing's body, her beautiful face was solemn, "What was that just now? It seems to have entered your body. in……"

"Father, how are you?" Nalan Xueling looked at Nalanjing with concern, her eyes filled with mist.

"Jing!" Mu Qianyue rushed to Nalanjing's side, holding on to his slightly swaying body, her eyes fell on him, and her eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

damn it!

The demons took the opportunity to enter Jing's body!

Nalanjing's face suddenly turned pale and green, as if he was struggling and struggling constantly.

The high-heavy ink spread out, and the bottom of his eyes was stained with cyan, as if completely demonized.

"Don't struggle! Surrender to me! Hahaha..." The evil and treacherous voice of the heart demon resounded in his mind, with a bewitching aura, like a strange ghost.

"Your struggle is useless. You see you struggle so painfully, it is better to submit to me... merge with me, we will become the strongest existence of heaven and earth! At that time, the whole heaven and earth will be the only one who respects you, listen to your orders! ?"

The inner demon's voice echoed in Nalanjing's mind one after another, causing his head to split.

Nalanjing bit his lips tightly, his face was extremely pale, he immediately sat cross-legged, sat down, his eyes closed tightly.

Mu Qianyue Qingmei’s face was full of worries. However, this kind of soul struggle, she could not help at all. If she broke into Jing's soul at this time, it would put Jing into a more dangerous situation. .

At this moment, suddenly there were thunderstorms in the sky, and silver and purple lightning struck from above the nine heavens.

This scene changed Mu Qianyue's face drastically. She hurriedly set up a star barrier containing a trace of heavenly power, blocking the silver-purple lightning from outside, and also wrapping Nalan Xueling, Huo Xi and others inside. .

Punishment this day is no joke, as long as it is slashed on them, they can be destroyed instantly.

"You take good care of the scene, and don't let the power of this barrier disappear." As long as she doesn't withdraw that trace of the power of heaven, she can resist these heavenly punishments.

As soon as the voice fell, Mu Qianyue moved straight up nine days.

The silver-purple dress danced with the wind, and the whole person was suspended in the sky, and the mighty coercion radiated from her body, and the life-killing sword in her hand flickered in the gloomy air, like a peerless **** of death!

"Heavenly Dao, what are you doing? Do you want to kill us all with the punishment?"

Qingyue's voice contained an aura of cold anger, his body was arrogant and arrogant, and he went straight into the sky.

If you dare to question God in this way, she is probably the only one in the world.

"I just want to kill the heart demon, you all get out of it." Heavenly Dao's voice slowly sounded, with a trace of weakness in his voice.

"No! The heart demon is in my husband's body now, you can't kill him!" Mu Qianyue's body surged, and her ink hair danced wildly in the air, exuding the aura of looking at the world.

"Now that the heart demon enters his body, it is the best time to kill him. If it is missed, let the heart demon control his body, no one in this world will be his opponent!" Tiandao said in his voice. With a slight sigh and helplessness, "I don't have much time left. The only plan now is to kill the inner demon, otherwise the entire world will cease to exist!"

"If only one of his deaths can be exchanged for the stability of the world, I can rest assured!"

"With me here, don't you want to hurt my husband a bit!" Mu Qianyue stood in the wind, her slender and thin figure exploded with unparalleled power at this moment, to contend with the sky.

"You get away!" Tiandao seemed to be slightly angry, his voice low, with a trace of suppressed anger.

"It's impossible!" The woman's clear and firm voice slowly sounded in the sky, "As long as I still breathe, I will never let you hurt him!"

"If you don't let go, I will only kill you with you!" There was a threat in Tiandao's voice, "Once the heart demon takes control of his body, he will completely become a killing machine of the heart demon! At that time, as long as the heart demon has a single thought, it will destroy the entire world! The people below, in addition to your husband, will also include your children, your relatives, and your friends. Do you want to watch them go together? Die?"

"The great world, how many happy families, thousands of creatures will become fly ash, do you want to watch all these people be destroyed? Those were your homes too!"

The beautiful and unparalleled face of the woman was filled with fierce domineering color, evil charm and arrogance, her red lips were lightly open, her cold voice was contemptuous.

"Obviously it is your demon, why should I sacrifice my husband in the end? If you don't have the ability to solve it, don't think everyone is like you!"

The woman's arrogant and disdainful voice resounded in the vast expanse of heaven and earth, resounding like Hong Zhong.

"Presumptuous!" Tiandao was furious, and he rebuked.

"What? Didn't I tell the truth?" The woman raised the corners of her white lips, her lips overflowing with undisguised mockery.

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