Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 841: Blue Dragon Under Fire [1]

"Really? I'm not your opponent in terms of strength, but if it's anything else, it's not necessarily!" Tong Ling is unwilling to show weakness, he is now a master at refining poison, hehehe!

"Master, you are so bad, why use me as a shield every time, hey, I was shot while lying down!" Xiao Xuan'er curled his lips depressed.

"Hey, that's because of all the pet beasts, I like you the most. Look, you are well-behaved and cute, beautiful and understanding..." Mu Qianyue stepped forward and held Xuan'er's shoulders. The face said seriously.

"Hehe, I also know that I am excellent, after all, the Lun family is so cute." Xiao Xuan'er was overjoyed when he heard that, with a brilliant and shining, narcissistic and smug smile on his face.

Qiao Zixian shook her head when she saw this. Xuan'er was so innocent. When she met Qian Yue, the cunning little fox, she was only sold.

Seeing success distracted, Mu Qianyue's mouth raised a satisfied smile.

Want to see her embarrassed, it seems that Xiao Lingzi is still a little tender, hehe.

"Huh? Qianyue, are you a Tier 2 martial artist? Your promotion is so fast! You have been upgraded in a month, is there any secret?" Qiao Zixian asked seriously.

Uh... Mu Qianyue was embarrassed when she heard that, if she wanted to tell her the secret, that was in bed...

However, it is impossible for her to talk about it, it is too shameful, too shameful!

"Ahem, the secret is those red crystal stones." After straightening her face, Mu Qianyue said pretendingly, looking up at Xiao Xuan'er, Tong Ling, Mo Yang, Bing Yan, Hao Yun and others. , "Last time because of the rush, I didn't have time to tell you that I have some energetic red crystals in my hand, which can be directly used to absorb and transform into true energy and increase strength. Now I will give you some some."

As he said, the palm of his hand flicked, and he took out a few red crystal stones from the Tongtian Tower space, and each person sent an average of 200 yuan.

Holding the crystal stone in his hand, feeling the abundant and pure energy inside, Tong Ling's face showed a deep shock, and the dazzling red light seemed to be the most magnificent color in the world.

"Master, where do you get so many red crystal stones? The energy contained in it is too large and pure!"

"Yes! Just a red spar can increase us a lot of true energy." Mo Yang's eyes were also full of excitement.

"Master, you should keep these crystal stones by yourself." Bing Yan looked at the crystal stones in his hand, the expression on his face was very tangled, and he had to say that these crystal stones were very attractive to him. Beasts are inherently fierce and cruel, and they sometimes devour the magic pills of their companions to cultivate, these crystal stones are like a big tonic pill to him.

He had been coveted when he was locked up in the Tongtian Tower, but he had not taken a crystal stone privately.

Because this is the owner's thing, he would never take it privately without the owner's order.

Besides, the master needs these more than him!

Tong Ling, Mo Yang, and Hao Yun are also in love with each other, but after thinking about it, they all think this crystal stone is too precious and should be returned to the master (master), who needs this crystal more than them. stone!

"Although this fine spar is good, it does not have much effect on me. Because the first time it is used, the effect is great, the second time the effect will be halved, the third time the effect will be worse, and there will be no effect until the end. The effect is achieved. Our body will have an immunity to this crystal stone, so it is not omnipotent, but it can temporarily help us improve our strength for a while. So it is a waste of me to stay in my hands." Mu Qianyue smiled lightly. .

"Furthermore, the improvement of your strength is also beneficial. You are my friends and my comrades in arms. Naturally, you will share blessings and share difficulties, and you will never leave!"

The woman's beautiful face raised a confident smile, cool and graceful with a heroic sass, it was amazing~ gorgeous.

"Master, I will be yours from now on!" Tong Ling's eyes reddened and he was moved to a mess.

"Fuck! What hers, I am the only one!" Na Lanjing stepped forward and embraced Mu Qianyue's scented shoulders aggressively, and her purple eyes were filled with tenderness and pampering.

"Hahaha..." Mo Yang and Hao Yun couldn't help laughing when they saw this.

"Huh! What's so great! You wife-loving demon! Abnormal!" Tong Ling muttered depressed. This old and disrespectful fellow is also a master at any rate, and he always steals master with himself.

Nalanjing curled her lips disapprovingly. There was a posture that my wife and I were proud of, which made Tong Ling very speechless.

Hao Yun's heart was filled with emotion. When he had never seen Nalanjing before, he had only heard about his fame, what kind of genius, and what kind of peerless elegance, but he never thought that Nalanjing was actually an indifferent appearance and occasionally amused. Forcing a person who is very easy to get along with, maybe all this is the reason of the master.


Inside the Tongtian Tower

Mu Qianyue's brows were tightly frowned, and the refining of the first-grade Shendan failed again!

I tried several times in a row but failed!

How could this be? Although her alchemy hasn't reached a perfect state, she's still very skilled, and there is no problem with the control of the steps and the temperature. Which link is the problem?

"Push..." The air fluctuated and burst in.

The immaculate moon white robe brushed the icy air and landed beside Mu Qianyue.

"What's the matter, lady, why do you look like a frown?" Nalanjing stepped forward and saw her staring at the Liuli Cauldron in a daze. The air was filled with the burning smell of medicinal materials, and she quickly understood, "You are Want to refine the pill?"

"Yes. Since the last time I was able to refine a sixth-grade pill, I haven't made any progress. I didn't expect that today I failed to refine the pill several times in a row, but I couldn't find any reason." Mu Qianyue looked up at him depressed. At a glance.

"The **** pill is already very difficult to refine. The entire Huanzhou Continent has not seen a **** pill. However, lady, I believe you can make a **** pill." Nalanjing's lips curled up slightly. She squatted down in front of her, stretched out her hand to hold her catkin, and smiled, "Madam, maybe the **** pill needs a stronger flame."

"Flame?" Mu Qianyue frowned when she heard the words, her dark eyes suddenly lit up with a dazzling light, "I see! Soul fire! The power of soul fire is too weak to extract the medicinal materials. More refined, it also led to the failure of the Shen Dan. No wonder I said why I can't find the reason!"

With that said, Mu Qianyue raised her head to look at Nalanjing in front of him, put her arm around his neck, took a sip on his jade-like face, and smiled: "Xiao Jingjing, you are really my lucky star. I love you so much!"

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