Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 844: The power of Qinglong Hellfire [2]

As soon as this idea came out, he immediately rejected it, no, it's impossible!

After all, Mu Qianyue is just a Tier 2 martial artist, even if she can fight across Tiers, it is impossible to have such a powerful perverted power!

It must be because she underestimated the enemy before and was injured, and then she was unable to use her strength one after another, so that Mu Qianyue had the upper hand!

After thinking about the weirdness of things, the expression on the middle-aged man's face was obviously relaxed, as if he was comforting himself.

"Mu Changnan, what are you doing in a daze? Don't forget, as you said, she is our common enemy!" She raised her pale face and shouted at the middle-aged man next to her. Seeing him still watching the play, the woman was suddenly angry.

Mu Changnan? Mu Qianyue squinted and looked up at him. It seemed that he should be of the same generation as Mu Changqing.

However, looking at this formation, it is obvious that the two of them are embarrassed, and they are both angry.

"I thought you were so good. I couldn't resist it so soon. In the end, I still need me to go to the battle." Mu Changnan clasped his hands on his chest, snorted, stepped forward and looked at Mu Qianyue, "Anyway. Anyway, your surname is Mu, and the blood of my Mu family is flowing in your body, so I won't kill you."

"Oh? You don't kill me? Then do I still want to thank you for your life-saving grace?" Mu Qianyue raised her eyebrows, a joke flashed in her eyes.

The woman in Tianyin Pavilion heard the words, but she almost didn't pass her anger. She raised her head and glared at Mu Changnan, with an angry expression, "Mu Changnan, are you trying to say nothing? Don't forget about us. The agreement between!"

Mu Changnan glanced at her lazily, and ignored her. Instead, he looked up at Mu Qianyue, "Thank you naturally. After all, you have spared your life. As a thank you, you must serve me as the Lord. From then on From now on, take orders from me and use them for me! Don’t worry, with me, on the seventh floor of this wild ancient world, no one will dare to touch you!"

Hearing that, Mu Qianyue wanted to laugh, this person is stupid~ force it! Why should he say that he spared her life? It's hilarious! Where is his self-confidence? !

Qiao Zixian couldn't help but look contemptuous. What an idiot, she wanted Qianyue to serve him as the master and obey him? Still used by him? Is he sure that his head has not been kicked by the donkey?

"Really? What if I don't want it?" Mu Qianyue sneered.

"Hmph! I don’t want to, then I’ll be ruthless! I will spare your life for the sake of being a disciple of the Mu family, but your strength will no longer exist, but will become a waste from now on. !" The man's eyes flashed with a ferocious color, extremely cold.

The woman in Tianyin Pavilion was overjoyed when she heard this, and at the same time she was secretly relieved. Just now she was very afraid that Mu Qianyue would agree to Mu Changnan's request, and it would be herself who would die by then. Unexpectedly, Mu Qianyue, a fool, turned down!

Haha, Mu Qianyue, you are too innocent! Wait for your death date!

She took a few breaths, and took a few more healing pills, which eased a lot, stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, looked at Mu Changnan next to her and said, "Her strength It’s a little weird, how about we go together?"

"Yes." Mu Changnan curled his lips, sneered, and suddenly moved towards Mu Qianyue.

The Yinge woman on the side also shot quickly, moving extremely fast.

"Huh!" The long sword clank sounded, and there was a cold light flashing in the sky. Qiao Zixian pulled out the long sword in his hand without saying a word, and was about to meet the enemy, but was blocked by Mu Qianyue.

The cold and arrogant voice of the woman resounded in this world, full of domineering and arrogant heroism.

"But two ant-like existences are enough for me. I'm just right to try my newly researched Azure Dragon Underworld Fire." Mu Qianyue's lips raised slightly. If she had been before, she would naturally not be the two of them. The opponent, but not what it used to be.

Especially after the Nine Changes of Tai Chi practiced to the tenth level, her physical strength was already comparable to the emperor martial artist, so she didn't care about the combination of these two people.

As long as you don't encounter a real powerful emperor martial artist, below this, you are almost invincible.

The phantom footwork is unfolding, weird, coming and going like wind, unsteady, and difficult to capture.

Mu Changnan and the Yinge woman that day were shocked, what kind of exercise was this? It was so fast that they couldn't catch it, and it was even more so that Mu Qianyue couldn't hurt Mu Qianyue at all!

The Phantom footwork incorporates the comprehension of the way of heaven. Naturally, it is not comprehensible by ordinary techniques. As long as the strength is not too much higher than that of Mu Qianyue, it is basically impossible to catch her.

At this moment, they suddenly discovered that Mu Qianyue was gone!

Vanished in front of my eyes out of thin air!

The two were shocked, looking at each other, seeing a solemn color in each other's eyes.

Suddenly a majestic and unparalleled breath spread from behind them, and the two turned their heads one after another. I saw Mu Qianyue appeared behind the Tianyin Pavilion woman at some unknown time, with her plain palms in her palms. A group of purple flames.

The temperature of the flame caused the temperature in this space to rise rapidly!

Extremely hot!


Qinglong Minghuo fell on the woman, and immediately burned quickly, terrifying, but in the blink of an eye, the woman was burned to ashes, and she didn't even have the ability to resist!

"Hiss!" Qiao Zixian couldn't help but breathe in air, what kind of flame is this! great! It burned a Tier 4 martial artist to ashes in an instant, what a terrible Azure Dragon!

But, when did Asakusa have such a powerful skill? No wonder she doesn't want to make a move by herself!

Even Mu Changnan couldn't help but change his face, his cold eyes finally showed a look of fear, looking at the fire on the ground, he couldn't help but swallowed with difficulty and fear. Who would have thought that Mu Qianyue was so powerful ?

One second was a living person, the next second turned into gray! this is too scary!

"You... don't kill me... I'm from the Mu family..." He looked up and saw Mu Qianyue's unexplained killing intent in his eyes. He was scared, and he even regretted the trouble with Mu Qianyue. At that time, my uncle had already issued an order not to let herself come to Mu Qianyue's troubles, saying that he could not go head-to-head, but only outsmart.

At that time, he still dismissed everything, thinking that the other party was just a little girl who hadn't dried up, and made his uncle so jealous. He once laughed privately at his uncle's timidity, fearing a little girl!

Now he understands how terrible Mu Qianyue is! Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world!

Sometimes, when you make a decision, your fate is already decided.

"Don't kill you? Then you tell me what value you have, I'll think about it." Mu Qianyue stopped, raised her head, glanced at him lightly, and then played with the Qinglong Minghuo in his hand carelessly.

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