Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 842: Blue Dragon Under Fire [2]

"The lady is so enthusiastic, I can't stand it for her husband." Nalanjing smiled lightly, looked down at her belly, where a small tent had already been set up.

"Ah! Hooligan!" Mu Qianyue flushed when she saw this, and then she twitched the corners of her mouth speechlessly, raising her hand and rubbing his baby-like soft and smooth face and skin as she spoke. This feels really good!

"No way, I only react to you, lady, I want to be a hooligan~ The hooligan is just a hooligan to your lady and you alone~ a hooligan." Nalanjing said with a flushed face.

I have to say that although this sentence is a bit dirty, it is also a very beautiful love story!

Mu Qianyue had already blushed, and could not wait to kick him flying.

Raising his head and slamming into his affectionate and gentle purple eyes, Mu Qianyue didn't realize that his heartbeat was quickening, shouldn't he just think about that now...

Just when Mu Qianyue thought that this guy was going to commit a crime again, he just whispered in her ear, "Waiting for you to feed me at night", then got up and left the Tongtian Tower.

"Huh, fortunately this guy is a little restrained, otherwise my waist will be broken!" When I think of the days~nights and nights since this month, Mu Qianyue can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He has such a big appetite, really. It's rare.

It's like a wolf has to be fed!

Oh, so fate!

Cultivating and alchemy during the day, and feeding someone at night...

Forget it, don't want to do this, now I should think about the soul fire.

The power of the soul fire is weak, is there a way to make it stronger?

"Well... why don't you try the power of the stars?" Mu Qianyue's brain flashed, and she tried immediately when she thought of it. After summoning the soul fire, the power of the stars was injected into the soul fire, but unfortunately there was no Any changes.

I tried several times in a row, but it still didn't work.

"That's right! The power of Qinglong's bloodline! This is the bloodline of ancient times. Maybe it will be useful. Why don't you try again." Mu Qianyue continued to try with perseverance.

When she injected the power of Azure Dragon's blood into the soul fire, she found that the flame was a little more vigorous than before, and the surrounding temperature rose a little.

Even if it is a little, it is hope that Mu Qianyue's spirit is lifted, and she can't help but be overjoyed.

After Mu Qianyue continued to infuse the strength of the Azure Dragon's blood, she found that the flame and temperature of the soul fire had not changed, nor did it rise.

"En? What's going on? The power of the Azure Dragon bloodline can indeed increase the power of the soul fire, but it seems that something went wrong." Mu Qianyue sat cross-legged and began to think hard, but how could he not understand this? mysterious.

One sitting is sitting next to the Liuli Ding for three days and three nights, like a sculpture.

Suddenly Mu Qianyue's brain flashed, and the corners of her lips curled up with a smile, "I thought about it!"

Pinching the tactics with both hands, the blood of the Azure Dragon in the body gathered at the dantian, transformed into the Azure Dragon True Essence, and then flowed to the fingertips.

Seeing Qinglong Zhenyuan jumping on his fingertips, Mu Qianyue's mouth bends slightly.

A layer of light cyan light permeated the pale cyan Azure Dragon True Essence, and suddenly the temperature in the air rose a lot. Mu Qianyue summoned the Soul Fire with the other hand, holding the True Essence condensed by the blood of the Azure Dragon in one hand.

Then slowly injected the Azure Dragon True Essence into the soul fire in his hand.

"Boom..." There was a soft sound.

Suddenly, the entire Tongtian Tower suddenly turned into a furnace.

"Haha, finally succeeded!"

Seeing the new flames fused together on the fingers, Mu Qianyue smiled on her face.

A small group of blue-violet flames jumped at the fingertips, because the cyan and red merged, it turned into blue-purple, which is really amazing!

"Well, you are an upgraded version of Soul Fire, and the two are in one, just like a new life. From now on, you will be called Azure Dragon Underfire. What do you think?"

Qinglong Minghuo jumped excitedly on the tips of her fingers, as if responding to her words.

"Since you agree, it's such a happy decision. Okay, I'm going out and locked myself in the house for several days. If I don't go out again, I guess someone will be in a hurry." Mu Qianyue shook her finger. , Put the flame back, got up, dusted off the dust on his clothes, and got out of the Tongtian Pagoda.

The temperature of the Qinglong Underworld Fire was very high, which was comparable to the real fire of the Samadhi in the Alchemy Furnace of the Supreme Master. This could also be regarded as a weapon.

One month passed in the blink of an eye, and soon it was time for the seventh floor of the Wild Ancient Realm to open.

"Qianyue, although the seventh floor of the Wild Ancient Realm is guarded by my Mu family, they are another branch of the Mu family. They are not very compatible with the Patriarch's branch on weekdays. Be careful after you go. There are also people on the seventh floor of Tianyin Pavilion. You will abolish Chu Yuzhen this time, I am afraid they will trouble you." Mu Changqing said solemnly.

Another branch of the Mu family? Tianyin Pavilion?

"Okay, I get it." Mu Qianyue said lightly, and there was a calmness in her dark and secluded pupils, as if there was no wave in the ancient well, she couldn't make any waves.

Qiao Zixian on the side could not help but shook the sword in the handshake, hum, no matter who it was, if they dare to hurt Qian Yue, she would fight them!

"Master, I'll go with you, let me see who is not long-eyed who dares to hurt my Xiao Xuan'er master!" Xiao Xuan'er's beautiful eyes were filled with cold light and murderous aura.

"Xuan'er, you can stay, just have Bing Yan by my side." Mu Qianyue said.

"Master, don't you want me? You don't need me because of the ice flames? Why do you always drive me away?" Xiao Xuan'er's face paled when he heard the words, her expression was very wronged, her big beautiful eyes With tears, she looked pitiful, like an abandoned daughter-in-law.

"Master, I can stand alone now, let Xuan'er follow you. I am a man, I don't need Xuan'er protection, I have to rely on my own strength to become stronger!" Tong Ling clenched a fist with a firm face. Said.

When I was on the 4th and 5th floors of the Wild Ancient Realm, although Xuan'er was by his side, he could resolve loneliness without being so lonely, but when something happened, he solved it himself.

His goal is to hope that he can become a man who is as powerful as his master!

"Unknowingly my little apprentice has grown up." Mu Qianyue couldn't help but chuckle, "Okay, let Xuan'er follow me."

The road to the strong can only rely on yourself. Others may be able to help you, but it is impossible for you to rely on you for a lifetime.

Besides, too much protection is not love, but it hurts him.

Tong Ling is now seventeen years old, it is time to be independent!

"Master, don't always look old-fashioned. After all, you are only one year older than me. Humph!" Tong Ling raised his lips proudly with his arms around his chest.

"Well, I forgot if you didn't tell me, I thought I was in my 30s." Mu Qianyue secretly smiled.

She always habitually dresses herself up as a mature, steady, calm and composed type, so that she has forgotten her physical age now.

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