Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 843: The power of Qinglong Hellfire【1】

And Nalanjing returned to the eighth floor of the Wild Ancient World a day earlier. As for why he went there, Mu Qianyue didn’t know. What Jing did had his own reasons and goals. All she could give was understanding. and support.

This time, only Qiao Zixian went with Mu Qianyue. Originally, Chu Yuzhen was also the same, but it was a pity that her strength was destroyed. Since Yan Fengxie took her away that day, she has no trace, and it won’t be much better if she thinks about it. go with.

After the gate to the seventh floor of the wild ancient world was opened, Mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian successfully entered the seventh floor.

As soon as she arrived, Mu Qianyue saw two figures in front of her who seemed to be waiting for her and Zixian. Those two were a man and a woman. The man was about 40 years old, and the woman was about 30 years old. , Reveals the charm of a mature woman.

"Which of you are Mu Qianyue?" It was the woman who spoke. Her thin face showed a trace of cold and mean, raised chin, like an extremely proud peacock.

"Who are you? But the person in charge who is here to receive this time?" Qiao Zixian narrowed her eyes, and a vigilance flashed in her eyes, without answering questions.

Mu Qianyue's face also became solemn and cold at this moment, she felt a slightly familiar breath from the woman in front of her, that belonged to Tianyin Pavilion's practice! It was very similar to the aura on Chu Yuzhen before.

"Bold! How dare you ask us? See you are tired of living! If you don't teach you a lesson, you don't know the seven-layer rule of this wild ancient world!" The woman snorted coldly, and her figure moved. Raising her hand, she patted Qiao Zixian.

Mu Qianyue's expression became cold, and she raised her hand and slammed forward, only to hear a muffled sound of'bang', only to see the woman's figure stepping back a few steps to stabilize. Mu Qianyue stood in place, motionless like a mountain, and seemed to have no effect at all.

The woman's face turned pale and ugly. She raised her head and stared at Mu Qianyue, her eyes filled with shock and anger, "It seems that you are Mu Qianyue!"

She must have been careless just now, that's why she was shocked by her. I didn't expect that Mu Qianyue's strength was a bit stronger than the legend.

"It seems that you are from Tianyin Pavilion, right?" Mu Qianyue didn't answer the question, her expression was indifferent, as if she saw nothing.

Her indifferent, leisurely and all-encompassing expression fell in the eyes of the woman in Tianyin Pavilion, making her angry even more, "Before you hurt my Tianyin Pavilion on the sixth floor of the Wild Ancient Realm, and made her perfect. Futility, the technique is so vicious, if I, as a senior sister today, doesn't avenge her, it will not be justified."

Mu Qianyue raised her eyes, and she guessed it. Before she came, Mu Changqing had said that there were people from the Tianyin Pavilion in the seventh floor of the wild ancient, so she also kept an eye on it.

"Do you do it yourself, or am I doing it for you?" The woman's lips raised a cruel smile, her aura was very cold and arrogant.

And the middle-aged man on the side stood by and watched the show from beginning to end. He didn't mean to intervene at all, but his eyes were firmly locked on Mu Qianyue's body, and he kept looking up and down, exploring She wore her brows, sometimes contemplative, and sometimes a terrible light flashed under her eyes.

Of course, his gaze did not escape Mu Qianyue's sharp observation.

"It seems that you people in Tianyin Pavilion have always been so nonchalant, so I don't need to say anything!" Mu Qianyue's eyes were cold, and a cold bloodthirsty murderous aura exuded all over her body.

"Okay, very good! No one has dared to clamor in front of me for so many years! Today I will abolish you and avenge Yuzhen to shake my reputation as Tianyin Pavilion!" The woman sneered, her face The look is quite cold and ferocious.

Seeing her figure moved, she suddenly rushed towards Mu Qianyue, with a cold gleaming blade in her hand out of thin air, pierced fiercely, with the friction of piercing the air, which was terrifying.

He is a Tier 4 Divine Martial Artist, and it is more than enough to deal with Mu Qianyue, a Tier 1 Divine Martial Artist.

Even if this trick cannot be killed, it will definitely hurt her seriously.

It is a pity that the imagination is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Mu Qianyue not only was not injured by her sword, but instead raised the palm of her hand and beat the sword light back from her.

The woman couldn't help being shocked when she saw this. She had no time to resist in a hurry. She could only desperately want to take back the sword, but she was surprised to find that she had broken contact with the sword light she had shot!

The sharp sound of breaking through the air came in an instant, and the woman finally showed a trace of panic on her face. She dodged to the side, but her arm was still cut, instantly dripping with blood.


The woman turned pale with pain and uttered a scream. One of her weights was unstable and fell to the ground, extremely embarrassed. There was no half of the prestige before.

Her face was full of horror, and she murmured, how could this be possible? The opponent is just a first-order martial artist! How can I fail with one move? It must be that I didn't play well just now!

She only knew that Mu Qianyue's strength was a Tier 1 divine warrior, but she didn't know that Mu Qianyue's Nine Changes of Taiji reached the Great Perfection realm, the tenth level, immortality.

In the flesh, Mu Qianyue's strength can be comparable to a Tier 1 Emperor Martial Artist, so dealing with her is easy, even without much effort.

"I think you are mistaken, I am not a Tier 1 Divine Martial Artist, I am now a Tier 2 Divine Martial Artist." Mu Qianyue's expression on her face was cold and frosty, releasing the breath on her body, which was the realm of a Tier 2 Divine Martial Artist.

"Even if you are a Tier 2 Divine Martial Artist, it is impossible to be my opponent!" The woman stood up, her face was extremely unwilling and angry, she quickly took a healing pill, and took a breath. Attacked Mu Qianyue again.

The sharp and sharp sword light whizzed out.

Mu Qianyue was still standing in place. Seeing that the sword light was about to pierce her heart, she saw her bare hand lifted slightly under the lavender sleeves, revealing a slender wrist, she just grabbed it out of thin air. With a light grasp, she actually held the woman's sword light in the palm of her hand!

Slightly hard.

Hearing a crisp sound of ‘click’, that woman’s natal soldier instantly broke under Mu Qianyue’s hand!

"Puff!" The destiny soldier was destroyed, and the woman received a heavy backlash. She saw her body flew out violently and fell to the ground, raising dust in the sky.

This scene stunned Qiao Zixian and the middle-aged man.

The two of them stared in astonishment, their mouths wide open, and their eyes were full of incredible expressions.

Especially that man, the surprise in his eyes could not be described in words. As a Tier 5 Divine Martial Artist, he could not defeat the opponent so easily. Mu Qianyue defeated her with one move! He even had a feeling that Mu Qianyue hadn't done his best!

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